Meeting Notes 2009-05-19 = Crew =
- Moderator: Leif Ryge
- Notes:
= Agenda Items = == Announcements ==
- What Noisebridge [[Noisebridge_Vision|is about]].
- Treasurer's report
- [[Maker Faire 2009]]
=== Project Updates ===
=== What's Going On at Noisebridge ===
- PyClass (Monday 6:30PM, 83c)
- [[Circuit_Hacking_Mondays|Circuit Hacking Mondays]] (8PM, 83c)
- [[Haskell/Haschool|Haschool]] (Tuesday 6:00PM, 83c)
- [[Machine Learning]] Wednesdays (8PM, 83c)
- Science/Engineering Huddle (8PM Thursdays, 83c)
- Natural Language Corners ** [[German]] starting this week, Thursdays 6PM 83c, beginning on time, advanced later.
- [[Sensebridge]] Cyborg Group (Sundays)
- [[OpenEEG]]
- [[Five Minutes of Fame]] now accepting submissions for May
- [[DC3 Digital Forensics Challenge]]
- Go on Sunday 3pm
== Consensus Items ==
=== Membership Binder ===
- Reading Names
- New member approvals
== Discussion topics ==
= Notes =
- Add links to every agenda item up.
- Volunteers to lead the next meeting? Steve Camuti aka Mooch to lead next meeting. - changed availability prevents this. Sorry! [[Category:Meeting Notes]]