Removed old Chrome refs and added latest
Removed old Chrome refs and added latest
Verified login works and close teaching bubbles in Sales Hub launch
Verified login works and close teaching bubbles in Sales Hub launch
Added RichTextEditor. Modifications to Save on Entity to click button…
Added RichTextEditor. Modifications to Save on Entity to click button…
Fixed multivalueoptionset setvalue on quick create. added new test Te…
Fixed multivalueoptionset setvalue on quick create. added new test Te…
Updated QuickCreate to remove teaching bubbles and click back on acti…
Updated QuickCreate to remove teaching bubbles and click back on acti…
Updated MultiValueSelect to set values
Updated MultiValueSelect to set values
Added Customer Service Copilot Ask a question and write an email
Added Customer Service Copilot Ask a question and write an email
Updated ClickWhenAvailable to IWebBrowser
Updated ClickWhenAvailable to IWebBrowser
Added ToElement extensions
Added ToElement extensions
Merged SeleniumBrowser and PlaywrightBrowser
Merged SeleniumBrowser and PlaywrightBrowser
Added CS Copilot
Added CS Copilot
Updated the Selenium and Playwright Browser classes to restructure th…
Updated the Selenium and Playwright Browser classes to restructure th…
Updates to Get Header Value
Updates to Get Header Value
Updated to include IElement interface removing base class.
Updated to include IElement interface removing base class.
Playwright error on InitializeModes
Playwright error on InitializeModes
Added MfaSecretKey to runsettings
Added MfaSecretKey to runsettings
Successful Selenium Open Case test. Playwright OpenApp error.
Successful Selenium Open Case test. Playwright OpenApp error.
Updated IWebBrowser to return bool for ClickWhenAvailable removing st…
Updated IWebBrowser to return bool for ClickWhenAvailable removing st…
All references to UCI removed.
All references to UCI removed.
Removed UCI from API project and Sample tests
Removed UCI from API project and Sample tests
Updated to include nullable Element ref and locator
Updated to include nullable Element ref and locator
Removed all Selenium references from UCI project
Removed all Selenium references from UCI project
Removed Selenium from SubGrid
Removed Selenium from SubGrid
Removed Selenium from RelatedGrid
Removed Selenium from RelatedGrid
Removed Selenium from PowerApp
Removed Selenium from PowerApp