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Custom XAML Analysis

The Rapid XAML Toolkit includes an extensible model for defining your own XAML analyzers. These could be for your own controls or for controls that ship with the platform or a 3rd party.

Creating your own analyzer

We've tried to make creating your own analyzer as simple as possible.
There are only a few simple steps.

  1. Create a new .NET Standard 2.0 library.
  2. Reference the RapidXaml.CustomAnalysis NuGet package.
  3. Create a class that implements ICustomAnalyzer.
  4. Specify the name of the control/element the analyzer relates to.
  5. Implement the Analyze() method with rules appropriate to your scenario.
  6. Reference the library you've created in your application.

The Toolkit includes a 'Rapid XAML Templates' extension which has Project and Item templates that make it even easier.

Step 1. Create the analyzer

From the New Project menu, select 'Custom Rapid XAML Analyzer' and name your project.

Analyzer option shown in New > Project dialog

Step 2. Specify what to analyze

In the generated analyzer you will first need to specify the name of the Control/Element that the Analyzer will analyze. If you include an XML Namespace Alias your analyzer will only be used for elements that use the exact same xmlns. If you omit the alias, your analyzer will be called regardless of the alias used in the XAML.

Example of the TargetType property in the generated code

Specifying multiple types at once

If you want your analyzer to work with multiple types you can do this by prefixing the names with ANYOF: (case-insensitive) and then specify the different element names separated with commas.

e.g.: ANYOF:MyElement1,MyElement2

Analysis not based on the element type

It's also possible to have an analyzer run on any element based on the contents of the specified XAML. You can do this by specify the TargetType as starting with ANYCONTAINING: (case-insensitive) followed by the string to search for.

For example, to analyze any element that binds a property to a DynamicResource, specify
TargetType() => "ANYCONTAINING:=\"{DynamicResource";

Analysis not based on the element type and allowing for child elements

If your analyzer needs to know about the contents of child elements, this can be done by starting the TargetType with AnyOrChildrenContaining: (case-insensitive) followed by the string to search for.

Considering the following XAML, the analyzer would be called for both the StackPanel and the TextBlock. TargetType() => "ANYORCHILDRENCONTAINING:=\"{DynamicResource";

    <Image Source="Images/PageTitleLogo.png" />
    <TextBlock Text="{DynamicResource PageTitleResource}" />

Step 3. Implement the analyzer logic

Next you must implement the logic of the analyzer. This is done in the Analyze() method.

The Analyze() method is passed an element representing the XAML object. By querying this element you can check that the XAML is as you want without having to parse the text yourself.
In addition to Attributes and Children collection properties, the element includes the following helper methods to make your life simpler.

  • ContainsAttribute(attributeName) - Check to see if the element has an attribute with the specified name.
  • ContainsChild(childName) - Check to see if the element has a child with the specified name.
  • ContainsDescendant(elementName) - Check to see if the element has a child or any descendant child with the specified name.
  • GetAttributes(attributeName) - Get all attributes of the element that have the specified name.
  • GetChildren(childName) - Get all children that have the specified name.
  • GetDescendants(elementName) - Get all children, and/or any of their descendants that have the specified name.

All the above methods are case insensitive and allow for the use of any or no xmlns values.

The response from the Analyze() method is an AnalysisActions object which includes details of what to indicate in the Visual Studio UI as well as what the toolkit should do to address the issue.

Hopefully, the most frequent response your analyzer will give will be that there is nothing to be done. You do this by returning AnalysisActions.None.

A fluent interface is provided for defining the AnalysisActions and it's flexible enough to handle a wide range of scenarios.

You can indicate a single issue with a simple fix.

return AnalysisActions.AddAttribute( ... );

A simple fix in action

You can indicate a single issue with a multi-part fix.

return AnalysisActions.RenameElement( ... )
                      .AndRemoveAttribute( ... )
                      .AndAddAttribute( ... );

Note the methods starting And... which add multiple parts to the quick action fix without adding extra error entries or suggested actions.

A multi-part fix in action

You can indicate multiple issues with simple, or multi-part fixes.

return AnalysisActions.RemoveAttribute( ... )
                      .AndAddAttribute( ... )
                      .RemoveChild( ... );

Multiple quick actions displayed in the editor

Step 4. Reference the analyzer in your project

Reference the project containing the analyzer in all projects containing XAML you wish to analyze.
You can reference the project directly, the compiled DLL, or package the library in a NuGet package and reference it that way.

The generated project also includes example tests to help you verify your analyzer is work correctly. They show how you can confirm the analyzer returns the expected response given different XAML strings as input.

Please note

While testing your newly developed custom analyzers, you may find that changes you make aren't always immediately showing up. A possible cause for this can be Visual Studio aggressively caching previously generated and loaded assemblies. To work around this, try: cleaning the whole solution; manually deleting the 'bin' and 'obj' directories; and even restarting VS. I recognize this can be frustrating but I haven't yet found a better solution. If you find one, please share it.

Share your experiences

If you encounter any problems or bugs, please raise an issue.

However, as this functionality is new, it would be great to hear your thoughts on using it. What was easy? What was hard? Was anything confusing or not as you'd expect? Want to be able to do more? Tell us

If you create an analyzer that you think could be useful to others, you can package it and distribute it as a NuGet package, or consider contributing it back to the toolkit so everyone can use it.