File tree
1,364 files changed
lines changed- .github
- workflows
- .vscode/dictionaries
- files
- en-us
- games/techniques/tilemaps/square_tilemaps_implementation_colon__scrolling_maps
- glossary
- application_context
- baseline/typography
- bun
- payload_body
- style_origin
- time_to_first_byte
- learn_web_development
- core
- accessibility/html
- challenges
- css_layout
- flexbox
- grids
- design_for_developers
- scripting
- dom_scripting
- functions
- math
- what_is_javascript
- what_went_wrong
- structuring_content/html_forms
- styling_basics
- backgrounds_and_borders
- basic_selectors/selectors_tasks
- text_styling
- fundamentals
- web_fonts
- extensions
- client-side_tools/introducing_complete_toolchain
- forms/html5_input_types
- performance/multimedia
- server-side
- django
- development_environment
- models
- first_steps/website_security
- getting_started
- environment_setup/browsing_the_web
- web_standards/the_web_standards_model
- howto
- design_and_accessibility
- common_web_layouts
- design_for_all_types_of_users
- thinking_before_coding
- what_is_accessibility
- solve_html_problems/author_fast-loading_html_pages
- tools_and_setup
- checking_that_your_web_site_is_working_properly
- what_software_do_i_need
- mdn
- at_ten
- history_of_mdn
- community
- communication_channels
- contributing
- getting_started
- our_repositories
- discussions
- managing_and_resolving_discussions
- getting_started
- issues
- content_suggestions_feature_proposals
- learn_forum
- open_source_etiquette
- our_repositories
- pull_requests
- roles_teams
- security_vulnerability_response
- translated_content
- mdn_product_advisory_board
- membership
- writing_guidelines
- attrib_copyright_license
- changelog
- experimental_deprecated_obsolete
- howto
- creating_moving_deleting
- document_a_css_property
- document_an_http_header
- document_web_errors
- images_media
- json_structured_data
- markdown_in_mdn
- research_technology
- write_a_new_entry_in_the_glossary
- write_an_api_reference
- information_contained_in_a_webidl_file
- sidebars
- page_structures
- banners_and_notices
- code_examples
- compatibility_tables
- feature_status
- links
- live_samples
- macros
- commonly_used_macros
- other
- page_types
- api_constructor_subpage_template
- api_event_subpage_template
- api_landing_page_template
- api_method_subpage_template
- api_property_subpage_template
- api_reference_page_template
- aria_page_template
- css_function_page_template
- css_module_landing_page_template
- css_property_page_template
- css_selector_page_template
- glossary_page_template
- html_element_page_template
- http_header_page_template
- page_type_key
- svg_element_page_template
- sidebars
- specification_tables
- syntax_sections
- what_we_write
- criteria_for_inclusion
- writing_style_guide
- code_style_guide
- css
- html
- javascript
- shell
- mozilla
- add-ons/webextensions/manifest.json/content_security_policy
- firefox
- experimental_features
- releases
- 100
- 125
- 131
- 135
- 136
- 32
- 58
- 61
- 62
- 64
- 79
- 96
- web
- accessibility
- aria
- attributes/aria-describedby
- roles
- alertdialog_role
- grid_role
- seizure_disorders
- api
- animation
- overallprogress
