Small front-end projects, built without use of such frameworks or libraries, for learning purposes
➕ Feel free to add new projects in order to reach to 100!
➕ Feel free to modify the current ones!
➕ Those projects are the best first step for beginner to intermediate front-end devs
Clone the project and install live-server, then run live-server
command in the root directory to see them live.
# | Project name | Description | Demo |
1 | Animated svg | Simple svg animation with use of keyframes | live demo |
2 | Auto text writing | Text writing animation | live demo |
3 | Background Slider | Gallery of Images of nature | live demo |
4 | Blurry Loading | A Blurry animation while image loading | live demo |
5 | Button ripple effect | A Materiel design effect | live demo |
6 | Canvas Graph | Historical Graph without libraries | live demo |
7 | Carousel | Slides of Images | live demo |
8 | Dashboard Layout | Dashboard of tables & Graphs | live demo |
9 | Draggable Modal | Modal that moves | live demo |
10 | Drawing Canvas | A Canvas to draw lines | live demo |
11 | Flip Loader | A rectangle that flips | live demo |
12 | Github Profiles | Realtime search of github profiles | live demo |
13 | Hidden Search Component | It shows when hove over search section | live demo |
14 | Incrementing Counter | Number Incrementing effect | live demo |
15 | Input Items | Input Items component | live demo |
16 | Layers Effect Sidebar | Colored Layes animation when toggle sidebar | live demo |
17 | MacOS Desktop | Mac OS Desktop clone | live demo |
18 | Mobile Tab Navigation | Mobile version of navigation | live demo |
19 | Modal Component | Modal well animated | live demo |
20 | Movie List Search | Movie search app | live demo |
21 | Notification Component | Notification with timeout progress bar | live demo |
22 | Parallax Scroll | Parallax scroll effect of images | live demo |
23 | Password Typing Animation | Animation that reacts to password typing cas | live demo |
24 | Password Validation Background | Background no longer appear as long as the password is weak | live demo |
25 | Payment Checkout | Payment Checkout with validation | live demo |
26 | Pricing Page Toggle | Toggle between yearly and monthly prices | live demo |
27 | Quiz App | Test your programatical skills now | live demo |
28 | Random Image Feed | See some Images from pexels | live demo |
29 | Realtime Search | A Realtime search for users | live demo |
30 | Resizable Element | Resize an element | live demo |
31 | Resizable Modal | Resize a Modal | live demo |
32 | Scroll Animation | Animation while scrolling | live demo |
33 | Skeleton | Blocks of animated elements to fill data when loading | live demo |
34 | Spinner Loader | Spinner loader | live demo |
35 | Split Landing Page | A Realtime search for users | live demo |
36 | Steps Component | Steps component to devide the process of entering data | live demo |
37 | Sticky Element | Element stick to top when scroll | live demo |
38 | Task Board | The next Trello | live demo |
39 | Temperature Converter | 4 Temperature units converter | live demo |
40 | Tennis Loader | A ball bouncing loader | live demo |
41 | Testimonials Slider | Slides of testimonials | live demo |
42 | Theme Clock | A clock with light and dark mode | live demo |
43 | Toast Component | A component for messaging notifications | live demo |
44 | Todo List | Modern Todo List in terms of UI | live demo |
45 | Upload Component | Modern Upload component | live demo |
46 | Vertical Slider | To see nature | live demo |
47 | Video Landing Page | Footages of videos as background of the showcase | live demo |
48 | Weather App | a beautifull weather app | live demo |
49 | Win Desktop | Windows 11 Desktop clone | live demo |
50 | Windows Loader | Windows 10 offical loader cloned | live demo |