Thanks for your interest in the project!
Requirements to install and run:
- LTS version of NodeJS
Install the dependencies:
npm install
Then run the program:
node static-dodo [options]
To make a change, please use the following GitHub workflow:
- Fork this repo on GitHub.
- Clone your forked repo to your local machine:
git clone{your username}/static-dodo
- Create a new branch off of the
branch:git checkout -b {new branch name} main
- Make your changes and save.
- Check to see which files have changed:
git status
- Stage these changed files in git:
git add file1 file2 ...
- Commit your changes:
git commit -m "Made the following changes..."
- Push your commits and branch to your GitHub fork:
git push origin {new branch name}
- create a Pull Request on GitHub.
- Add a description about what you changed and submit.
The project uses prettier to have a common format for all source code. If you use VS Code prettier will be run every time you save a file.
You can run the following to run prettier from the terminal:
npm run prettier
or to avoid overwriting files you can check if the files are already formatted:
npm run prettier-check
The project uses ESLint to find mistakes in the code.
You can run the following to run ESLint from the terminal and show the errors:
npm run eslint
or to fix the errors that ESLint knows how to fix:
npm run eslint-fix
This project uses Vitest for testing. You can run all the tests with the command:
npm test
To run a specific test (for example for file name foo.js
npm test foo
Tests are found in files that end in .test.js
. You can follow the Vitest docs for the basics on how to to get started writing tests.