This is the code we used for the experiments in the paper "Generalized Adaptive Refinement for Grid-based Hexahedral Meshing" by L. Pitzali, M. Livesu, G. Cherchi, R. Scateni and E. Gobbetti (ACM TOG, SIGGRAPH Asia 2021).
Work in progress...
If you use our code in your academic projects, please cite our paper using the following BibTeX entry:
title = {Generalized Adaptive Refinement for Grid-based Hexahedral Meshing},
author = {Pitzalis, Luca and Livesu, Marco and Cherchi, Gianmarco and Scateni, Riccardo and Gobbetti, Enrico},
journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2021)},
year = {2021},
volume = {40},
number = {6},
doi = {}