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Blocking issue. Loss of critical functions eg security/privacy violation. Bug SLA<=48hrs
High priority/Major issue but not blocking or Big percentage of customers affected.Bug SLA <=7days
Medium. For a p2 bug, generally have a work-around. Bug SLA <=30 days
Nice to have. Customer impact is very minimal
ADO to GitHub automation label
Issue caused by core project dependency modules or library
An issue/suggestion that we feel we will not resolve or it's invalid
An issue that requires more discussion internally before resolving
An issue that requires additional information from issue author
An issue that can be called out in a blog post, youtube video, internal demos/communication etc
An issue/PR that we are yet to work on and can't make a decision on when to move forward
Issue that we've responded but needs author feedback to close
An issue that has core project dependency that's currently blocking it
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