New Media Dramaturgy (Blog)
Digital Theatre by Nadja Masura (Book)
The Drama Review: Performing with and by Robots (Webinar on YouTube)
The Drama Review: Dances with Robots: Choreographing, Correcting, and Performing with Moving Machines (Journal Articles)
Uncanny Valley - Rimini Protokoll (Performance Review)
[The Drama Review: Robotics as New Media Dramaturgy: The Case of the Sleepy Robot (Journal article)
Time to compile: A performance installation as human-robot interaction study examining self-evaluation and perceived control (Journal article)
New Media Dramaturgy: Performance, Media and New-Materialism Chapter 5: Robots: Asleep, Awake, Alone, and in Love
Ullanta Performance Robotics is a theater troupe in which the actors are autonomous robots.
Robots and Human Actors Take Bows Together (NYTimes)
Oriza Hirata's Robot Theatre: Oriza Hirata is a playwright and director who produced some important and moving plays employing both human and robotic actors. In addition to plays he has written, Hirata has also created android versions of Kenji Miyazawa’s Night on the Galactic Railroad (2013),Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis (2014), the Hamburg State Opera’s Stilles Meer (Silent Sea, 2016), and Chekhov’s Three Sisters (2012).
- Article about Hirata's Robot Theatre in Theatre Times
- Video Article about The Metamorphosis
- Article about I, Worker and Sayonara
- Publicity video for a showing of I, Worker and Sayonara
- Two of Hirata's plays (I, Worker and Sayonara) can be found in this Google Drive folder
- Play List of Hirata's theater company Seinendan, which includes the robot plays
- One example of Three Sisters (Android version)
- Seinendan Theater Company + Osaka University Robot Theater Project
Uncanny Valley. A robot actor in a one-person play. Collaboration between Rimini Protokoll and Thomas Melle.
Karel Čapek. R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots)
Asimov's Runaround
On Stage: Robots as Performers
Shannon, C. E. (1948). A mathematical theory of communication. The Bell Labs
Art and Technology: The Panacea That Failed Jack Burnham, from The Myths of Information edited by Kathleen Woodward, Coda Press, 1980
System Technical Journal, Vol. 27 -
The Machine as Artist: An Introduction Glenn W. Smith 1 and Frederic Fol Leymarie
Survey chapter from "Art and Electronic Media" by Edward A. Shanken
Cybernetics and Serendipity catalog
Analysis of an interactive autonomous robot.
Jean Tinguely
Japanese robot culture : performance, imagination, and modernity Yuji. Sone New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan 2017
Geminoid Studies Science and Technologies for Humanlike Teleoperated Androids Ishiguro, Hiroshi • 2018 Publisher: Springer Singapore ISBN: 9789811087028
Essays like Heinrich von Kleist’s “On the Marionette Theater” and Edward Gordon Craig’s “The Actor and the Über-marionette” have suggested that [End Page 400] skillful automata might productively replace and surpass the human actor.
Post-human: thinking humanness through robotics Julie-Michelle Morin
** Jennifer Rhee book "amigdala"
The Glass Bees by Ernst Juenger
The Invention of Morel by Adolfo Bioy Casares
"Art and Electronic Media" Edward A. Shanken (Phaidon)
"Book for the Electronic Arts" Arjen Mulder and Maaike Post (de Baile V2)
"A Theatre of Machines" A. G. Keller (Macmillan)
Escape Velocity Mark Dery
"Beyond Modern Sculpture" Jack Burnham (George Braziller)
"Edison's Eve" Gaby Wood (Knopf)
"High Techne" R. L. Rutsky (University of Minnesota Press)
Excellent book to help explain why making is a critical part of learning Invent To Learn: Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in the Classroom
Excellent readings in the humanities regarding machine-inclined thinking: CLAIR, Jean and Harald Szeemann. eds. Le Macchine Celibi / The Bachelor Machines. Amsterdam: Stedelijk Museum, 1977.9.
Making Things Move: DIY Mechanisms for Inventors, Hobbyists, and Artists
Practical Electronics for Inventors
Vehicles; Valentino Braitenberg, 1986 A set of mostly thought experiments starting with what you described as the coffee can robots and working into a real discussion of neural behavior.
Systems; Edward A. Shanken (ed), 2015 A large collection of excerpts from articles about Systems and Art. I can heartily recommend anything Ed has written as I think he is one of the few people who 'get' media art. This also holds for articles by Simon Penny (there are a couple in this book), whom I think he is still at UC Irvine but seems to have dropped off the Art Map.
