All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
3.6.0 (2025-02-18)
- adds ChangeNotification interfaces and static methods (aa23bd7)
3.5.0 (2025-01-02)
- adds a parameter for isCAE enabled in authentication provider (a202619)
- replaces invalid inherited doc comments for access token provider (a202619)
3.4.0 (2024-11-19)
- add GraphClientFactory method using TokenCredential (b75c471)
- Support overriding default interceptors via request options (667cae6)
- issue where custom interceptors would fail to override default interceptors (adf470a)
3.3.1 (2024-10-23)
- release new version with updated kiota dependencies (6e70a6e)
- release new version with updated kiota dependencies (1cfa35a)
3.3.0 (2024-09-30)
- support authorization handler in middleware pipeline (e0b5675)
3.2.1 (2024-09-09)
3.2.0 (2024-09-03)
- Adds kiota authentication dependency into compilation classpath (4c80395)
3.1.17 (2024-08-23)
- release please bootstrap configuration (67a19d3)
3.1.16 (2024-08-20)
- Retain insertion order of batch request steps (68c43c1)
3.1.15 (2024-07-31)
- deadlock for batch request content once it passes a certain size (3c70728)
3.1.14 (2024-06-13)
- dependencies: Bump Kiota dependencies (708513c)
3.1.13 (2024-06-04)
- dependencies: Bump Kiota dependencies (fe900b4)
3.1.12 (2024-05-22)
3.1.11 (2024-05-22)
- Bump Kiota dependencies (e1f2d5e)
- Downgraded
dependency to2.1.1
for java 8 compatibility
- Updated kiota dependencies
- Changed chunkInputStream method in LargeFileUploadTask to resolve IndexOutOfBoundsException when uploading large files
- Fix Large File Upload bug where exception was thrown for completed successful uploads
- Updates kiota dependencies to solve for misalignments.
- Bumps Kiota-Java abstractions, authentication, http, and serialization components
- Kiota-Java version bumps address a bug where file upload would fail due to unknown contentLength value. Kiota-Java #1088
- Bumps Kiota-Java abstractions, authentication, http, and serialization components
- Bumps Kiota-Java abstractions, authentication, http, and serialization components
- Fixes a test in the test suite which did not respect the REST reference #1517
- Fixes a bug with LargeFileUploadTask #1517
- Bumps Kiota-Java abstractions, authentication, http, and serialization components
- Fixes bug where 'Authorization' header was being added leading to long delays in writing BatchRequests. #1483
- Fixes a bug to allow the PageIterator to iterate across all pages.
- Version bump for Java SDK GA release.
- Bumps Kiota-Java abstractions, authentication, http, and serialization components for Java SDK 6.1.0 release.
- Fixes a bug where a null collection for allowedHosts would result in failure to initialize client. #1411
- Parent namespace for all classes has been changed from* to* in order to avoid conflicts with the generated service libraries.
- This change is not backwards compatible and will require changes to your code.
- Removed the usage of reflection for enum deserialization and reordered RequestAdapter method arguments. Kiota-Java #840
- Kiota-Java has moved away from Async/Completable futures, thus Async components are no longer utilized and have been removed. Furthermore, requestAdapter methods no longer use the async suffix. Kiota-Java #175
- ApiException class now extends RuntimeException instead of Exception.
- ServiceException class has been removed.
- Replaces Javax annotations in favor of Jakarta annotations.
- Removes 'SuppressFBWarnings' annotations and dependency.
- Adds graph-java-sdk implementation of the
middleware including default replacement pairs. - Default replacement pair: '/users/TokenToReplace' -> '/me'
- Added the PageIterator functionality for Kiota generated service libraries.
- Added Batch Request and Batch Request Collection functionality for Kiota generated service libraries.
- Added LargeFileUploadTask functionality for kiota generated service libraries.
- Fixes formatting used in the headers added by the telemetry handler to align with the msGraph sdk spec.
- Bumps Kiota-Java abstractions, authentication, http, and serialization components.
- Bumps Kiota-Java abstractions, authentication, http, and serialization components.
- Uses Kiota-Java libraries as underlying framework.
- BaseGraphRequestAdapter for use with v1 and beta service libraries.
- Removes Request Builders.
- GraphClientFactory to handle OkHttp client creation.
- BaseClient refactored to use Kiota framework.
