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v-nisidh edited this page Jan 9, 2017 · 5 revisions

The Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server supports "FIPS 140 Compliant Mode". For Oracle / Sun JVM, please refer to the FIPS 140 Compliant Mode for SunJSSE section provided by Oracle to configure FIPS enabled JVM.


  • FIPS configured JVM
  • Appropriate SSL Certificate.
  • Appropriate policy files.
  • Appropriate Configuration Parameters.

FIPS Configured JVM:

To see the approved modules for FIPS Configuration, please refer to the Validated FIPS 140-1 and FIPS 140-2 Cryptographic Modules.

Vendors may have some additional steps to configure JVM with FIPS.

Ensure your JVM is in FIPS Mode:

In order to ensure your JVM is FIPS enabled, execute the following:

public boolean isFIPS() throws Exception {
    Provider jsse = Security.getProvider("SunJSSE");
    return jsse != null && jsse.getInfo().contains("FIPS");

Appropriate SSL Certificate:

In order to connect SQL Server in FIPS mode, a valid SSL Certificate is required. Install or import it in the Java Key Store on the client machine (JVM) where FIPS is enabled. If you did not import / install the appropriate certificate, you will not be able to connect to SQL Server as a secure connection can not be made.

Importing SSL Certificate in Java KeyStore:

For FIPS, you will most likely need to import the certificate (.cert) to either PKCS or in a provider specific format. Use the below to import the SSL certificate and store it in a working directory with the appropriate KeyStore format. TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD is your password for Java KeyStore.

	public void saveGenericKeyStore(String provider, String trustStoreType, String certName, String certPath) throws KeyStoreException, CertificateException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchProviderException, IOException {
		KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance(trustStoreType, provider);
		FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream("./MyTrustStore_" + trustStoreType);
		ks.load(null, null);
		ks.setCertificateEntry(certName, getCertificate(certPath));, TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD.toCharArray());

	private Certificate getCertificate(String pathName) throws FileNotFoundException, CertificateException {
		FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(pathName);
		CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
		return cf.generateCertificate(fis);

In the following example, we will import an Azure SSL Certificate in PKCS12 format with BouncyCastle Provider. The certificate will be imported in the working directory named MyTrustStore_PKCS12 by using the following:

saveGenericKeyStore(BCFIPS, PKCS12, "SQLAzure SSL Certificate Name", "SQLAzure.cer");

Appropriate policy files:

For some FIPS Providers, unrestricted Policy jars are needed. In such cases, for Sun / Oracle, download the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files for JRE 8 or JRE 7.

Appropriate Configuration Parameters:

In order to run the JDBC Driver in FIPS compliant mode, configure connection properties as shown in following table.


Property Type Default Description Notes
encrypt boolean ["true'/"false"] "false" For FIPS enabled JVM encrypt property should be true
TrustServerCertificate boolean ["true'/"false"] "false" For FIPS we need to validate certificate chain, so we should use "false" value for this property.
trustStore String null Your Java Keystore file path where you imported your certificate. If you install certificate on your system then no need to pass anything. It will pickup from your cacerts or jssecacerts files.
trustStorePassword String null The password used to check the integrity of the trustStore data.
fipsProvider String null FIPS provider configured in JVM. eg. BCFIPS or SunPKCS11-NSS Added in 6.1.2
trustStoreType String JKS For FIPS mode set trust store type either PKCS12 or type defined by FIPS provider Added in 6.1.2
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