- pause
- cdatasection
- characterdata
- deletedata
- insertdata
- replacedata
- substringdata
- clipboard
- read
- readtext
- write
- clipboard_api
- clipboarditem
- clipboarditem
- gettype
- supports_static
- types
- console
- assert_static
- clear_static
- count_static
- countreset_static
- debug_static
- dir_static
- dirxml_static
- error_static
- group_static
- groupcollapsed_static
- groupend_static
- info_static
- log_static
- profile_static
- profileend_static
- table_static
- time_static
- timeend_static
- timelog_static
- timestamp_static
- trace_static
- warn_static
- css_object_model
- css_painting_api
- csspseudoelement/type
- cssstyledeclaration/getpropertyvalue
- customevent/initcustomevent
- delegatedinktrailpresenter/updateinktrailstartpoint
- document
- createelement
- querycommandenabled
- dommatrix
- invertself
- multiplyself
- premultiplyself
- rotateaxisangleself
- rotatefromvectorself
- rotateself
- scale3dself
- setmatrixvalue
- skewxself
- skewyself
- translateself
- dommatrixreadonly
- flipx
- flipy
- inverse
- is2d
- isidentity
- multiply
- rotate
- rotateaxisangle
- rotatefromvector
- scale
- scale3d
- skewx
- skewy
- tofloat32array
- tofloat64array
- tojson
- tostring
- transformpoint
- translate
- dompointreadonly/matrixtransform
- domrectlist/item
- domtokenlist
- item
- values
- element
- auxclick_event
- click_event
- keypress_event
- nextelementsibling
- previouselementsibling
- elementinternals/arialabel
- event
- composedpath
- initevent
- preventdefault
- stopimmediatepropagation
- stoppropagation
- eventtarget/addeventlistener
- filereader
- gpudevice/createcomputepipelineasync
- gpuqueue/onsubmittedworkdone
- htmlelement/accesskeylabel
- htmlembedelement/getsvgdocument
- htmliframeelement
- getsvgdocument
- src
- htmlinputelement/valueasdate
- htmlmodelement/datetime
- htmlobjectelement/getsvgdocument
- htmlquoteelement/cite
- htmltimeelement/datetime
- inputdevicecapabilities/firestouchevents
- intersection_observer_api
- keyboardevent/initkeyevent
- keyboardlayoutmap
- entries
- keys
- values
- largestcontentfulpaint
- rendertime
- launch_handler_api
- launchparams
- launchqueue
- setconsumer
- mediadevices/getdisplaymedia
- mediastream_recording_api/using_the_mediastream_recording_api
- mediastreamevent/stream
- mediastreamtrack
- id
- label
- mediatracksupportedconstraints
- logicalsurface
- width
- namednodemap/removenameditemns
- ndefrecord
- data
- encoding
- id
- lang
- mediatype
- recordtype
- nodeiterator
- paintsize
- height
- width
- payment_handler_api
- performanceelementtiming/rendertime
- performanceresourcetiming
- finalresponseheadersstart
- firstinterimresponsestart
- requeststart
- permissions/query
- pictureinpicturewindow
- height
- width
- radionodelist/value
- request/credentials
- rtcdatachannel
- binarytype
- rtcicecandidatestats
- candidatetype
- priority
- rtcinboundrtpstreamstats
- fecpacketsreceived
- mid
- rtcpeerconnection
- localdescription
- remotedescription
- rtcrtpreceiver/transport
- rtcrtpscripttransformer
- generatekeyframe
- sendkeyframerequest
- rtcsessiondescription
- sdp
- type
- selection
- shadowroot
- elementfrompoint
- elementsfrompoint
