- Run project
- understand how it process event
- Find and understand hard definition
- fix controller don't run
- migrate to OjbectionJS
- init domain model
- gen 2 module
- seed need write at classical when insert relation, expect nothing more than it work (consider snonik)
- why author stupidly put the catalogue I don't need the stupid catalog!
- Init book, book db migrate, model, usecase CRUD
- Init event modelling
Setup infastructure runable:
- setup objection for crud model
The example of author is complex and it event don't work
- add objectionJS make it success
- restructure same as old module
- reinit ideal, research objectionjs, tinytype
- create apis book, patron by swagger editor
- insert 10 books and 4 patrons
- change a small rule to see result
- connect with fronted to do something
- provide simple login mechanism