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e3357d6 · Nov 11, 2020


This branch is 18 commits behind arnaudleclerc/AzureMapsControl.Components:develop.


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Nov 11, 2020

HTML Markers

HTML Marker

HTML Markers can be added directly on the map using the HtmlMarkers property on the AzureMap component.

@page "/HtmlMarkers"

@using AzureMapsControl.Components.Map
<AzureMap Id="map"
          HtmlMarkers="new [] {
                           new AzureMapsControl.Components.Markers.HtmlMarker(
                               new Components.Markers.HtmlMarkerOptions
                                   Position = new Components.Atlas.Position(0, 0),
                                   Draggable = true
                       }" />

They can also be added programmatically using the AddHtmlMarkersAsync method available on the map. The following example adds a marker to the map once its ready event has been triggered.

@page "/HtmlMarkersOnReady"

@using AzureMapsControl.Components.Map
<AzureMap Id="map"

@code  {
    public async Task OnMapReady(MapEventArgs events)
        await events.Map.AddHtmlMarkersAsync
            new AzureMapsControl.Components.Markers.HtmlMarker(
            new Components.Markers.HtmlMarkerOptions
                Position = new Components.Atlas.Position(0, 0),
                Draggable = true

More information concerning the HtmlMarkers can be found on the Azure Maps Documentation.

Enable and disable events

Just like for the AzureMap, you can enable or disable events on each HtmlMarker. To do so, you can provide the HtmlMarkerEventActivationFlags while creating a new HtmlMarker. The following example adds an HtmlMarker with only the click event activated.

@page "/HtmlMarkers"

@using AzureMapsControl.Components.Map
<AzureMap Id="map"
          OnReady="OnMapReady" />

@code  {

    public async Task OnMapReady(MapEventArgs events)
        var marker = new AzureMapsControl.Components.Markers.HtmlMarker(
            new Components.Markers.HtmlMarkerOptions
                Position = new Components.Atlas.Position(0, 0),
                Draggable = true

        await events.Map.AddHtmlMarkersAsync(marker);

React to events on HtmlMarkers

You can subscribe to events on an instance of the HtmlMarker class. By default, all the events are deactivated. The following events are supported :

Native event key HtmlMarker event Description
click OnClick Fired when a pointing device is pressed and released at the same point on the marker.
contextmenu OnContextMenu Fired when the right button of the mouse is clicked on the marker.
dblclick OnDbClick Fired when a pointing device is clicked twice at the same point on the marker.
drag OnDrag Fired repeatedly during a "drag to pan" interaction on the HTML marker.
dragend OnDragEnd Fired when a "drag to pan" interaction ends on the HTML marker.
dragstart OnDragStart Fired when a "drag to pan" interaction starts on the HTML marker.
keydown OnKeyDown Fired when key is pressed down on the HTML marker.
keypress OnKeyPress Fired when key is pressed on the HTML marker.
keyup OnKeyUp Fired when key is pressed up on the HTML marker.
mousedown OnMouseDown Fired when a pointing device is pressed within the HTML marker or when on top of an element.
mouseenter OnMouseEnter Fired when a pointing device is initially moved over the HTML marker or an element.
mouseleave OnMouseLeave Fired when a pointing device is moved out the HTML marker or an element.
mousemove OnMouseMove Fired when a pointing device is moved within the HTML marker or an element.
mouseout OnMouseOut Fired when a point device leaves the HTML marker's canvas our leaves an element.
mouseover OnMouseOver Fired when a pointing device is moved over the HTML marker or an element.
mouseup OnMouseUp Fired when a pointing device is released within the HTML Marker or when on top of an element.

The following example suscribes to the click event on an HtmlMarker.

@page "/HtmlMarkers"

@using AzureMapsControl.Components.Map
<AzureMap Id="map"
          OnReady="OnMapReady" />

@code  {

    public async Task OnMapReady(MapEventArgs events)
        var marker = new AzureMapsControl.Components.Markers.HtmlMarker(
            new Components.Markers.HtmlMarkerOptions
                Position = new Components.Atlas.Position(0, 0),
                Draggable = true

        marker.OnClick += (args) =>
            //Do something when the marker has been clicked

        await events.Map.AddHtmlMarkersAsync(marker);

Update an HtmlMarker

You can update an HtmlMarker using the UpdateHtmlMarkersAsync method available on the map by passing an HtmlMarkerUpdatecontaining the previously created HtmlMarker and the options to update.

The following example updates an HtmlMarker by changing its color when the mouse goes over it.

@page "/HtmlMarkersUpdate"

@using AzureMapsControl.Components.Map
<AzureMap Id="map"
          OnReady="OnMapReady" />

@code  {
    public async Task OnMapReady(MapEventArgs events)
        var markerColor = "#0000FF";
        var overColor = "#FF0000";
        var marker = new AzureMapsControl.Components.Markers.HtmlMarker(
            new Components.Markers.HtmlMarkerOptions
                Position = new Components.Atlas.Position(0, 0),
                Draggable = true,
                Color = markerColor

        marker.OnMouseEnter += async (args) =>
            var updatedOptions = new AzureMapsControl.Components.Markers.HtmlMarkerOptions
                Color = overColor

            await args.Map.UpdateHtmlMarkersAsync(new Components.Markers.HtmlMarkerUpdate(marker, updatedOptions));

        marker.OnMouseLeave += async (args) =>
            var updatedOptions = new AzureMapsControl.Components.Markers.HtmlMarkerOptions
                Color = markerColor

            await args.Map.UpdateHtmlMarkersAsync(new Components.Markers.HtmlMarkerUpdate(marker, updatedOptions));

        await events.Map.AddHtmlMarkersAsync(marker);

Remove HtmlMarkers

The map also gives you the possibility to remove HTML markers using the RemoveHtmlMarkersAsync method. The following example adds an html marker to the map and removes the previously added one.

@page "/HtmlMarkersRemove"

@using AzureMapsControl.Components.Map
<AzureMap Id="map"
          OnClick="OnMapClick" />

@code  {

    private AzureMapsControl.Components.Markers.HtmlMarker _marker;

    public async Task OnMapClick(MapMouseEventArgs args)
        if(_marker != null)
            await args.Map.RemoveHtmlMarkersAsync(_marker);

        _marker = new AzureMapsControl.Components.Markers.HtmlMarker(
            new Components.Markers.HtmlMarkerOptions
                Position = args.Position
            }, AzureMapsControl.Components.Markers.HtmlMarkerEventActivationFlags.None());
        await args.Map.AddHtmlMarkersAsync

A ClearHtmlMarkersAsync method on the map also allows you to remove all the HTML Markers.