- gethtml
- storageaccesshandle
- broadcastchannel
- createobjecturl
- estimate
- getdirectory
- revokeobjecturl
- svgaelement/href
- svgangle
- converttospecifiedunits
- newvaluespecifiedunits
- svganimatedenumeration/baseval
- svganimatedlength
- baseval
- svganimatednumberlist
- svganimatedpreserveaspectratio
- svganimatedstring/animval
- svganimationelement
- getcurrenttime
- getsimpleduration
- getstarttime
- svgclippathelement/transform
- svgellipseelement
- cx
- cy
- rx
- ry
- svgfeblendelement
- height
- in1
- in2
- mode
- result
- width
- x
- y
- svgfecolormatrixelement
- height
- result
- width
- x
- y
- svgfecomponenttransferelement
- height
- in1
- result
- width
- x
- y
- svgfecompositeelement
- height
- in1
- in2
- k1
- k2
- k3
- k4
- operator
- result
- width
- x
- y
- svgfeconvolvematrixelement
- bias
- divisor
- edgemode
- height
- in1
- kernelmatrix
- kernelunitlengthx
- kernelunitlengthy
- orderx
- ordery
- preservealpha
- result
- targetx
- targety
- width
- x
- y
- svgfedisplacementmapelement
- height
- in1
- in2
- result
- scale
- width
- x
- xchannelselector
- y
- ychannelselector
- svgfedropshadowelement
- dx
- dy
- height
- in1
- result
- setstddeviation
- stddeviationx
- stddeviationy
- width
- x
- y
- svgfefloodelement
- height
- result
- width
- x
- y
- svgfegaussianblurelement
- height
- result
- setstddeviation
- width
- x
- y
- svgfeimageelement
- href
- preserveaspectratio
- svgfemergeelement
- height
- result
- width
- x
- y
- svgfemorphologyelement
- height
- result
- width
- x
- y
- svgfeoffsetelement
- dx
- dy
- height
- in1
- result
- width
- x
- y
- svgfepointlightelement
- x
- y
- z
- svgfespecularlightingelement
- height
- result
- width
- x
- y
- svgfespotlightelement
- limitingconeangle
- pointsatx
- pointsaty
- pointsatz
- specularexponent
- x
- y
- z
- svgfetileelement
- height
- in1
- result
- width
- x
- y
- svgfeturbulenceelement
- basefrequencyx
- basefrequencyy
- height
- numoctaves
- result
- seed
- stitchtiles
- type
- width
- x
- y
- svgforeignobjectelement
- height
- width
- x
- y
- svggeometryelement
- ispointinfill
- ispointinstroke
- svggraphicselement
- getbbox
- getctm
- getscreenctm
- requiredextensions
- systemlanguage
- transform
- svglength
- converttospecifiedunits
- newvaluespecifiedunits
- unittype
- value
- valueasstring
- valueinspecifiedunits
- svglengthlist
- insertitembefore
- svgmpathelement/href
- svgnumber/value
- svgnumberlist
- appenditem
- clear
- getitem
- initialize
- insertitembefore
- length
- numberofitems
- removeitem
- replaceitem
- svgpatternelement
- height
- href
- preserveaspectratio
- viewbox
- width
- x
- y
- svgpolygonelement
- svgpolylineelement
- animatedpoints
- points
- svgpreserveaspectratio
- align
- meetorslice
- svgscriptelement
- href
- type
- svgstringlist
- appenditem
- clear
- getitem
- initialize
- insertitembefore
- length
- numberofitems
- removeitem
- replaceitem
- svgsvgelement
- animationspaused
- checkenclosure
- checkintersection
- createsvgangle
- createsvglength
- createsvgmatrix
- createsvgnumber
- createsvgpoint
- createsvgrect
- createsvgtransform
- createsvgtransformfrommatrix
- currentscale
- currenttranslate
