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SettleMint CLI Action

Execute SettleMint CLI commands in your GitHub Actions workflow
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SettleMint Github Action
Integrate SettleMint into your application with ease.

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This GitHub Action allows you to execute SettleMint CLI commands in your GitHub Actions workflow. It handles installation, authentication, and execution of CLI commands with proper environment configuration.


  • 🚀 Automatic installation of SettleMint CLI
  • 🔐 Built-in authentication handling
  • 🌍 Support for all SettleMint environment variables
  • 📦 Version control for CLI installation
  • 🔌 Automatic workspace connection


Basic Example

  - uses: actions/checkout@v4
  - name: Run SettleMint CLI
    uses: settlemint/settlemint-action@main
      command: "workspace list"
      access-token: ${{ secrets.SETTLEMINT_ACCESS_TOKEN }}

Advanced Example

  - uses: actions/checkout@v4
  - name: Deploy Smart Contract
    uses: settlemint/settlemint-action@main
      command: "scs hardhat deploy remote --accept-defaults"
      access-token: ${{ secrets.SETTLEMINT_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
      version: "1.0.0"
      workspace: "my-workspace-ae70"
      blockchain-node: "my-node-3b8e"
      auto-connect: "true"



Input Description Required
access-token SettleMint Access Token (can be a personal or an application access token) Yes


Input Description Default
command CLI command to execute -
version CLI version to install 'latest'
auto-connect Automatically connect to workspace 'true' (only executed when access-token is a personal access token)
instance SettleMint instance URL ''
workspace Workspace unique name -
application Application unique name -
blockchain-network Blockchain network unique name -
blockchain-node Blockchain node unique name -
load-balancer Load balancer unique name -
hasura Hasura unique name -
thegraph TheGraph unique name -
portal Portal unique name -
hd-private-key HD private key -
minio MinIO unique name -
ipfs IPFS unique name -
custom-deployment Custom deployment unique name -
blockscout Blockscout unique name -

Common Use Cases

Deploying Smart Contracts

- name: Deploy Contract
  uses: settlemint/settlemint-action@main
    command: scs hardhat deploy remote --accept-defaults
    access-token: ${{ secrets.SETTLEMINT_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
    workspace: ${{ vars.WORKSPACE_UNIQUE_NAME }}

Managing Workspaces

- name: List Workspaces
  uses: settlemint/settlemint-action@main
    command: workspace list
    access-token: ${{ secrets.SETTLEMINT_ACCESS_TOKEN }}

Custom Version Installation

- name: Use Specific CLI Version
  uses: settlemint/settlemint-action@main
    command: --version
    version: "1.0.0"
    access-token: ${{ secrets.SETTLEMINT_ACCESS_TOKEN }}

Environment Variables

All inputs are automatically converted to environment variables with the SETTLEMINT_ prefix. For example:


Environment Files

The action supports loading environment variables from .env files. You can provide the content of your env files through the following inputs:

  • dotEnvFile: Content of your main .env file
  • dotEnvLocalFile: Content of your .env.local file

⚠️ Important: Always store env file contents in GitHub Secrets:

  - uses: settlemint/settlemint-action@main
      dotEnvFile: ${{ secrets.MY_ENV_FILE }}
      dotEnvLocalFile: ${{ secrets.MY_ENV_LOCAL }}
      access-token: ${{ secrets.SETTLEMINT_ACCESS_TOKEN }}

The action will process these files and add all variables to the GitHub Actions environment. It handles:

  • Comments (lines starting with #)
  • Empty lines
  • Quoted values
  • Values containing = signs
  • Trailing comments

Error Handling

The action will fail if:

  • Invalid access token is provided
  • Required inputs are missing
  • CLI command execution fails
  • Network connectivity issues occur


  • Never commit your access token directly in workflows
  • Use GitHub Secrets for sensitive information
  • Consider using OIDC for token management in production

Security Best Practices

Handling Secrets 🔒

  • NEVER commit access tokens, private keys or any secrets directly in your workflow files or repository

  • ALWAYS use GitHub Secrets for sensitive information:

    # ✅ CORRECT - Using GitHub Secrets
    access-token: ${{ secrets.SETTLEMINT_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
    # ❌ WRONG - NEVER do this
    access-token: "your-token-here"  # This is a security risk!
  • Use GitHub's OIDC (OpenID Connect) for token management in production environments

  • Regularly rotate your access tokens and secrets

  • Limit secret access to only the necessary workflows and repositories

Environment Variables

When using .env files:

  - uses: settlemint/settlemint-action@main
      dotEnvFile: ${{ secrets.ENV_FILE_CONTENT }} # Store as a secret!
      access-token: ${{ secrets.SETTLEMINT_ACCESS_TOKEN }}


Contributions are welcome! Please read our Contributing Guide for details on our code of conduct and the process for submitting pull requests.


This project is licensed under the FSL-1.1-MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


SettleMint CLI Action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Execute SettleMint CLI commands in your GitHub Actions workflow

SettleMint CLI Action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.