All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
- model for D-Link cisco like CLI (@mirackle-spb)
- fixed empty lines for ZyXEL GS1900 switches (@jluebbe)
- fixed prompt for Watchguard FirewareOS not matching the regex when the node is non-master (@netdiver)
- fixed new date/time format with newer RouterOS
# jun/01/2023 12:11:25 by RouterOS 7.9.1
vs# 2023-06-01 12:16:16 by RouterOS 7.10rc1
(@tim427) - Do not redirect stderr when fetching opnsense version since default shell (csh) doesn't support it (@spike77453)
- Ensure Docker builds are only pushed to registry on
- #2749: fix issues with
- Ensure Docker Builds are tagged with latest and version (using
git describe --tags
) (@aschaber1) - Upgrade Dockerfile baseimage to Ubuntu 22.04 and Ruby 3.0 (@aschaber1)
- Upgrade Ruby dependency to Ruby 3.0+ (@aschaber1)
- model for PanOS & Panorama via HTTP API (@pv2b, @sts)
- model for MikroTik SwOS devicse (@sm-nessus)
- model for TrueNAS devices (@neilschelly)
- model for Acme Packet devices (@ha36d)
- model for SmartCS devise (@yoshihito-tatano)
- Cumulus: added option to use NCLU as ia collecting method
- Update net-ssh to 7.0.1 (using
append_all_supported_algorithms: true
) - Allow (config) (vlan-####) confirmation (y/n) and sftp questions in procurve prompt (@sorano)
- Added new model called
to backup configuration fron Nokia SR OS devices running in the model-driven CLI mode, which has different syntax to existingsros
model. - fix: allow Netgear devices to finish SSH session correctly
- More pager handling for MIS5030Q (@glance-)
- Update logrotate example to allow logrotate service to start before any logs exist
- Mask NX-OS tacacs+ host keys (@0x4c6565)
- airfiber: prompt matching made case-insensitive to support AF5xHD (@noaheroufus)
- Cumulus: add support for dhcp-relay (@ohai89)
- Github Action: Support creating custom version tag in a release
- Add support for no enable password set on ironware
- change pfSense secret scrubbing to keep config as well-formed XML
- Add support for comware HPE Office Connect 1950
- Added model for Hirschmann Hios devices, next to alread present Hirschmann classic (@tijldeneut)
- (StoneOS) Prompt fix for long device names, '^H' handling and removal of ever-changing data (@dMailonG)
- install rugged with ssh in Dockerfile (@agrevtcev)
- allow to run as non-root user in Docker (@agrevtcev)
- Extend http source configurations to include read_timeout value
- model for bdcom-based fiberstore switches (@candlerb)
- enterasys800 model for enterasys 800-series fe/ge switches (@javichumellamo)
- add ES3526XA-V2 support in EdgeCOS model (@moisseev)
- model for eltex mes-series switches (@glaubway)
- model for zte c300 and c320 olt (@glaubway)
- model for LANCOM (@systeembeheerder)
- model for Aruba CX switches (@jmurphy5)
- model for FortiWLC WLAn Controller (@MrMarioMichel)
- model for NEC IX devices (@mikenowak)
- Added docs for Dell/EMC Networking OS10 devices (@davromaniak)
- model for Zyxel 1308 OLTs (@baldoarturo)
- model for Linksys SRW switches (@glance-)
- Added exec hook variables to retrieve verbose node's failure reason and type
- model for Cambium ePMP radios (@martydingo)
- Added GaiaOS support for virtual systems (@rwxd)
- Added new
configuration option (@mjbnz) - Dockerfile rebased to phusion/baseimage-docker focal-1.2.0
- model for Lenovo Network OS (@seros1521)
- new option: use_max_threads
- model for ADVA devices (@stephrdev)
- model for YAMAHA NVR/RTX Series (@bluekirin55)
- model for ZPE Nodegrid OS (@euph333)
- model for H3C switches
- model for Cisco Catalyst Express switches (@unemongod)
- extended mysql source configuration to include tls options (@glaubway)
- updated rugged in gemspec for ruby 3.0 support (@firefishy)