- deselectall
- getcurrenttime
- getelementbyid
- pauseanimations
- preserveaspectratio
- setcurrenttime
- unpauseanimations
- svgtextcontentelement
- getcharnumatposition
- getcomputedtextlength
- getendpositionofchar
- getextentofchar
- getnumberofchars
- getrotationofchar
- getstartpositionofchar
- getsubstringlength
- svgtextpositioningelement
- dx
- dy
- rotate
- x
- y
- svgtransform
- setmatrix
- setrotate
- setscale
- setskewx
- setskewy
- settranslate
- svgtransformlist
- appenditem
- clear
- consolidate
- createsvgtransformfrommatrix
- getitem
- initialize
- insertitembefore
- removeitem
- replaceitem
- svguseelement
- height
- href
- width
- x
- y
- text/splittext
- toggleevent/toggleevent
- url
- pathname
- search
- searchparams
- urlsearchparams
- append
- tostring
- urlsearchparams
- webgl_multi_draw
- multidrawarraysinstancedwebgl
- multidrawarrayswebgl
- multidrawelementsinstancedwebgl
- multidrawelementswebgl
- webxr_device_api/performance
- window
- launchqueue
- matchmedia
- originagentcluster
- requestanimationframe
- webkitconvertpointfrompagetonode
- window_controls_overlay_api
- windowcontrolsoverlay/visible
- css
- -moz-force-broken-image-icon
- @font-face
- @font-palette-values
- @import
- layer_function
- @media/display-mode
- @view-transition
- _colon_open
- _colon_target
- align-items
- at-rule
- attr
- backdrop-filter
- baseline-position
- box-edge
- cascade
- comments
- content-distribution
- content-position
- css_box_alignment
- box_alignment
- box_alignment_in_block_abspos_tables
- box_alignment_in_flexbox
- box_alignment_in_grid_layout
- box_alignment_in_multi-column_layout
- css_box_model
- css_cascade
- css_cascading_variables
- css_conditional_rules
- css_containment
- css_display
- css_filter_effects/using_filter_effects
- css_flexible_box_layout
- aligning_items_in_a_flex_container
- css_grid_layout
- basic_concepts_of_grid_layout
- css_houdini
- css_nesting
- css_overflow
- css_properties_and_values_api
- css_selectors
- using_the__colon_target_pseudo-class_in_selectors
- css_syntax
- css_values_and_units
- cssom_view
- dominant-baseline
- env
- filter-function/drop-shadow
- flex-basis
- font-kerning
- guides
- inheritance
- justify-items
- justify-self
- order
- overflow-position
- page-break-after
- page-break-before
- page-break-inside
- place-self
- pseudo-elements
- repeat
- revert-layer
- self-position
- shorthand_properties
- specificity
- writing-mode
- exslt/math
- max
- min
- guide
- html
- date_and_time_formats
- element
- heading_elements
- input
- submit
- time
- meta/name
- portal
- script/type/importmap
- time
- http
- caching
- content_negotiation/list_of_default_accept_values
- headers
- content-security-policy
- cross-origin-embedder-policy
- cross-origin-resource-policy
- origin-agent-cluster
- x-frame-options
- status/508
- javascript
- data_structures
- event_loop
- guide
- expressions_and_operators
- functions
- internationalization
- introduction
- iterators_and_generators
- meta_programming
- modules
- numbers_and_strings
- regular_expressions
- representing_dates_times
- text_formatting
- using_classes
- language_overview
- reference
- classes/public_class_fields
