MIP | Title | Authors | Comments-Summary | Comments-URI | Status | Type | Created | License |
1 |
MIP Process |
Brian W Bush <[email protected]>, Tomasz Rybarczyk <[email protected]> |
No comments yet. |
Active |
Process |
2022-07-20 |
CC-BY-4.0 |
Note: This document is an adaptation of the Cardano Improvement Process (CIP) document that copies its organzation and most of its text from the CIP document: Frederic Johnson, Sebastien Guillemot, Matthias Benkort, Duncan Coutts, CIP process, https://github.com/cardano-foundation/CIPs/blob/master/CIP-0001/ReadMe.md, License CC-BY-4.0.
A Marlowe Improvement Proposal (MIP) is a formalized design document for the Marlowe community, providing information or describing a new feature for the Marlowe network, its processes, or environment in a concise and technically sufficient manner. In this MIP we describe what a MIP is, how the MIP process functions, and how users should go about proposing, discussing and structuring a MIP.
The Marlowe team intends MIPs to be the primary mechanisms for proposing new features, collecting community input on an issue, and for documenting design decisions that have gone into Marlowe. Because the MIPs are maintained as text files in a versioned repository, their revision history is the historical record of the feature proposal.
There are three kinds of MIP:
- A Standards Track MIP describes any change that affects most or all Marlowe implementations, such as a change to the network protocol, a change in block or transaction validity rules, or any change or addition that affects the interoperability of applications using Marlowe. Standards Track MIPs consist of two parts, a design document and a reference implementation.
- A Process MIP describes a process surrounding Marlowe, or proposes a change to (or an event in) a process. Process MIPs are like Standards Track MIPs but apply to areas other than the Marlowe protocol itself. They may propose an implementation, but not to Marlowe's codebase; they often require community consensus; unlike Informational MIPs, they are more than recommendations, and users are typically not free to ignore them. Examples include procedures, guidelines, changes to the decision-making process, and changes to the tools or environment used in Marlowe development. Any meta-MIP is also considered a Process MIP.
- An Informational MIP describes a Marlowe design issue, or provides general guidelines or information to the Marlowe community, but does not propose a new feature. Informational MIPs do not necessarily represent a Marlowe community consensus or recommendation, so users and implementors are free to ignore Informational MIPs or follow their advice.
MIPs should be written in Markdown format. Each MIP should have the following parts:
Name | Description |
Preamble | Headers containing metadata about the MIP (see below). |
Abstract | A short (~200 word) description of the technical issue being addressed. |
Motivation | The motivation is critical for MIPs that want to change the Marlowe protocol. It should clearly explain why the existing protocol is inadequate to address the problem that the MIP solves. |
Specification | The technical specification should describe the syntax and semantics of any new feature. The specification should be detailed enough to allow competing, interoperable implementations for any of the current Marlowe platforms. |
Rationale | The rationale fleshes out the specification by describing what motivated the design and why particular design decisions were made. It should describe alternate designs that were considered and related work. The rationale should provide evidence of consensus within the community and discuss important objections or concerns raised during discussion. |
Backwards compatibility | All MIPs that introduce backwards incompatibilities must include a section describing these incompatibilities and their severity. The MIP must explain how the author proposes to deal with these incompatibilities. |
Path to Active | A reference implementation, observable metrics or anything showing the acceptance of the proposal in the community. It must be completed before any MIP is given status "Active", but it need not be completed before the MIP is accepted. It is better to finish the specification and rationale first and reach consensus on it before writing any code. |
Copyright | The MIP must be explicitly licensed under acceptable copyright terms (see below). |
A MIP begins as an idea about how to improve the Marlowe network or its surrounding processes, with one or more individuals who are willing to propose and discuss the idea with the Marlowe community. After initial discussion and feedback, the idea is then formalized into a properly formatted proposal and submitted as a pull request to the MIP repository. The resulting new Draft MIP is then publicly processed and progressed as follows:
1. Skim through existing discussions and proposals.
If you have an idea you would like to propose, first search through previously proposed or discussed ideas in this repository and in public forums, and aim to extend an existing conversation if similar enough. If your idea is original or sufficiently distinct, start a new conversation thread to enable a discussion with the community. Favor public forums such as the Cardano Developer Forum, Marlowe Discord, or other active Marlowe discussion places so that the community can weigh in on the proposition. You should seek feedback and try to build informal consensus, as well as keep track of any critical feedback so that you can address it later.