- Added exec hook for MS Teams webhook (@systeembeheerder)
- Better manage of the enable mode in edgeswitch.rb (@agabellini)
- Adds paging support to Enterasys B3/C3 (@piterpunk)
- Allows "Username" as username prompt in Brocade ICX-series devices (@piterpunk)
- Add show-sensitive flag on export command on Mikrotik RouterOS when remove_secret is off (@kedare)
- rubocop dependency now ~> 0.81.0, the last one with ruby 2.3 support
- change pfSense secret scrubbing to handle new format in 2.4.5+
- Dockerfile rebased to phusion/baseimage-docker bionic-1.0.0
- scrub PoE related messages from routeros config output (@pioto)
- support for d-link dgs-1100 series switches in dlink model (@glaubway)
- enterasys model now works with both ro and rw access (@sargon)
- restore including last configuration change IOS if the change is done by real user. Resolves #1921 (@raunz)
- Additional scrubbing for SonicOS v7 devices (@gerard780)
- improved Telnet support for enterasys (@jplitza)
- Include "show version" output for enterasys (@jplitza)
- xmppdiff now also shows diffs with only removed or only added lines (@jplitza)
- xmppdiff now persists its connection to the XMPP server and MUC (@jplitza)
- routeros no longer backups infos on available updates (@jplitza)
- avoid /humidity hardware field in tmos (F5) to be reported (@albsga)
- read all configurations in partition folder for tmos (F5) (@dalamanster)
- version information or OPNsense and PFsense models is now included as XML comments (@pv2b)
- netscaler, backup all partitions (@smallsam)
- only runs SSH proxy commands if the ssh_proxy configuration item has been defined (@jameskirsop)
- updated vrp.rb to correctly parse huawei devices
- asa: information about the configuration change time is deleted
- Extended groups configuration to support models vars within a group (@mjbnz)
- Extended
configuration to allow repo specific ssh keys (@mjbnz) - sonicos: added scrubbing for hashed values (@televat0rs)
- nxos: Additional scrubbing for nxos device passwords (@derekivey)
- nxos: Fix password match to avoid stripping out the user role. (@derekivey)
- OpenBSD: Include bgpd, ospfd and ospf6d files (@woopstar)
- scrub often changing values in junos license output (@matejv)
- comware: support for enable(super) login password added (@delvta)
- use slack-ruby-client instead of slack-api for slackdiff hook (@0xmc)
- ios: Add support for RBAC in IOS model (@jameskirsop)
- hide unsupported-transceiver license key in Arista EOS (@davidc)
- edgecos: add support for FS S3900-48T6S-R (@cgsecurity)
- eltex: added one command for disable pagination on Eltex MES2424 switches (@mirackle-spb)
- fixed an issue for IOSXR devices which can't allocate pty because of problem with forwarding agent.
- fixed an issue with the TrueNAS model where the configuration would come up blank when TrueNAS was also using it. (@neilschelly)
- fixed on issue where Oxidized could not pull config from Opengear devices #1899 (@rikard0)
- fixed an issue where Oxidized could not pull config from XOS-devices operating in stacked mode (@DarkCatapulter)
- fixed an issue where Oxidized could not pull config from XOS-devices that have not saved their configuration (@DarkCatapulter)
- improved scrubbing of show chassis in ironware model (@michaelpsomiadis)
- fixed snmp secret handling in netgear model (@CirnoT)
- generalise fortiOS to support new versions and VM based products e.g. FortiManager, FortiAnalyzer and FortiMail, which requires keyboard-interactive auth method. Includes trial-and-error cmd list to retrieve most infromative config. Fixes #2227. Moved 'system ha status' to 'config global' section to support clusters with virtual domains.
