The first release of Bottlerocket focuses on Kubernetes, in particular serving as the host OS for Kubernetes pods.
One easy way to get started is to use Amazon EKS, a service that manages a Kubernetes control plane for you. This document will focus on EKS to make it easy to follow a single path. There's nothing that limits Bottlerocket to EKS or AWS, though.
Most of this is one-time setup, and yes, we plan to automate more of it! Once you have a cluster, you can skip to the last step, Launch!
EKS has a command-line tool called eksctl
that makes cluster setup easy.
Versions of eksctl starting with 0.15.0-rc.2 support Bottlerocket natively.
We recommend that you download the latest version of eksctl to get this support.
You'll also need to install kubectl to augment eksctl
during setup, and to run pods afterward.
Finally, you'll need aws-cli v1 set up to interact with AWS. (You'll need a recent v1 release with EKS support.)
If you have a recent eksctl
, as mentioned above, most of Bottlerocket setup for EKS is automated.
eksctl can use a configuration file to simplify setup. We have sample configuration files in the repo:
- recommended for most setups.sample-eksctl-ssh.yaml
- for test clusters where you know you'll want SSH access. Make sure to change thepublicKeyName
setting to the name of the SSH keypair you have registered with EC2.
Pick the file most appropriate for you and make a copy, for example my-eksctl.yaml
In this file you can change your desired numbered of nodes and even set Bottlerocket settings in advance if you like. The 'settings' section under 'bottlerocket' can include any Bottlerocket settings.
Note that the configuration file includes the AWS region, so change it from us-west-2
if you operate in another region.
To learn more about eksctl configuration files, you can look at the full schema or official examples.
You can set up a new cluster like this, pointing to the file you created in the last step:
eksctl create cluster --config-file ./my-eksctl.yaml
This will take a few minutes to create the EKS cluster and spin up your Bottlerocket worker nodes.
Now we can make a configuration change to use a CNI plugin that's compatible with Bottlerocket.
kubectl apply -f
By default kube-proxy
will set the nf_conntrack_max
kernel parameter to a default value that may differ from what Bottlerocket originally sets at boot.
If you prefer to keep Bottlerocket's default setting, edit the kube-proxy configuration details with:
kubectl edit -n kube-system daemonset kube-proxy
Add --conntrack-max-per-core
and --conntrack-min
to the kube-proxy arguments like so (a setting of 0 implies no change):
- command:
- kube-proxy
- --v=2
- --config=/var/lib/kube-proxy-config/config
- --conntrack-max-per-core=0
- --conntrack-min=0
Bottlerocket instances are launched in an autoscaling group, up to the number specified in your eksctl configuration file. (You can change this number after creation by configuring the ASG, the same way you might change other ASGs.)
The Bottlerocket instances will automatically register into the EKS cluster created by eksctl.
You can now use normal Kubernetes tools like kubectl
to manage your cluster and the Bottlerocket nodes.
For example, to run a simple busybox pod:
kubectl run -i -t busybox --image=busybox --restart=Never
If you'd like even more control over your setup, something that eksctl can't (yet) provide, or you just want to see what's involved, you can follow these steps.
You can either build an AMI yourself using our guide, or use an official AMI provided by Amazon.
The official AMI IDs are stored in public SSM parameters.
Let's say you want to use the aws-k8s-1.15
variant for the x86_64
architecture, and you operate in the us-west-2
aws ssm get-parameter --region us-west-2 --name "/aws/service/bottlerocket/aws-k8s-1.15/x86_64/latest/image_id" --query Parameter.Value --output text
If you have jq
and would like a bit more information, try this:
aws ssm get-parameters --region us-west-2 \
--names "/aws/service/bottlerocket/aws-k8s-1.15/x86_64/latest/image_id" \
"/aws/service/bottlerocket/aws-k8s-1.15/x86_64/latest/image_version" \
--output json | jq -r '.Parameters | .[] | "\(.Name): \(.Value) (updated \(.LastModifiedDate | gmtime | strftime("%c")) UTC)"'
You can replace the variant (aws-k8s-1.15
) and architecture (x86_64
) to look for other images.
Supported variants and architectures are described in the README.
If you know a specific Bottlerocket version you'd like to use, you can replace latest
with that version.
You can also see all available parameters through the web console.
Note: most commands will have a region argument; make sure to change it if you don't want to set up in us-west-2.
You can set up a new cluster like this:
eksctl create cluster --region us-west-2 --name bottlerocket
Now that the cluster is created, we can have eksctl
create the configuration for kubectl
eksctl utils write-kubeconfig --region us-west-2 --name bottlerocket
Now we can make a configuration change to use a CNI plugin that's compatible with Bottlerocket.
kubectl apply -f
This section helps you determine some of the cluster information needed later by the instance launch command.
Bottlerocket uses a TOML-formatted configuration file as user data. This can include the configuration of the Kubernetes cluster we just created.
Run this to generate the configuration file with the relevant cluster config, including the API endpoint and base64-encoded certificate authority.
eksctl get cluster --region us-west-2 --name bottlerocket -o json \
| jq --raw-output '.[] | "[settings.kubernetes]\napi-server = \"" + .Endpoint + "\"\ncluster-certificate =\"" + .CertificateAuthority.Data + "\"\ncluster-name = \"bottlerocket\""' > userdata.toml
This will save the TOML-formmated configuration data into a file named userdata.toml
This will be used at the end, in the instance launch command.