- errors
- cyclic_object_value
- identifier_after_number
- not_defined
- global_objects
- array
- find
- findindex
- tolocalestring
- arraybuffer
- atomics
- notify
- wait
- bigint
- tolocalestring
- dataview
- date
- tolocaledatestring
- tolocalestring
- tolocaletimestring
- totemporalinstant
- eval
- intl
- collator
- collator
- resolvedoptions
- datetimeformat
- datetimeformat
- format
- formatrange
- formatrangetoparts
- formattoparts
- resolvedoptions
- durationformat
- durationformat
- format
- formattoparts
- resolvedoptions
- listformat
- format
- formattoparts
- locale
- calendar
- collation
- getcalendars
- getcollations
- getnumberingsystems
- gettimezones
- locale
- numberingsystem
- numberformat
- formatrangetoparts
- formattoparts
- numberformat
- resolvedoptions
- relativetimeformat
- formattoparts
- relativetimeformat
- resolvedoptions
- supportedvaluesof
- json
- parse
- stringify
- number/tolocalestring
- object/tolocalestring
- string
- localecompare
- match
- matchall
- replace
- replaceall
- split
- string
- symbol.iterator
- temporal
- duration
- abs
- add
- blank
- compare
- days
- duration
- from
- hours
- microseconds
- milliseconds
- minutes
- months
- nanoseconds
- negated
- round
- seconds
- sign
- subtract
- tojson
- tolocalestring
- tostring
- total
- valueof
- weeks
- with
- years
- instant
- add
- compare
- epochmilliseconds
- epochnanoseconds
- equals
- from
- fromepochmilliseconds
- fromepochnanoseconds
- instant
- round
- since
- subtract
- tojson
- tolocalestring
- tostring
- tozoneddatetimeiso
- until
- valueof
- now
- instant
- plaindateiso
- plaindatetimeiso
- plaintimeiso
- timezoneid
- zoneddatetimeiso
- plaindate
- add
- calendarid
- compare
- day
- dayofweek
- dayofyear
- daysinmonth
- daysinweek
- daysinyear
- equals
- era
- erayear
- from
- inleapyear
- month
- monthcode
- monthsinyear
- plaindate
- since
- subtract
- tojson
- tolocalestring
- toplaindatetime
- toplainmonthday
- toplainyearmonth
- tostring
- tozoneddatetime
- until
- valueof
- weekofyear
- with
- withcalendar
- year
- yearofweek
- plaindatetime
- add
- calendarid
- compare
- day
- dayofweek
- dayofyear
- daysinmonth
- daysinweek
- daysinyear
- equals
- era
- erayear
- from
- hour
- inleapyear
- microsecond
- millisecond
- minute
- month
- monthcode
- monthsinyear
- nanosecond
- plaindatetime
- round
- second
- since
- subtract
- tojson
- tolocalestring
- toplaindate
- toplaintime
- tostring
- tozoneddatetime
- until
- valueof
- weekofyear
- with
- withcalendar
- withplaintime
- year
- yearofweek
- plainmonthday
- calendarid
- day
- equals
- from
- monthcode
- plainmonthday
- tojson
- tolocalestring
- toplaindate
- tostring
- valueof
- with
- plaintime
- add
- compare
- equals
- from
- hour
- microsecond
- millisecond
- minute
- nanosecond
- plaintime
- round
- second
- since
- subtract
- tojson
- tolocalestring
- tostring
- until
- valueof
- with
- plainyearmonth
- add
- calendarid
- compare
- daysinmonth
- daysinyear
- equals
- era
- erayear
- from
- inleapyear
- month
- monthcode
- monthsinyear
- plainyearmonth
- since
- subtract
- tojson
- tolocalestring
- toplaindate
- tostring
- until
- valueof