2. Post a draft to the forum; engage with the community.
When enough of an engaged conversation has taken place and the idea resonates with some, prepare a draft of your proposal. The draft proposal should be posted to the Marlowe MIPs Discussions. This provides formal visibility beyond the original discussion, and helps the author(s) clarify details of the proposal as it is circulated more widely. Because the author or authors are responsible for collecting and summarizing community feedback in the next phase, long open-ended discussions should be avoided when creating the initial draft. Consider accepting private comments during the early design phases, setting up a wiki page, GitHub repository, or some other method to keep the discussion focused.
3. Post a matured draft to the MIP repository.
Once you've allowed enough time for feedback and a properly formatted (see below section) draft MIP has been written, it should be submitted to the Marlowe Improvement Proposals GitHub repository as a pull request, accompanied by a summary of the discussion so far in the comment section, with links where possible.
Name the pull request in an informative fashion, such as "MIP-authorname-FormalVerificationMethods" so the function can be inferred from the title. Do not self-assign a MIP number. An editor will review and approve or reject your MIP, based on the following criteria.
To be accepted, a MIP must be a clear and complete description of the proposed enhancement, a net improvement to the ecosystem, without unduly complicating the protocol.
A rejection might be due to duplication of effort, disregard for formatting rules, being too unfocused, being too broad, being technically unsound, not providing proper motivation, not addressing backwards compatibility, or not keeping with the Marlowe philosophy.
4. Wait for approval and/or feedback from the MIP editors.
A MIP editor will assign a MIP number, select the appropriate MIP type (Standards, Informational, or Process), and merge the accepted draft MIP into the MIPs GitHub repository. Merging does not imply acceptance or agreement, merely the formalizing of the discussion. From here, the MIP status is said to be in "Draft" mode. To update the draft, the MIP author should submit pull requests as necessary.
💡 Keep in mind:
The community should resonate with a proposed idea before its formalization, no need formalizing a MIP nobody wants. Not every change should be a MIP, a minor patch or small feature is probably better submitted as an issue in the relevant repository (use your best judgement, the MIP editors can provide guidance).
The more focused a MIP is, the easier it is to formalize and decide on. Strive to integrate a single key proposal, idea or concept. If in doubt, split it into smaller well-focused MIPs.
Your weighing in publicly (on ideas or proposals you are qualified to review) is just as important as pushing new ideas - thanks for fostering an atmosphere of openness, welcoming critical opinions and supporting logical argumenting. Help others and provide advice when able to.
Status | Description |
Draft | The idea has been formally accepted in the repository, and is being worked on by its authors. |
Proposed | A working implementation exists, as well as a clear plan highlighting what is required for this MIP to transition to "Active". |
Active | The proposal is deemed to have met all the appropriate criterias to be considered Active. |
On Hold | The MIP author is not currently working on this effort. |
Obsolete | The MIP was either retired or made obsolete by a newer MIP. |
Rejected | There is some issue with the MIP that makes it not acceptable at this point. |
Once a MIP has been merged into the MIP GitHub repository, it benefits from public exposure and the review of the MIP editors. However, work should still be driven by the author(s) towards the MIP being considered active.
The author or authors of a MIP can decide at any time to change the status from draft to on hold if they are currently unable to proactively progress the MIP. A MIP editor may also change the status to on hold if no progress is being made on the MIP for some time.
A MIP's status should only be changed from draft (or rejected) to 'Proposed' when the author or authors deem it complete and it has a community-verifyiable explicit (Editor-approved) path to 'Active': This could be a working implementation (where applicable), or a set of observable metrics on the network, but it should be clearly worded out in the MIP as its own section for all to refer to.
A MIP can be rejected by a MIP editor for a few specific reasons. MIPs should be changed from draft or proposed status to rejected status, upon request by any person, if they have not been progressed for more than three years. A rejected MIP can be changed to proposed status if it meets the criteria described in the previous paragraph, and if the author or author(s) provide revisions that meaningfully address the original criticism of the proposal that caused it to be rejected.
A proposed MIP may progress to active only when specific criteria reflecting real-world adoption have been met. These will be different for each MIP, depending on the nature of its proposed changes, which will be expanded on below. Evaluation of this status change should be objectively verifiable, and/or be discussed in the Marlowe MIPs Discussions.
When an active MIP is no longer relevant, its status may be changed to obsolete. This change must also be objectively verifiable and/or discussed.
The procedure for a Process MIP to progress from draft to active is slightly different: a Process MIP may change status from draft to active when it achieves rough consensus in the community. Such a proposal is said to have rough consensus if it has been open to discussion on the Marlowe MIPs Discussions for at least one month, and no person maintains any unaddressed, substantiated objections to it. Addressed or obstructive objections may be ignored or overruled by general agreement that they have been sufficiently addressed, but clear reasoning must be given in such circumstances.
For a MIP to progress to active status, it requires adoption from the majority of the Marlowe economy, including ada holders, stake pools, and exchanges, among others. Adoption must be demonstrated by de facto usage of the MIP in practice.
Software authors are encouraged to publish summaries of what MIPs their software supports to aid in the verification of MIP status changes. Good examples of this (at the time of writing) can be observed in the Bitcoin Core BIPs.md file.
These criteria are considered objective ways to observe the de facto adoption of a MIP, and are not to be used as reasons to oppose or reject a MIP. Should a MIP become unambiguously adopted despite not meeting the criteria outlined here, it should still be updated to active status.
Each MIP must begin with an RFC 822 style header preamble, preceded and followed by three hyphens (---
). The headers are required in the following order but the ones flagged with "*" are optional.
Field | Description |
MIP number, or "?" before being assigned |
Title MIP title |
maximum 44 characters |
Author |
list of authors' real names and email addrs |
* Discussions-To |
email addrs |
* Comments-Summary |
summary tone |
Comments-URI |
links to wiki page for comments |
Status |
Draft |
Type |
Standards Track |
Created |
date created on, in ISO 8601 (yyyy-mm-dd) format |
License |
abbreviation for approved license(s) |
* License-Code |
abbreviation for code under different approved license(s) |
* Post-History |
dates of postings to Marlowe Dev Forum, or link to thread |
* Requires |
MIP number(s) |
* Replaces |
MIP number |
* Superseded-By |
MIP number |
The Author(s) header lists the names and email addresses of the author or authors of the MIP. The format of the Author(s) header value must be:
Random J. User <[email protected]>
If there are multiple authors, each should be on a separate line following RFC 2822 continuation line conventions.
While a MIP is in private discussions (usually during the initial draft phase), a Discussions-To header will indicate the mailing list or URL where the MIP is being discussed. No Discussions-To header is necessary if the MIP is being discussed privately with the author.
The Type header specifies the type of MIP: Standards Track, Informational, or Process.
The Created header records the date that the MIP was assigned a number, while Post-History is used to record when new versions of the MIP are posted to Marlowe mailing lists. Dates should be in yyyy-mm-dd format, e.g. 2001-08-14.
MIPs may have a Requires header, indicating the MIP numbers that this MIP is dependent on.
MIPs may also have a Superseded-By header, indicating that a MIP has been rendered obsolete by a later document. The value is the number of the MIP that replaces the current document. The newer MIP must have a Replaces header containing the number of the MIP that it rendered obsolete.
MIPs may include auxiliary files such as diagrams. Auxiliary files should be included in that MIP's directory, or must be named MIP-XXXX-Y.ext, where "XXXX" is the MIP number, "Y" is a serial number (starting at 1), and "ext" is replaced by the actual file extension (e.g. "png").
MIP editors serve as stewards of the Marlowe ecosystem, here to support and progress MIPs in their various stages within the community and protocol. If you have questions regarding the MIP process, they can point you in the right direction. They provide support for users trying to create a MIP, monitor that the MIP process is fair, formalized, objective, and to facilitate knowledge transfer through the MIPs themselves.
Pablo Lamela - @palas
Jamie Bertram - @jhbertra
Brian W Bush - @bwbush
Yves Hauser - @yveshauser
Dino Morelli - @dino-iog
Hernan Rajchert - @hrajchert
Tomasz Rybarczyk - @paluh
MIP editors should strive to keep up to date with general technical conversations and Marlowe proposals. For each new draft proposal submitted in https://github.com/input-output-hk/MIPs/discussions, an editor might review it as follows:
- Read the proposal to check if it is ready, sound, and complete.
- Check if it has been properly formatted.
- Check if sufficient time has been allowed for proper discussion amongst the community.
- Ensure the motivation behind the MIP is valid and (if applicable) backward compatibility is addressed.
- Confirm licensing terms are acceptable.
If the draft proposal isn't ready, an editor might notify the author and request appropriate revisions.
Draft proposals submitted to the MIPs GitHub repository that get accepted will see an editor:
- Assign a MIP number
- Assign a type
- Merge the pull request
- List the MIP in the parent directory's ReadMe.md
Proposals that get rejected by an editor will have the reason for the rejection in the comment section.
MIP Editors are intended to fulfill administrative and editorial responsibilities: monitor MIP changes, update MIP headers, and facilitate the MIP discussion and submition process.
Each MIP should, in its preamble, link to a public page with a summary tone of the comments on that page. Reviewers of the MIP who consider themselves qualified, should post their own comments on that public page. The comments page should generally only be used to post final comments for a completed MIP. If a MIP is not yet completed, reviewers should instead post on the applicable development mailing list thread to allow the MIP author(s) to address any concerns or problems pointed out by the review.
Some MIPs receive exposure outside the development community prior to completion, and other MIPs might not be completed at all. To avoid a situation where critical MIP reviews may go unnoticed during this period, reviewers may, at their option, still post their review on the comments page, provided they first post it to the forum and plan to later remove or revise it as applicable based on the completed version. Such revisions should be made by editing the previous review and updating the timestamp. Reviews made prior to the complete version may be removed if they are no longer applicable and have not been updated in a timely manner.
Pages must be named after the full MIP number (eg, "MIP 0001") and placed in the "Comments" namespace. For example, the link for MIP 1 will be https://github.com/input-output-hk/MIPs/wiki/Comments:MIP-0001.
Comments posted to this wiki should use the following format:
<Your opinion> --<Your name>, <Date of posting, as YYYY-MM-DD>
MIPs may also choose to list a second forum for MIP comments, in addition to the MIPs wiki. In this case, the second forum's URI should be listed below the primary wiki's URI.
After some time, the MIP itself may be updated with a summary tone of the comments. Summary tones may be chosen from the following, but this MIP does not intend to cover all possible nuances and other summaries may be used as needed:
- No comments yet.
- Unanimously recommended for implementation
- Unanimously discourage for implementation
- Mostly recommended for implementation, with some discouragement
- Mostly discouraged for implementation, with some recommendation
For example, the preamble to MIP 1 might be updated to include the line:
Comments-Summary: No comments yet.
Comments-URI: https://github.com/input-output-hk/MIPs/wiki/Comments:MIP-0001
These fields must follow the "Discussions-To" header defined in MIP 1 (if that header is not present, it should follow the position where it would be present; generally this is immediately above the Status header).
To avoid doubt: comments and status are unrelated metrics to judge a MIP, and neither should be directly influencing the other.
- Due to the low barrier of entry for submission of new MIPs, it seems advisable for a way for reviewers to express their opinions on them in a way that is consumable to the public without needing to review the entire development discussion.
- Those commenting on MIPs should refrain from commenting outside of their area of knowledge or expertise. However, comments should not be censored, and participation should be open to the public.
It occasionally becomes necessary to transfer ownership/authorship of a MIP. The original author might no longer have the time or interest to update the MIP, progress, or simply has disappeared. Not agreeing with the direction of the MIP shouldn't be a reason to transfer ownership.
If you feel a MIP has been abandoned and want to take over ownership of it, send a message addressed to both the original author and the MIP editor, with the reasoning for your stepping up. The MIP editor will, at their discretion, decide if you should be made the author and the original author moved to co-author to preserve historical ties (circumstances permitting, pending a response from the original author, who might prefer to be taken off the MIP altogether). All changes will also be considered reversible.
New MIPs may be accepted with the following licenses. Each new MIP must identify at least one acceptable license in its preamble. The License header in the preamble must be placed after the Created header. Each license must be referenced by their respective abbreviation given below.
- for Software (for code): Apache-2.0: Apache License, version 2.0
- for documentation: CC-BY-4.0: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License
Example: This file is documentation, and therefore subject to CC-BY-4.0 (and not subject to Apache 2.0).
All licenses not explicitly included in the above lists are not acceptable terms for a Marlowe Improvement Proposal unless a later MIP extends this one to add them.
The motivation for this MIP is to create a public platform that can be used for sharing Marlowe improvement ideas and specifications with the community, allowing the Marlowe network to grow and advance over time.
This MIP is needed to establish a process by which other MIPs can be implemented. It draws heavily on Bitcoin's BIP process.
This MIP is licensed under CC-BY-4.0