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Perform valve isolation trace

Run a filtered trace to locate operable features that will isolate an area from the flow of network resources.

Image of a utility network with an isolation trace applied to it

Use case

Determine the set of operable features required to stop a network's resource, effectively isolating an area of the network. For example, you can choose to return only accessible and operable valves: ones that are not paved over or rusted shut.

How to use the sample

Create and set the configuration's filter barriers by selecting a category. Check or uncheck 'Include Isolated Features'. Click 'Trace' to run a subnetwork-based isolation trace.

How it works

  1. Create a MapView.
  2. Create and load a UtilityNetwork with a feature service URL.
  3. Create a Map that contains FeatureLayer(s) that are part of this utility network.
  4. Create a default starting location from a given asset type and global id.
  5. Add a GraphicsOverlay with a Graphic that represents this starting location.
  6. Populate the choice list for the 'Filter Barrier: Category exists' from UtilityNetworkDefinition.Categories.
  7. Get a default UtilityTraceConfiguration from a given tier in a domain network. Set it's Filter with a new UtilityTraceFilter.
  8. When 'Trace' is clicked,
    • Create a new UtilityCategoryComparison with the selected category and UtilityCategoryComparisonOperator.Exists.
    • Assign this condition to TraceFilter.Barriers from the default configuration from step 7. Update this configuration's IncludeIsolatedFeatures property.
    • Create a UtilityTraceParameters with UtilityTraceType.Isolation and default starting location from step 4.
    • Set its TraceConfiguration with this configuration and then, run a UtilityNetwork.TraceAsync.
  9. For every FeatureLayer in the map, select the features returned by GetFeaturesForElementsAsync from the elements matching their NetworkSource.Name with the layer's FeatureTable.Name.

Relevant API

  • UtilityCategory
  • UtilityCategoryComparison
  • UtilityCategoryComparisonOperator
  • UtilityDomainNetwork
  • UtilityElement
  • UtilityElementTraceResult
  • UtilityNetwork
  • UtilityNetworkDefinition
  • UtilityTier
  • UtilityTraceFilter
  • UtilityTraceParameters
  • UtilityTraceResult
  • UtilityTraceType

About the data

The Naperville gas network feature service, hosted on ArcGIS Online, contains a utility network used to run the isolation trace shown in this sample.


category comparison, condition barriers, isolated features, network analysis, subnetwork trace, trace configuration, trace filter, utility network