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Use wsl terminal with Total Commander

Gore Liu edited this page Sep 18, 2017 · 8 revisions

Open wsl-terminal in Total Commander

Add this to usercmd.ini:


And bind a shortcut in wincmd.ini:

; <key> is
; a (a)
; S+s (shift + s)
; C+o (Ctrl + o)
; f2 (F2)

Open files in vim

Open Configuration dialog, Operation -> Edit/View, select vim.exe as Viewer(F3) or Editor(F4).

Run commands on selected files in wsl-terminal

Run md5sum command on selected files and show results in wsl-terminal when I press shift + s, add this to usercmd.ini:

param=-t 'md5sum %S' -e /bin/wslbridge -t bash -c 'md5sum %S; read -n1 -r'

And bind em_md5sum to S+s in wincmd.ini -> [Shortcuts].

Run commands on the current file and show results in lister

Run ffprobe on video files, and see result in lister:

Install AnyCmd plugin:

Write a in wlx/anycmd:

filename="$(echo /mnt/$@ | tr '\\' '/'|tr -d ':')"

# Use iconv in a Chinese version of windows.
ffprobe -hide_banner "$filename" 2>&1 \
    | fold -w 58 -s \
    | iconv -f utf-8 -t gbk -c

Edit anycmd.ini:

; 32 bit TC 
command=c:\windows\sysnative\bash /mnt/c/totalcmd/plugins/wlx/anycmd/ "%s"
; 64 bit TC
command=c:\windows\system32\bash /mnt/c/totalcmd/plugins/wlx/anycmd/ "%s"

; TC path need to be changed.
; Note %COMMANDER_PATH%\plugins\wlx\anycmd\ is not work.

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