- filter next periodic save schedule time in xos model output (@sargon)
- Fix when auto-saved is configured on xos switches (@trappiz)
- fixed ArubaOS-CX enviroment/system inconsistent values #2297 (@raunz)
- further improvements to ArubaOS-CX environment values (@olemyhre)
- Update AirFiber prompt regex (@murrant)
- System time and running time are now stripped from tplink model output (@spike77453)
- <?xml... line is no longer improperly stripped from OPNsense and PFsense backups (@pv2b)
- fixed an issue where Oxidized timeouts in Brocade ICX-series devices (@piterpunk)
- fixed an issue where EOS config was truncated. Fixes #2038 (@jake2184 @fhibler)
- fixed missing output from routeros version command (@mjbnz)
- stopped
clear: true
from removing all commands (@mjbnz) - Updated fastiron enable password prompt regex (@pepperoni-pi)
- fixed an issue where the pfsense model would not report errors in case it was unable to download the configuration e.g. due to insufficient permissions
- added a missing check for whether to send
commands to Adtran devices (@repnop) - fixed an issue where ADVA devices with a configured prompt !=
couldn't be polled (@momorientes) - ensure local time and system up time are filtered for ADVA devices (@stephrdev)
- fixed an issue with FortiOS that didn't accurately match
set ca
lines #2567 (@neilschelly) - removed unwanted current date from slxos model
- fixed secret handling for rip authentication in casa model #2648 (@grahamjohnston)
- stripped IoT-detect version for Fortigate devices
- Fix expect usage in models on telnet. Tested with Netgear GS108T. (@arrjay)
- Fix Sonicwall SonicOS "system-uptime" omission from log (@lazynooblet)
- purityos: at least v6.3.5 needs other terminal settings (@elliot64)
- purityos: remove purealerts and VEEAM snapshots from backed up config (@elliot64)
- add VMWare NSX Edge 6.4+ support (@elmobp)
- add Dell EMC Networking OS10 support (@mmisslin)
- add Centec Networks CNOS (Fiberstore S5800/S5850) support via cnos model (@freddy36)
- include transceiver information in EdgeCOS model (@freddy36)
- add Telco Systems T-Marc 3306 support via telco model (@SkylerBlumer)
- add enable support to ciscosmb (@deesel)
- add Waystream iBOS model
- add QTECH model (@moisseev)
- more secret scrubbing in sonicos (@s-fu)
- openssh key scrubbing as secret in fortios (@agabellini)
- scrubs macsec key from Arista EOS (@krisamundson)
- rubocop dependency now ~> 0.80.0
- rugged dependency now ~> 0.28.0
- cumulus model no longer records transient data (@plett)
- use without-paging variant of print statement in routeros (@vkushnir)
- include the commands in the output in EdgeCOS model (@freddy36)
- update patterns for minor software version dependent differences in EdgeCOS model @freddy36)
- better login modalities for telnet in aos7 (@optimuscream)
- better virtual domain detection in fortios (@agabellini)
- allow any max length for username/password in GcomBNPS (@freddy36)
- relax prompt requirements in ciscosmb (@Atroskelis)
- fortios model strips uptime even without remove_secrets (@jplitza)
- HP ProCurve now accepts ">" as apart of the prompt (@magnuslarsen)
- fix IOS SNMP notification community hiding for informs and v3 (@moisseev)
- fixed issue where the regex-pattern for XOS-prompts used invalid syntax (@DarkCatapulter)
- set terminal width in EdgeCOS model (@moisseev)
- suppress errors for commands that are not supported on some devices in EdgeCOS model (@moisseev)
- revert including command names in the output of the EdgeCOS model (@moisseev)
- add automatic restart on failure for systemd (@deajan)
- add ZynOS GS1900 specific model support (@deajan)
- add PurityOS model support (@elliot64)
- add Ubiquiti Airfiber model support (@cchance27)
- add Icotera support (@funzoneq)
- include licensing information in aos model (@pozar)
- include chassis information in sros model (@raunz)
- add firelinuxos (FirePOWER) model (@rgnv)
- add sonicos model (@rgnv)
- add hpmsm model (@timwsuqld)
- include hardware and product information in oneos model (@raunz)
- add FastIron model (@ZacharyPuls)
- add Linuxgeneric model (@davama)
- include HA status info in fortios model (@raunz)
