All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- (build) Pyproject dep fix
- (version) Updated 1.5.2
- (build) Pyproject initial setup
- (modulemanager) Scaffold on this feature
- (module manager) Now this works with existing file
- (project) Added logger and .env support
- (commitcli) Version on cli
- (modules) New get commit id helper
- (comitcli) Added docker to test old python version
- (module manager) Deleted bad code
- (module manager) Forgotten code
- (module manager) Requirements files
- (cimmitcli) Fixed multi type anotations to work on old python
- (commitcli) Small fix in file
- (commitcli) Support on optional questions
- (commitcli) Missing files
- (commitcli) Fixed bug on non existing module file
- (commitcli) Double type hint deleted to make it compatible with < 3.10
- (packages) Small typos
- (module manager) Xdxd
- (commitcli) New beta version
- (commitcli) Version update
- (make) Updated to use with nodemon
- (requiremts) Added pymongo
- (requiremts) Added pymongo
- (comitcli) Added docker command to enter container
- (build) Removed old script
- (packages) Updated to consider new debian restriction
- (readme) Updated readme
- (readme) Link to pypi
- (module manager) Updates, wip
- (config manager) Added module manager
- (config manager) WIP on preselected answers
- (preselectedmodules) Wip
- (module manager) Module load in file now works on happy path
- (module manager) Module now works with a existing list
- (module manager) Writing function is working
- (module manager) File writing works
- (aaa) Ddd
- (module manager) Added code to handle empty states
- (module manager) Updated inquirer and filename
- (commitcli) Wip on getting version (not working)
- (commitcli) Updated module preselection order
- (commitcli) Added makefile and wip on new features
- (module manager) Wip on repository pattern for modules
- (commitcli) Wip on new module provider
- (commitcli) Some fixes on the local file configuration all is working
- (commitcli) Validations now are first
- (commitcli) Some final clean up
- (commitcli) Ctr+c handling
- (commitcli) Bad code
- (version) Added a new patch version
- (commitcli) Dependency update and new version ready
- (version) New version tag until waiting a new feature to release
- (modules) Updated code to start using repository
- (modules) Updated, mongo get all is working
- (modules) Progress on new db way
- (modules) Catching id prepare the rest of the code to work with this id
- (commitcli) Goldpath working
- (modules) Updated to work with repository
- (repository) Updated to work with mongo
- (modules) Version update and db name added
- (modules) Added rc template
- (comitcli) Updated get id func
- (comitcli) Updated get id func
- (comitcli) Deleted old code
- (comitcli) Updated mongo
- (comitcli) Deleted bad code
- (comitcli) Order in find
- (comitcli) Update on find
- (comitcli) Order in mongo and fixed dates
- (comitcli) Updated modules to allow descriptions in mongo
- (comitcli) Updated modules description in prompt
- (comitcli) Format update
- (packages) Removed distutils
- (packages) Removed deprecated code
- (packages) Updated version, renamed readme
- (adminscript) Added clean command
- (version) Version update with little dependency fix
- (commitcli) Args support
- (configmanager) Config changes to avoid optionals
- (commitcli) Clean up and test folder for unittesting
- (commitcli) Clean up
- (commitcli) Updated version and readme
- New file
- (commit message) Format structure
- (commit message) Text in the prompt
- (root) Useless file
- (readme,setup) Some updates for the new version