- with
- year
- zoneddatetime
- add
- calendarid
- compare
- day
- dayofweek
- dayofyear
- daysinmonth
- daysinweek
- daysinyear
- epochmilliseconds
- epochnanoseconds
- equals
- era
- erayear
- from
- gettimezonetransition
- hour
- hoursinday
- inleapyear
- microsecond
- millisecond
- minute
- month
- monthcode
- monthsinyear
- nanosecond
- offset
- offsetnanoseconds
- round
- second
- since
- startofday
- subtract
- timezoneid
- toinstant
- tojson
- tolocalestring
- toplaindate
- toplaindatetime
- toplaintime
- tostring
- until
- valueof
- weekofyear
- with
- withcalendar
- withplaintime
- withtimezone
- year
- yearofweek
- zoneddatetime
- typedarray
- find
- findindex
- findlast
- operators
- instanceof
- object_initializer
- regular_expressions
- template_literals
- manifest
- reference
- background_color
- categories
- description
- display
- display_override
- file_handlers
- icons
- id
- launch_handler
- name
- note_taking
- orientation
- protocol_handlers
- scope
- screenshots
- serviceworker
- short_name
- shortcuts
- start_url
- theme_color
- progressive_web_apps
- guides
- best_practices
- making_pwas_installable
- what_is_a_progressive_web_app
- how_to
- associate_files_with_your_pwa
- create_a_standalone_app
- customize_your_app_colors
- define_app_icons
- expose_common_actions_as_shortcuts
- trigger_install_prompt
- tutorials/cycletracker/manifest_file
- security
- certificate_transparency
- practical_implementation_guides
- clickjacking
- cookies
- svg
- attribute
- alignment-baseline
- filter
- pointsatz
- requiredfeatures
- scale
- element
- foreignobject
- image
- svg_as_an_image
- tutorial/svg_and_css
- uri/fragment/text_fragments
- xpath
- axes
- comparison_with_css_selectors
- functions
- boolean
- ceiling
- choose
- concat
- contains
- count
- current
- document
- element-available
- false
- floor
- format-number
- function-available
- generate-id
- id
- key
- lang
- last
- local-name
- name
- namespace-uri
- normalize-space
- not
- number
- position
- round
- starts-with
- string
- string-length
- substring
- substring-after
- substring-before
- sum
- system-property
- translate
- true
- unparsed-entity-url
- introduction_to_using_xpath_in_javascript
- snippets
- xslt
- element
- guides
- common_errors
- pi_parameters
- transforming_xml_with_xslt
- an_overview
- for_further_reading
- reference
- element
- apply-imports
- apply-templates
- attribute
- attribute-set
- call-template
- choose
- comment
- copy
- copy-of
- decimal-format
- element
- fallback
- for-each
- if
- import
- include
- key
- message
- namespace-alias
- number
- otherwise
- output
- param
- preserve-space
- processing-instruction
- sort
- strip-space
- stylesheet
- template
- text
- transform
- value-of
- variable
- when
- with-param
- transforming_xml_with_xslt
- webassembly
- guides
- c_to_wasm
- concepts
- existing_c_to_wasm
- exported_functions
- imported_string_constants
- javascript_builtins
- loading_and_running
- rust_to_wasm
- text_format_to_wasm
- understanding_the_text_format
- using_the_javascript_api
- reference
- control_flow
- block
- br
- call
- drop
- end
- if...else
- loop
- nop
- return
- select
- unreachable