- add SpeedTouch model (@raunz)
- comware added device manuinfo to include serial number (@raunz)
- add pgsql support, mechanized and net-tftp to Dockerfile
- upgrade slop, net-telnet and rugged
- extra secret scrubbing in comware model (@bengels00)
- removed snmpd lines from linuxgeneric model
- moved show configuration command to the end in junos model (@raunz)
- filter pap and chap passwords in ios model (@matejv)
- prevent versionning on procurve switches by removing power usage output (@deajan)
- improve procurve telnet support for older switches (@deajan)
- voss model
- cambium model should not consider timestamp for backup as unneeded, and causes diffs -@cchance27)
- remove 'sh system' from ciscosmb model (@Exordian)
- dlink model didn't support prompts with spaces in the model type (Extreme EAS -00-24p) (@cchance27)
- routeros model does not collect configuration via telnet input (@hexdump0x0200)
- add dependencies for net-ssh
- don't log power module info on procurve model anymore
- crash on some recent Ruby versions in the nagios check (@Kegeruneku)
- remove stray whitespace in adtran model (@nickhilliard)
- if input model returns subclassed string we may overwrite the string with an empty -tring
- updated aosw.rb prompt. addresses issue #1254
- update comware model to fix telnet login/password for HPE MSR954 and HPE5130. Issue -1886
- filter out IOS configuration/NVRAM modified/changed timestamps to keep output -ersistent
- update screenos model to reduce the amount of lines being stripped from beginning of -fg output
- include colon in aosw prompt regexp in case it is a mac address (@raunz)
- comware improvement for requesting HP 19x0 switches hidden CLI. Issues #1754 and -1447
- fix variable inheritance when subclassing a model
- regression in git.rb version method where we check if Rugged::Diff has any deltas/patches
- suppress net-ssh 5 deprecation warnings by moving from :paranoid to :verify_host_key
- force file permissions in rubygems
- add Cisco VPN3000 model (@baznikin)
- add NetGear PROSafe Smart switches model (@baznikin)
- Added possibility to pass root logs directory as environment variable (@Glorf)
- add OneAccess TDRE (1645) model (@starrsl)
- add Audiocodes MediaPack MP-1xx and Mediant 1000 model (@pedjaj)
- add raisecom RAX model (@vitalisator)
- add huawei smartax model (@nyash)
- add grandstream model
- prompt updates in siklu, netonix, netscaler models
- minimal supported ruby is now 2.3, net-ssh dependency ~> 5, rubocop ~> 0.65.0
- in git comparison we might mistakenly always detect change due to !utf8 vs. utf8 encoding of a char
- update changelog which was forgotten during release
- add viptela model (@bobthebutcher)
- add ECI Telecom Appolo platform bij [email protected]
- ssh keepalive now configurable per node with ssh_no_keepalive boolean
- add Comtrol model (@RobbFromIT)
- add Dell X-series model (@RobbFromIT)
- add privilege escalation to the cumulus model (@user4574)
- add adtran model (@CFUJoshWeepie)
- add firebrick model (@lewisvive)
- bump Dockerfile phusion/baseimage:0.10.0 -> 0.11, revert to one-stage build
- add sqlite3 and mysql2 drivers for sequel to Dockerfile
- Added verbiage to set OXIDIZED_HOME correctly under Debian 8.8 w/systemd
- add gpgme and sequel gems to Dockerfile for sources
- eos model removes user secrets and BGP secrets (@yzguy)
- add secret filtering to netscaler (@shepherdjay)
- capture ZebOS configuration for TMOS model (@yzguy)
- additional secret filters in ios, asa, procurve, ciscosmb models (@hexdump0x0200)
- remove volatile uptime data in nos model (@f0rkz)
- netgear telnet password prompt not detected
- xos model should not modify config on legacy Extreme Networks devices (@sq9mev)
- model dlink, edgecos, ciscosmb, openbsd
- hide 'lighttpd_ls_password' as potential secret in pfsense model (@dra)
- ciscospark hook error when diff is set to false
- add frr support to cumulus model (@User4574 / @bobthebutcher)
- honour MAX_STAT in mtime, to store last N mtime
- configurable stats history size
- model callback enhancements for customizing existing models (@ytti)
- models ciscosmb, dlink