Industrial Culture Handbook www.researchpubs.com
Pranks www.researchpubs.com
Cybernetics Or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine
Physical Computing: Sensing and Controlling the Physical World with Computers by Igoe/O'Sullivan
Cabaret Mechanical Movement by Gary Alexander and Aidan Lawrence-Onn ISBN-13: 978-0952872931
Making Simple Automata by Robert Race ISBN-13: 978-1847977441
"How to Build Simple Automata" book (PDF)
"Robots and Art: Exploring an Unlikely Symbiosis" Editors: Herath, Damith, Kroos, Christian, Stelarc (Eds.) ISBN 978-981-10-0319-6
"The Future of the Internet and How to Stop it" by Jonathan Zittrain
"Robotics: A Very Short Introduction" by Alan Winfield ISBN-13: 978-0199695980 especially pg. 39 and 79
"Robo Sapiens: Evolution of a New Species" by Peter Menzel ISBN-13: 978-0262632454
"The Robot in the Garden: Telerobotics and Telepistemology in the Age of the Internet" by Ken Goldberg ISBN-13: 978-0262571548
A robotic performance differs from a robotic installation in that a performance has a beginning and end, and a script
A performance is a series of events created to be witnessed
When interact with a robot, we have a model of the robot, but the robot has no model of us https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theory_of_mind
"Robots don't need to feel, they just need to give the impression they do" - Louise Lepage
What is "Automata" vs. "Autonomous beings"?
What is interactive?
What is a robot? Can a robot be remote controlled or must it be autonomous?
What is performance?
Will we arrive at a place where the fridge worries when the toaster goes missing?
What is it that gives personality? Does a robot need to be anthropomorphic? Consider this
Kris Verdonck A Two Dog Company
Peter Eckersall CUNY
Noh Theatre Samuel Becket Brecht
"Hey Joe" actor waits for voiceover to define him Normally, objects represent themselves. With high tech, objects have 2nd agenda
** Marco Donnarumma and Kristina Anderson Can theatre be a site for practice at the future? Kristina (Technical University Eindhoven) This work is situated in a grey zone: academia, art, theatre, music, design Intelligence is a human word and might be inapplicable to machines "Human" and "Machine" are neither defined nor static
** Karen Barad: analyze humanness through robotics (get book) theatre space is perfect for deconstructing Mori's idealized humanness design driven by normative vision of humanness, or can challenge this
The staging of techo-vulnerability Ruowen Xu Utrecht University [email protected] entanglement of critique and technophilia
Chico's broken robots: threatening and strong vs. weak and pathetic Mirja: agent solitude "Human Being at Risk" Mark Coelkelbergh
morse cups
schipp's robot
[email protected] (or is it rav) viewpoints as a vocabulary for robots mary overlie viewpoints viewpoints ai (git) luminos ai (revised)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2t4BALBmxg robotic theatre robot theatre https://www.sau.edu/news_and_events/n170404_robot-theatre.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uo-4RQPEHIk https://robohub.org/robots-robotics-in-theatre-film-and-television/ https://theatre.uta.edu/emotional-robotics-living-lab/ https://www.robottheatre.co.uk/publications https://www.robottheatre.co.uk/ http://techandlaw.net/robots-become-art-interview-mr-yi-wei-keng/ robots.ieee.org/robots
Thomas Riccio University of Texas, Dallas thomasriccio.com Hanson robotics, creators of Sophia robot personalities viseme frubber in-character responses to failure modes
Louise LePage university of york
Helen Root
Irene Echeverria - Altuna
Gobsquat Collective
Petra Goyeinboeck Rob Saunders Creative Robotics Lab University of New South Wales University of Sydney
Machine Movement Lab Louise Phillippe Deters
Tiller Girls "The Performance of Creative Machines" "Accomplice" (knocking robot)
"Robots As Media" syllabus from The New School's Peter Asaro
Mark Dery - documentary and books
ROS, the robot operating system. The ros runs on arduinos and pis. It takes care of all the painful details. The ROS site has a lot of robot platforms that might be good for starter projects.
Directions in Kinetic Sculpture; Peter Selz, 1966 The catalog of a show at the UC Berkeley art museum from that year. "I found some copies on sale at the museum a couple years ago. It is fascinating, both for what was being done and shown here -- dating from the early 20th century to the 60's -- and for wondering why it was not being done and shown in the late 20th century..."
Working Conditions; Hans Haake (Alexander Alberro, ed), 2016 Collected writings of Mr. Haacke. Not so much an art/tech guy but wider in scope with much interesting social commentary. He did kinetic-ish stuff in the 60s and then switched to social systems in 1970. His piece Blue Sail
Gil Weinberg's work on robot musicianship at Georgia Tech.
Heather Knight who is studying with Wendy Ju and is working on robots and theater.
Leonardo magazine
Guy Debord
Jean Baudrillard