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File metadata and controls

71 lines (63 loc) · 3.73 KB


This is a high level overview of the folder structure of the project.

├── Cargo.toml
├── config/ (config contains .yaml files that provides configs and various numeric values required to run the project.)
├── docker/ (contains Dockerfiles and docker compose configs)
├── grafana ( contains dashboard configs and prometheus datasources config)
│   ├── dashboards/
│   └── datasources/
├── prometheus.yaml (define prometheus metric collection related configs here)
├── scripts/ (various scripts that helps in populating tables, schema and test data)
│   └── sql/
├── src
│   ├── app/ (main application where we start poller and archival tasks) 
│   ├── archival/  (deals with network requests to archive URLs, check status of archival, and cleanup of completed values) 
│   │   └── tests/ (contains unit tests for archival service)
│   ├── cli/ (cli options are set here, along with the utils)
│   ├── configuration/ (parsing logic for .yaml configs belongs here)
│   ├── (treats the app as a library)
│   ├── (entry point to the app)
│   ├── metrics/ (module contains metrics, and metrics collection methods for the app)
│   ├── poller/ (polling logic resides here)
│   │   └── tests/ (unit tests for poller module)
│   └── structs/
└── tests (contains Integration tests)
    ├── archival/
    ├── fixtures/
    └── poller/

Current Implementation

We want to get URLs from edit_data and edit_note tables, and archive them in Internet Archive history. The app provides multiple command line functionalities to archive URLs from edit_data and edit_note tables: CLI functionality We create a external_url_archiver schema, under which we create the required table, functions, trigger to make the service work.

Following are the long-running tasks:

  1. poller task
    • Create a Poller implementation which:
      • Gets the latest edit_note id edit_data edit from internet_archive_urls table. We start polling the edit_note and edit_data from these ids.
    • Poll edit_note and edit_data table for URLs
    • Transformations to required format
    • Save output to internet_archive_urls table
  2. archival task
    • Has 2 parts:
      1. notifer
        • Creates a Notifier implementation which:
          • Fetches the last unarchived URL row from internet_archive_urls table, and start notifying from this row id.
          • Initialises a postgres function notify_archive_urls, which takes the url_id integer value, and sends the corresponding internet_archive_urls row through the channel called archive_urls.
        • This periodically run in order to archive URLs from internet_archive_urls.
      2. listener
        • Listens to the archive_urls channel, and makes the necessary Wayback Machine API request (The API calls are still to be made).
        • The listener task is delayed for currently 5 seconds, so that no matter how many URLs are passed to the channel, it only receives 1 URL per 5 seconds, in order to work under IA rate limits.
  3. retry/cleanup task
    • Runs every 24 hours, and does the following:
      1. If the status of the URL archival is success and the URL is present in the table for more than 24 hours, or if it is failed, the task will clean it.
      2. In case the URL's status is error, it resends the URL to archive_urls channel from notify_archive_urls function, so that it can be re-archived.
  • The status of each row in internet_archive_urls can have 5 values:
    1. NotStarted
    2. Processing
    3. Success
    4. StatusError
    5. Failed