- javascript_interface
- compile_static
- compileerror
- compileerror
- compilestreaming_static
- exception
- exception
- getarg
- is
- stack
- global
- global
- instance
- exports
- instance
- instantiate_static
- instantiatestreaming_static
- linkerror
- linkerror
- memory
- buffer
- grow
- memory
- module
- customsections_static
- exports_static
- imports_static
- module
- runtimeerror
- runtimeerror
- table
- get
- grow
- length
- set
- table
- tag
- tag
- type
- validate_static
- memory
- copy
- fill
- grow
- load
- size
- store
- numeric
- absolute
- addition
- and
- ceil
- const
- convert
- copy_sign
- count_leading_zeros
- count_trailing_zeros
- demote
- division
- equal
- extend
- floor
- greater_or_equal
- greater_than
- left_rotate
- left_shift
- less_or_equal
- less_than
- max
- min
- multiplication
- nearest
- negate
- not_equal
- or
- population_count
- promote
- reinterpret
- remainder
- right_rotate
- right_shift
- square_root
- subtraction
- truncate_float_to_float
- truncate_float_to_int
- wrap
- xor
- variables
- global
- global_get
- global_set
- local
- local_get
- local_set
- local_tee
- jsondata
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1,364 files changed
lines changed+13-18
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
8 | 8 |
| |
9 | 9 |
| |
10 | 10 |
| |
| 11 | + | |
| 12 | + | |
| 13 | + | |
| 14 | + | |
| 15 | + | |
| 16 | + | |
11 | 17 |
| |
12 | 18 |
| |
13 |
| - | |
| 19 | + | |
| 20 | + | |
| 21 | + | |
14 | 22 |
| |
15 | 23 |
| |
16 | 24 |
| |
17 |
| - | |
18 | 25 |
| |
19 | 26 |
| |
20 | 27 |
| |
21 |
| - | |
22 |
| - | |
23 |
| - | |
24 |
| - | |
25 |
| - | |
26 | 28 |
| |
27 | 29 |
| |
28 | 30 |
| |
29 |
| - | |
30 | 31 |
| |
31 |
| - | |
32 |
| - | |
33 |
| - | |
34 |
| - | |
35 |
| - | |
| 32 | + | |
| 33 | + | |
36 | 34 |
| |
37 | 35 |
| |
38 | 36 |
| |
39 | 37 |
| |
40 |
| - | |
41 |
| - | |
42 |
| - | |
43 |
| - | |
| 38 | + | |
44 | 39 |
| |
45 |
| - | |
| 40 | + | |
46 | 41 |
| |
47 | 42 |
| |
48 | 43 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
19 | 19 |
| |
20 | 20 |
| |
21 | 21 |
| |
22 |
| - | |
23 |
| - | |
24 |
| - | |
25 |
| - | |
26 |
| - | |
27 |
| - | |
28 |
| - | |
29 |
| - | |
30 |
| - | |
31 |
| - | |
32 |
| - | |
33 |
| - | |
34 |
| - | |
35 |
| - | |
36 |
| - | |
37 |
| - | |
38 |
| - | |
39 |
| - | |
40 |
| - | |
41 |
| - | |
42 |
| - | |
| 22 | + | |
| 23 | + | |
| 24 | + | |
| 25 | + | |
| 26 | + | |
| 27 | + | |
| 28 | + | |
| 29 | + | |
| 30 | + | |
| 31 | + | |
| 32 | + | |
| 33 | + | |
| 34 | + | |
| 35 | + | |
| 36 | + | |
| 37 | + | |
| 38 | + | |
| 39 | + | |
| 40 | + | |
| 41 | + | |
| 42 | + | |
| 43 | + | |
| 44 | + | |
43 | 45 |
| |
44 | 46 |
| |
45 | 47 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
57 | 57 |
| |
58 | 58 |
| |
59 | 59 |
| |
60 |
| - | |
61 |
| - | |
62 |
| - | |
63 |
| - | |
64 |
| - | |
65 |
| - | |
66 |
| - | |
67 |
| - | |
68 |
| - | |
69 |
| - | |
70 |
| - | |
71 |
| - | |
| 60 | + | |
72 | 61 |
| |
73 | 62 |
| |
74 | 63 |
| |
75 |
| - | |
76 |
| - | |
77 |
| - | |
78 |
| - | |
79 |
| - | |
80 |
| - | |
81 |
| - | |
82 |
| - | |
83 |
| - | |
84 |
| - | |
85 |
| - | |
86 |
| - | |
87 |
| - | |
