diff --git a/src/formatter/format.ts b/src/formatter/format.ts
index 941f9f0..7761cc5 100644
--- a/src/formatter/format.ts
+++ b/src/formatter/format.ts
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ import * as md from './markdown';
import { defaultNameTransform } from './name-transform';
import type { NameTransformFn } from './types';
+const MAX_VALUES = 20;
export function formatModelsAsMarkdown(
models: NamedModel[],
options: FormatterOptions
@@ -97,11 +99,20 @@ function formatModel(model: Model, transformName: NameTransformFn): string {
case 'enum':
+ const enumList = md.list.unordered(
+ model.values.map(value => md.code.inline(`'${value}'`))
+ );
return md.paragraphs(
md.italic('Enum string, one of the following possible values:'),
- md.list.unordered(
- model.values.map(value => md.code.inline(`'${value}'`))
- )
+ model.values.length > MAX_VALUES
+ ? md.details(
+ md.italic(
+ `Expand for full list of ${model.values.length} values`,
+ 'html'
+ ),
+ enumList
+ )
+ : enumList
case 'native-enum':
return md.paragraphs(
@@ -373,7 +384,11 @@ function formatModelInline(
case 'enum':
return md.code.inline(
- model.values.map(value => `'${value}'`).join(' | ')
+ model.values
+ .slice(0, MAX_VALUES)
+ .map(value => `'${value}'`)
+ .concat(model.values.length > MAX_VALUES ? ['...'] : [])
+ .join(' | ')
case 'native-enum':
return (
diff --git a/src/formatter/markdown.ts b/src/formatter/markdown.ts
index 2a6c975..0db3cc8 100644
--- a/src/formatter/markdown.ts
+++ b/src/formatter/markdown.ts
@@ -17,9 +17,11 @@ export const paragraphs = (...texts: (string | null | undefined | false)[]) =>
export const heading = (level: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6, text: string) =>
`${'#'.repeat(level)} ${text}`;
-export const bold = (text: string) => `**${text}**`;
+export const bold = (text: string, lang: 'md' | 'html' = 'md') =>
+ lang === 'html' ? `${text}` : `**${text}**`;
-export const italic = (text: string) => `_${text}_`;
+export const italic = (text: string, lang: 'md' | 'html' = 'md') =>
+ lang === 'html' ? `${text}` : `_${text}_`;
export const link = (href: string, text?: string) =>
`[${text ?? href}](${href})`;
@@ -99,3 +101,11 @@ export const table = (
return lines(...rows.map(row => `| ${row.map(formatCell).join(' | ')} |`));
+export const details = (summary: string, details: string) =>
+ lines(
+ '',
+ `${summary}
+ `\n${details}\n`.replace(/^\n{2,}/, '\n').replace(/\n{2,}$/, '\n'),
+ ' '
+ );