Meeting Notes 2008-08-12 [[Category:Meeting Notes]]
== Time and Place == 8pm, place: Peoples' Cafe, [,+Berkeley,+CA 2015 Shattuck Ave.] @ University, Berkeley
== Pre-Meeting Agenda ==
- space visits
- [[Processing Workshop]]
- [[Soldering Workshop]]
- bylaws progress
- new space prospects
== Notes ==
- Rachel volunteered her apartment for the Soldering workshop and Processing workshop.
- Rachel's Soft Circuits workshop is THURSDAY, almost full, contact Rachel if you want one of the last spots.
- We talked about different input devices we'd seen, including a glove with pressure sensors (intended for use in a golf game, to measure the grip), and a massage controller.
- Noah wants to do a workshop on robotic plants in early October, details to be worked out.
- We looked at the "League of Musical Urban Robots."
- We looked at the MIT WarCart.
- David M. wants to do a group working together with GNURadio, sometime in the Fall.
- Andy will set up a space viewing for the EFF's "expansion space" - EFF had meant to expand into this, but now looking to rent to someone else. "The space is weird." Shared bath, private kitchenette, upstairs from main EFF offices. Contact at EFF is Sherri Steele.