88 |
| - | |
89 |
| - | |
90 |
| - | |
91 |
| - | |
92 |
| - | |
93 |
| - | |
94 |
| - | |
95 |
| - | |
96 |
| - | |
97 |
| - | |
98 |
| - | |
99 |
| - | |
100 |
| - | |
101 |
| - | |
102 |
| - | |
103 |
| - | |
104 |
| - | |
105 |
| - | |
106 |
| - | |
107 |
| - | |
108 |
| - | |
109 |
| - | |
110 |
| - | |
111 |
| - | |
112 |
| - | |
113 |
| - | |
114 |
| - | |
115 |
| - | |
| 64 | + | |
| 65 | + | |
| 66 | + | |
| 67 | + | |
| 68 | + | |
| 69 | + | |
| 70 | + | |
| 71 | + | |
| 72 | + | |
| 73 | + | |
| 74 | + | |
| 75 | + | |
| 76 | + | |
| 77 | + | |
| 78 | + | |
| 79 | + | |
| 80 | + | |
| 81 | + | |
| 82 | + | |
| 83 | + | |
| 84 | + | |
| 85 | + | |
| 86 | + | |
| 87 | + | |
| 88 | + | |
| 89 | + | |
| 90 | + | |
| 91 | + | |
| 92 | + | |
| 93 | + | |
| 94 | + | |
| 95 | + | |
| 96 | + | |
| 97 | + | |
| 98 | + | |
| 99 | + | |
| 100 | + | |
| 101 | + | |
| 102 | + | |
| 103 | + | |
| 104 | + | |
| 105 | + | |
| 106 | + | |
116 | 107 |
| |
117 | 108 |
| |
118 | 109 |
| |
| |||
170 | 161 |
| |
171 | 162 |
| |
172 | 163 |
| |
173 |
| - | |
174 | 164 |
| |
175 | 165 |
| |
176 | 166 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
39 | 39 |
| |
40 | 40 |
| |
41 | 41 |
| |
42 |
| - | |
| 42 | + | |
43 | 43 |
| |
44 | 44 |
| |
45 | 45 |
| |
46 | 46 |
| |
47 | 47 |
| |
48 | 48 |
| |
49 |
| - | |
| 49 | + | |
50 | 50 |
| |
51 | 51 |
| |
52 | 52 |
| |
| |||
62 | 62 |
| |
63 | 63 |
| |
64 | 64 |
| |
65 |
| - | |
| 65 | + | |
66 | 66 |
| |
67 | 67 |
| |
68 | 68 |
| |
69 | 69 |
| |
70 | 70 |
| |
71 | 71 |
| |
72 |
| - | |
| 72 | + | |
73 | 73 |
| |
74 | 74 |
| |
75 | 75 |
| |
76 | 76 |
| |
77 | 77 |
| |
78 | 78 |
| |
79 |
| - | |
| 79 | + | |
80 | 80 |
| |
81 | 81 |
| |
82 | 82 |
| |
83 | 83 |
| |
84 | 84 |
| |
85 | 85 |
| |
86 | 86 |
| |
| 87 | + | |
| 88 | + | |
| 89 | + | |
| 90 | + | |
| 91 | + | |
| 92 | + | |
| 93 | + | |
| 94 | + | |
87 | 95 |
| |
88 | 96 |
| |
89 | 97 |
| |
| |||
114 | 122 |
| |
115 | 123 |
| |
116 | 124 |
| |
| 125 | + | |
117 | 126 |
| |
118 | 127 |
| |
119 | 128 |
| |
120 | 129 |
| |
121 | 130 |
| |
122 | 131 |
| |
123 |
| - | |
| 132 | + | |
124 | 133 |
| |
125 | 134 |
| |
126 | 135 |
| |
127 | 136 |
| |
128 | 137 |
| |
129 |
| - | |
| 138 | + | |
130 | 139 |
| |
131 | 140 |
| |
132 | 141 |
| |
| |||
141 | 150 |
| |
142 | 151 |
| |
143 | 152 |
| |
144 |
| - | |
| 153 | + | |
145 | 154 |
| |
146 | 155 |
| |
147 | 156 |
| |
| |||
154 | 163 |
| |
155 | 164 |
| |
156 | 165 |
| |
157 |
| - | |
| 166 | + | |
158 | 167 |
| |
| 168 | + | |
159 | 169 |
| |
160 | 170 |
| |
161 | 171 |
| |
| 172 | + | |
162 | 173 |
| |
163 | 174 |
| |
164 | 175 |
| |
165 | 176 |
| |
166 | 177 |
| |
167 | 178 |
| |
| 179 | + | |
| 180 | + | |
| 181 | + | |
| 182 | + | |
| 183 | + | |
| 184 | + | |
| 185 | + | |
168 | 186 |
| |
169 | 187 |
| |
170 | 188 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
40 | 40 |
| |
41 | 41 |
| |
42 | 42 |
| |
43 |
| - | |
| 43 | + |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
111 | 111 |
| |
112 | 112 |
| |
113 | 113 |
| |
| 114 | + | |
| 115 | + | |
| 116 | + | |
| 117 | + | |
114 | 118 |
| |
115 | 119 |
| |
116 | 120 |
| |
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