- support arbitrary user/password/prompt detection in telnet, same behaviour as ssh
- manager refactor, support local loading of input, output, source, not just model and hook
- store modification time in node stats
- model edgecos does not trigger false positives due to uptime and memory utilization (@sq9mev)
- Use SECRET-DATA hints for hiding secrets in JunOS (@Zmegolaz)
- comware (@adamboutcher)
- openbsd model (@amarti2038)
- comnet model (@jaylik)
- stoneos model (@macaty)
- openwrt model (@z00nx)
- arbos model (@jsynack)
- ndms model (@yuri-zubov)
- openwert model (@z00nx)
- stoneos model (@macaty)
- comnetms model (@jaylik)
- openbsd model (@amarti2038)
- cambium model
- ssh key passphrase (@wk)
- cisco spark hook (@rgnv)
- added support for setting ssh auth methods (@laf)
- models procurve, br6910, vyos, fortios, edgeos, vyatta, junos, powerconnect, supermicro, fortios, firewareos, aricentiss, dnos, nxos, hpbladesystem, netgear, xos, boss, opengear, pfsense, asyncos
- routeros include system history (@InsaneSplash)
- vrp added support for removing secrets (@bheum)
- hirschmann model (@OCangrand)
- asa added multiple context support (@marnovdm)
- procurve added additional output (@davama)
- Updated git commits to bare repo + drop need for temp dir during clone (@asenci)
- asyncos model (@cd67-usrt)
- ciscosma model (@cd67-usrt)
- procurve added transceiver info (@davama)
- routeros added remove_secret option (@spinza)
- Updated net-ssh version (@Fauli83)
- audiocodes model (@Fauli83)
- Added docs for Huawei VRP devices (@tuxis-ie)
- ciscosmb added radius key detection (@davama)
- radware model (@sfini)
- enterasys model (@koenvdheuvel)
- weos model (@ignaqui)
- hpemsa model (@aschaber1)
- Added nodes_done hook (@danilopopeye)
- ucs model (@WiXZlo)
- acsw model (@sfini)
- aen model (@ZacharyPuls)
- coriantgroove model (@nickhilliard)
- sgos model (@seekerOK)
- powerconnect support password removal (@tobbez)
- Added haproxy example for Ubuntu (@denvera)
- fiberdriver remove configuration generated on from diff (@emjemj)
- Fix email pass through (@ZacharyPuls)
- iosxr suppress timestamp (@ja-frog)
- ios allow lowercase user/pass prompt (@deepseth)
- Use git show instead of git diff (@asenci)
- netgear fixed sending enable password and exit/quit (@candlerb)
- ironware removed space requirement from password prompt (@crami)
- dlink removed uptime from diff (@rfdrake)
- planet removed temp from diff (@flokli)
- ironware removed fan, temp and flash from diff (@Punicaa)
- panos changed exit to quit (@goebelmeier)
- fortios remove FDS address from diffs (@bheum)
- fortios remove additional secrets from diffs (@brunobritocarvalho)
- fortios remove IPS URL DB (@brunobritocarvalho)
- voss remove temperature, power and uptime from diff (@ospfbgp)
- gpg support for CSV source (@elmobp)
- slackdiff (@natm)
- gitcrypt output model (@clement-parisot)
- model specific credentials (@davromaniak)
- hierarchical json in http source model
- next-adds-job config toggle (to add new job when ever /next is called)
- netgear model (@aschaber1)
- zhone model (@rfdrake)
- tplink model (@mediumo)
- oneos model (@crami)
- cisco NGA model (@udhos)
- voltaire model (@clement-parisot)
- siklu model (@bdg-robert)
- voss model (@ospfbgp)
- ios, cumulus, ironware, nxos, fiberdiver, aosw, fortios, comware, procurve, opengear, timos, routeros, junos, asa, aireos, mlnxos, pfsense, saos, powerconnect, firewareos, quantaos
- allow setting ssh_keys (not relying on openssh config) (@denvera)
- fujitsupy model (@stokbaek)
- fiberdriver model (@emjemj)
- hpbladesystems model (@flokli)
- planetsgs model (@flokli)
- trango model (@rfdrake)
- casa model (@rfdrake)
- dlink model (@rfdrake)
- hatteras model (@rfdrake)
- ability to ignore SSL certs in http (@laf)
- awsns hooks, publish messages to AWS SNS topics (@natm)
- pfsense, dnos, powerconnect, ciscosmb, eos, aosw
- APC model (by @davromaniak)
- ironware, aosw
- interpolate nil, false, true for node vars too
- "nil", "false" and "true" in source (e.g. router.db) are interpeted as nil, false, true. Empty is now always considered empty string, instead of in some cases nil and some cases empty string.