Next, run this to get information about the subnets that eksctl created. It will give you a list of the subnets and tell you whether each is public or private. (If you use an EC2 region other than "us-west-2", make sure to change that.)
aws ec2 describe-subnets \
--subnet-ids $(eksctl get cluster --region us-west-2 --name bottlerocket -o json | jq --raw-output '.[].ResourcesVpcConfig.SubnetIds[]') \
--region us-west-2 \
--query "Subnets[].[SubnetId, Tags[?Key=='aws:cloudformation:logical-id'].Value]" \
| xargs -L2
You'll want to pick one and save it for the launch command later.
You can choose whether you want public or private.
- Choose private for production deployments to get maximum isolation of worker nodes.
- Choose public to more easily debug your instance. These subnets have an Internet Gateway, so if you add a public IP address to your instance, you can talk to it. (You can manually add an Internet Gateway to a private subnet later, so this is a reversible decision.)
Note that if you choose to use the public subnet, you'll need your instance to have a publicly accessible IP address.
That either means adding --associate-public-ip-address
to the launch command below, or attaching an Elastic IP address after launch.
There will be a reminder about this when we talk about the launch command.
Finally, note that if you want to launch in a specific availability zone, make sure you pick a subnet that matches; the AZ is listed right next to the public/private status.
The instance we launch needs to be associated with an IAM role that allows for communication with EKS.
by default already creates such a role (and an instance profile that allows use of the role) as part of the cluster nodegroup.
The ARN of the IAM role can be retrieved with:
eksctl get iamidentitymapping --region us-west-2 --cluster bottlerocket
The output should look like this:
arn:aws:iam::YOUR_AWS_ACCOUNT_ID:role/INSTANCE_ROLE_NAME system:node:{{EC2PrivateDNSName}} system:bootstrappers,system:nodes
Note down the INSTANCE_ROLE_NAME for the instructions below.
If you add SSM permissions, you can use Bottlerocket's default SSM agent to get a shell session on the instance.
To attach the role policy for SSM permissions, run the following:
aws iam attach-role-policy \
--role-name INSTANCE_ROLE_NAME \
--policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore
If you receive the following error, you need to truncate INSTANCE_ROLE_NAME to 64 characters. (We are working on improving this.)
1 validation error detected: Value 'INSTANCE_ROLE_NAME' at 'role Name' failed to satisfy constraint:
Member must have length less than or equal to 64
Next, to retrieve the instance profile name used to launch instances, run this:
aws iam list-instance-profiles-for-role --role-name INSTANCE_ROLE_NAME --query "InstanceProfiles[*].InstanceProfileName" --output text
There should only be one that looks like:
Note this down as the INSTANCE_PROFILE_NAME for the final launch command.
By default kube-proxy
will set the nf_conntrack_max
kernel parameter to a default value that may differ from what Bottlerocket originally sets at boot.
If you prefer to keep Bottlerocket's default setting, edit the kube-proxy configuration details with:
kubectl edit -n kube-system daemonset kube-proxy
Add --conntrack-max-per-core
and --conntrack-min
to the kube-proxy arguments like so (a setting of 0 implies no change):
- command:
- kube-proxy
- --v=2
- --config=/var/lib/kube-proxy-config/config
- --conntrack-max-per-core=0
- --conntrack-min=0
For the instance to be able to communicate with the EKS cluster control plane and other worker nodes, we need to make sure the instance is launched with the right security groups.
Run the following command:
aws ec2 describe-security-groups --filters 'Name=tag:Name,Values=*bottlerocket*' \
--query "SecurityGroups[*].{Name:GroupName,ID:GroupId}"
This will output several security group names and IDs.
You want to save the IDs for the ...ClusterSharedNodeSecurityGroup...
and ...nodegroup...
"Name": "eksctl-bottlerocket-cluster-ClusterSharedNodeSecurityGroup-IDENTIFIER",
"Name": "eksctl-bottlerocket-cluster-ControlPlaneSecurityGroup-IDENTIFIER",
"ID": *ignore*
"Name": "eksctl-bottlerocket-nodegroup-ng-IDENTIFIER-SG-IDENTIFIER",
If you chose a public subnet, and you plan to SSH to the instance (using the admin container), you'll also need to allow SSH traffic to your security group. You can do that with a command like this - just make sure to insert a security group from the last command, and your source network CIDR.
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --region us-west-2 \
--protocol tcp --port 22
If you chose a private subnet and you want to SSH in, you can do so from another instance in the same subnet and security group.
Now we can launch a Bottlerocket instance in our cluster!
There are a few values to make sure you change in this command:
- YOUR_KEY_NAME: your SSH keypair name, as registered with EC2
- SUBNET_ID: the subnet you selected earlier
- If you chose a public subnet, either add
to the command, or attach an Elastic IP afterward.
- If you chose a public subnet, either add
- SECURITY_GROUP_ID_1, SECURITY_GROUP_ID_2: the two security groups you found earlier
- BOTTLEROCKET_AMI_ID: the ID of the AMI you registered, or an Amazon-provided AMI ID
- userdata.toml: the path to the user data file you created earlier
- INSTANCE_PROFILE_NAME: the instance profile created by
for the cluster nodegroups.
aws ec2 run-instances --key-name YOUR_KEY_NAME \
--subnet-id SUBNET_ID \
--security-group-ids SECURITY_GROUP_ID_1 SECURITY_GROUP_ID_2 \
--instance-type c3.large \
--region us-west-2 \
--tag-specifications 'ResourceType=instance,Tags=[{,Value=owned}]' \
--user-data file://userdata.toml \
--iam-instance-profile Name=INSTANCE_PROFILE_NAME
And remember, if you used a public subnet, add --associate-public-ip-address
or attach an Elastic IP after launch.
Once it launches, you should be able to run pods on your Bottlerocket instance using normal Kubernetes workflows.
For example, to run busybox:
kubectl run -i -t busybox --image=busybox --restart=Never