- Changed CoreHttpProvider dependency from OkHttpClient to Call.Factory (parent interface implemented by OkHttpClient). This make usage of OpenTelemetry tracing possible.
private Call.Factory createTracedClient(OpenTelemetry openTelemetry, @Nonnull final IAuthenticationProvider auth) {
return OkHttpTelemetry.builder(openTelemetry).build().newCallFactory(createClient(auth));
private OkHttpClient createClient(@Nonnull final IAuthenticationProvider auth) {
return HttpClients.createDefault(auth);
// then create the GraphServiceClient
IAuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider = ...;
.builder(Call.Factory.class, Request.class)
.httpClient(createTracedClient(openTelemetry, authenticationProvider))
- Updates Okhttp3 to avoid transient vulnerabilty. #1038
- Remove explicit logging of GraphServiceException in the CoreHttpProvider class. #885
- Thank you to @MaHa6543 for the contribution.
- Fix
wrongfully being declared@Nullable
- Aligns default http client timeout to be 100 seconds
- Fixes NullPointerException in GraphErrorResponse#copy
- Removed unnecessary
dependency causing conflicts with Azure Identity.
- Switched required dependencies from implementation to api to avoid missing dependencies in some scenarios.
- Fixes an issue where the error code 'ErrorItemNotFound' is not accounted for. #606
- Bumps azure-core to 1.32.0 #603, #604, #605
- Bumps azure-identity to 1.6.0 #633, #635
- Fixed an issue where the error message would be logged twice. #514
- Bumps azure-core to 1.28.0 #503, #504, #506
- Bumps azure-identity to 1.5.1 #505, #507
- Add ability to add custom hosts to BaseAuthenticationProvider #484
- Bumps Azure Core to 1.27.0 #474, #473, #472
- Bumps mockito-inline to 4.5.1 #494, #493, #491
- Bumps gradle wrappers to 7.4.0 #454
- Bumps gradle to 7.1.3 in /android #477
- Bumps gradle-enterprise-gradle-plugin 3.10.0 in /android #488
- Bumps dawidd6/action-download-artifact to 2.19.0 #482
- Bumps com.github.spotbugs to 5.0.6 #442, #443, #444
- Bumps spotbugs-annotations to 4.6.0 #460, #461
- Bumps azure-identity to 1.5.0 #475, #476
- Bumps actions/cache to 3.0.0 #469
- Bumps actions/upload-artifact to 3.0.0 #479
- Bumps actions/setup-java to 3.0.0 #478
- Bumps rickstaa/action-create-tag to 1.2.2 #453
- Bumps guava to 31.1-jre #451, #450, #449
- Bumps gson to 2.9.0 #438, #439, #440
- Removing lock on Http protocol 1.1 in preparation for Graph service support of Http2 #429
- Bumps Azure Core to 1.24.1 #408, #409, #410
- Bumps mockito-inline to 4.3.1 #422, #423, #424
- Bumps okhttp to 4.9.3 #371, #372
- Bumps junit to 4.13.2 #391, #394
- Bumps junit-jupiter-api to 5.8.2 #379, #382
- Bumps junit-jupiter-egine to 5.8.2 #380
- Bumps junit-jupiter-params to 5.8.2 #381, #383
- Bumps gradle wrappers to 7.3.3 #426
- Bumps gradle-versions-plugin to 0.42.0 in /android #428
- Bumps gradle from 7.1.0 in /android #425
- Bumps gradle-enterprise-gradle-plugin 3.8.1 in /android #413
- Bumps dawidd6/action-download-artifact to 2.17.0 #427
- Bumps com.github.spotbugs to 5.0.5 #416
- Bumps spotbugs-annotations to 4.5.3 #407
- Bumps azure-identity to 1.4.3 #411, #412
- Bumps anton-yurchenko/git-release to 4.2 #378
- Bumps actions/cache from to 2.1.7 #375
- Added support for cancelling requests #361
- Fixed a bug where batching would fail for national clouds
- Bumps Azure Core from 1.20.0 to 1.22.0 #359, #360, #341, #342
- Bumps gson from 2.8.8 to 2.8.9 #356, #355
- Bumps actions/checkout from 2.3.5 to 2.4.0 #358, #349
- Upgrades CI pipeline to Java 17 #348, #330
- Bumps mockito-inline from 3.12.4 to 4.0.0 #346, #345
- Bumps action-download-artifact from 2.14.1 to 2.15.0 #344
- Bumps okhttp from 4.9.1 to 4.9.2 #339, #340
- Bumps guava from 30.1.1 to 31.0.1 #338, #337, #335, #336
- Bumps junit-jupiter-api from 5.8.0 to 5.8.1 #332, #334
- Bumps junit-jupiter-egine from 5.8.0 to 5.8.1 #333
- Workflow for Maven preview and GitHub Release
- Workflow for build validation
- Proper handling for InterruptedException
- Casing fixed for Odata type parsing
- Removed .azure-pipelines/**