- support tftp as input model (@MajesticFalcon)
- add alvarion model (@MajesticFalcon)
- detect if ssh wants password terminal/CLI prompt or not
- node (group, model, username, password) resolution refactoring, supports wider range of use-cases
- fetch for file output (@danilopopeye)
- net-ssh version specification
- routeros, catos, pfsense
- pfsense support (by @stokbaek)
- cumulus prompt not working with default switch configs (by @nertwork)
- disconnect ssh when prompt wasn't found (by @andir)
- saos, asa, acos, timos updates, cumulus
- when not using git (by @danilopopeye)
- screenos update
- unnecessary puts statement removed from git.rb
- support Gaia OS devices (by @totosh)
- #fetch, #version fixes in nodes.rb (by @danilopopeye)
- procurve
- disable periodic collection, only on demand (by Adam Winberg)
- allow disabling ssh exec mode always (mainly for oxidized-script) (by @nickhilliard)
- support mellanox devices (by @ham5ter)
- support firewireos devices (by @alexandre-io)
- support quanta devices (by @f0o)
- support tellabs coriant8800, coriant8600 (by @udhos)
- support brocade6910 (by @cardboardpig)
- debugging, tests (by @ElvinEfendi)
- nos, panos, acos, procurve, eos, edgeswitch, aosw, fortios updates
- fix git when using multiple groups without single_repo
- git expand path for all groups
- git get_version, teletubbies do it again
- comware, acos, procurve models
- git get_version when groups and single_repo are used
- support supermicro swithes (by @funzoneq)
- support catos switches
- git+groups+singlerepo (by @PANZERBARON)
- asa, tmos, ironware, ios-xr
- mandate net-ssh 3.0.x, don't accept 3.1 (numerous issues)
- file permissions (Sigh...)
