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Invoking Q# callables from Python

Stefan J. Wernli edited this page Dec 13, 2024 · 4 revisions

The qsharp Python package makes it easy to call Q# operations and functions from within Python. Each Q# callable defined in %%qsharp magic cells, through calls to qsharp.eval(), or defined in a Q# project loaded via qsharp.init() is automatically added to the qsharp.code module in Python:


These callables can then be invoked as normal Python functions, which will run them in the Q# simulator just as if they were invoked from within a normal Q# context. Any output produced from calls to Message or diagnostics like DumpMachine will appear as normal and the return from the function marshalled into Python:


These callables can also be imported within the Python environment:


Python literals and variables can be passed directly to Q# callables like any other Python function, and types that support conversion into the equivalent Q# types will work as expected:


If a Python value cannot be converted into the correct Q# type or the wrong number of arguments are provided, an exception is raised:


Not all Q# types support conversion from/to Python; if a callable has arguments or return values of these types, invoking the function will trigger a runtime exception:


Unsupported interop types include Qubits, structs/user-defined-types, and callables.

When using projects, Q# callables will be with a module hierarchy matching the namespace hierarchy of the project:


When qsharp.init() is called the current compilation and simulator state is reset, so all callables are removed from the qsharp.code module:


Any functions previously imported from qsharp.code are also invalidated:
