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Website editor on top of Github pages
138 installs


1 website free plan, Open source enthousiast, and Supporter plans available.

Select a tab navigation

Create a website or edit the one you have and host it on Github pages.

Hosting is free, without ads, and super fast. The editor is simple and optimized for mobile phones.

Note: static websites are very fast ! Stastic editor plugs into Jekyll websites, wich are natively supported by Github pages. Install Stastic, then add /admin to the website URL to enter the editor.

Stastic is an online website editor.

It has never been that easy to create and edit static websites:

  • use any Jekyll template - we have a curated list too
  • edit the content with a clean attractive online editor, optimized for mobile and tablet
  • if you need to customize your website design or features, hand over what you created to a developer or web designer

Here is how you try Stastic:

1- Login with Github and authorise Stastic
2- Select a design in a list of curated themes or install Stastic on your existing site on Github
3- Open Stastic editor in your browser: or use the URL provided for free by Github: https://[yourname]
4- Edit the content, create pages, write blog posts, change the navigation, add Google analytics tracking, customize the pages URLs, and more
5- If you need, provide the site to a developer, (s)he will know how to customize every bit of design

The editor in action

Supported languages


Plans and pricing

This "free for life" plan is available only to your first website
If you are willing to help me maintain static, I would be happy to release it as free/libre
This plan is for supporters who are willing to help me with the development of Stastic
$1 / website / month
For users only
  • Cheap $1 plan
  • Ensure that Stastic will evolve
  • 2 free themes (or use your existing website)
$1 / website / month

Next: Confirm your installation location and payment information

Stastic is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation


Website editor on top of Github pages
138 installs


1 website free plan, Open source enthousiast, and Supporter plans available.

Supported languages