- http post for configs (by @jgroom33)
- support ericsson redbacks (by @roedie)
- support motorola wireless controllers (by @roadie)
- support citrix netscaler (by @roadie)
- support datacom devices (by @danilopopeye)
- support netonix devices
- support specifying ssh cipher and kex (by @roadie)
- rename proxy to ssh_proxy (by @roadie)
- support ssh keys on ssh_proxy (by @awix)
- various (by @danilopopeye)
- Node#repo with groups (by @danilopopeye)
- githubrepohoook (by @danilopopeye)
- fortios, airos, junos, xos, edgeswitch, nos, tmos, procurve, ipos models
- more MRV model fixes (by @natm)
- set term to vty100
- MRV model fixes (by @natm)
- enhance AOSW (by @mikebryant)
- F5 TMOS support (by @mikebryant)
- Opengear support (by @mikebryant)
- EdgeSwitch support (by @doogieconsulting)
- rename input debug log files
- powerconnect model fixes (by @Madpilot0)
- fortigate model fixes (by @ElvinEfendi)
- various (by @mikebryant)
- write SSH debug to file without buffering
- fix IOS XR prompt handling
- ssh proxycommand (by @ElvinEfendi)
- basic auth in HTTP source (by @laf)
- do not inject string to output before model gets it
- store pidfile in oxidized root
- Various refactoring (by @ElvinEfendi)
- Ciena SOAS support (by @jgroom33)
- support group variables (by @supertylerc)
- various ((orly)) (by @marnovdm, @danbaugher, @MrRJ45, @asynet, @nickhilliard)
- input log now uses devices name as file, instead of string from config (by @skoef)
- Dell Networkign OS (dnos) support (by @erefre)
- CiscoSMB, powerconnect, comware, xos, ironware, nos fixes
- restore ruby 1.9.3 compatibility
- hooks (by @aakso)
- MRV MasterOS support (by @kwibbly)
- EdgeOS support (by @laf)
- FTP input and Zyxel ZynOS support (by @ytti)
- version and diffs API For oxidized-web (by @FlorianDoublet)
- aosw, ironware, routeros, xos models
- crash with 0 nodes
- ssh auth fail without keyboard-interactive
- rugged is again in gemspec (mandatory) (@ytti)
- support http source (by @laf)
- support Palo Alto PANOS (by @rixxxx)
- screenos fixes (by @rixxxx)
- allow 'none' auth in ssh (spotted by @SaldoorMike, needed by ciscosmb+aireos)
- support cumulus linux (by @FlorianDoublet)
- support HP Comware SMB siwtches (by @sid3windr)
- remove secret additions (by @rodecker)
- option to put all groups in single repo (by @ytti)
- expand path in source: csv: (so that ~/foo/bar works) (by @ytti)
- screenos fixes (by @rixxxx)
- ironware fixes (by @FlorianDoublet)
- powerconnect fixes (by @sid3windr)
- don't ask interactive password in new net/ssh (by @ytti)
- Mikrotik RouterOS model (by @emjemj)
- add support for Cisco VSS (by @MrRJ45)
- general fixes to powerconnect model (by @MrRJ45)
- fix initial commit issues with rugged (by @MrRJ45)
- pager error for old dell powerconnect switches (by @emjemj)
- logout error for old dell powerconnect switches (by @emjemj)
- handle missing output file (by @brandt)
- fix passwordless enable on Arista EOS model (by @brandt)
- allow setting IP address in addition to name in source (SQL/CSV)
- approximate how long it takes to get node from larger view than 1
- unconditionally start new job if too long has passed since previous start
- add enable to Arista EOS model
- add rugged dependency in gemspec
- log prompt detection failures
- xos while using telnet (by @fhibler)
- ironware logout on some models (by @fhibler)
- allow node to be removed while it is being collected
- if model returns non string value, return empty string
- better prompt for Arista EOS model (by @rodecker)
- improved configuration handling for Arista EOS model (by @rodecker)
- FIXME bunch of stuff I did for richih, docs needed
- ComWare model (by erJasp)
- Add comment support for router.db file
- Add input debugging and related configuration options
- Fix ASA model prompt
- Fix Aruba model display
- Fix changing output in PowerConnect model
- Cisco SMB (Nikola series VxWorks) model by @thetamind
- Extreme Networks XOS model (access by sjm)
- Brocade NOS (Network Operating System) (access by sjm)
- Match exactly to node[:name] if node[name] is an ip address.
- Alcatel-Lucent ISAM 7302/7330 model added by @jalmargyyk
- Huawei VRP model added by @jalmargyyk
- Ubiquiti AirOS added by @willglyn
- Support 'input' debug in config, ssh/telnet use it to write session log
- rescue @ssh.close when far end closes disgracefully (ALU ISAM)
- bugfixes to models
- mark node as failure if unknown error is raised
- vars variable resolving for main level vars
- Force10 model added by @lysiszegerman
- ScreenOS model added by @lysiszegerman
- FabricOS model added by @thakala
- ASA model added by @thakala
- Vyattamodel added by @thakala
- Oxidized::String convenience methods for models fixed
- vars needs to return value of r, not value of evaluation