Select File->Project->New
and create project named riscv_base_prj
Select Ultra96-V2 Sigle Board Computer
in Default Part
After project is created, select Flow Navigator->IP Integrator->Create Block Design
, and create block design named design_1
Open new block design, and put Zynq MPSoC
block from Add IP
, and run Run Block Automation
Place Clock Wizard
, set clock frequency as the following image.
Place 5 Processing Reset
, and connect clock and reset as the following image.
Double click Zynq MPSoC
block, and modify the configuration:
PS-PL Configuration -> PS-PL Interfaces -> Master Interface
enable onlyAXI HPM0 FPD
.PS-PL Configuration -> Fabric Reset Enable -> Number of Fabric Resets
change value to 2.Clock Configuration -> Output Clocks -> Low Power Domain Clocks -> PL Fabric Clocks
enable PL1, modifySource
, modifyDivisor 0
to 10.
PL1 clock is now set to 150Hz.
Open Project Manager -> Settings
from flow navigator at the left of the screen, and mark Project is an extensible Vitis platform
as checked.
Then, configure platform setting from the Platform Setup
Set AXI Port
and Clock
as the following image. (Note that if clock id=0 does not exist, an error will occur in Vitis.)
Place AXI BRAM Controller
, double click it, modify BRAM Options->Number of BRAM Interfaces
to 1.
Copy and paste and create another AXI BRAM Controller
Place two Block Memory Generator
Place AXI Smart Connect
, double click it, modify Number of Slave Interfaces
to 3, and Number of Master Interfaces
to 2.
Connect their interface as the following image.
Select Tools -> Create and Package New IP
from Vivado menu.
In wizard,
- select
Create a new AXI4 peripheral
. - modify Name to
. - create two AXI interfaces: Interface Type:Full, Mode:Master
- select
Edit IP
inNext Steps
and press Finish button. And then, new Vivado project is opened.
Remove the unnecessary files: from Sources -> Design Sources
, right click MyRiscv_v1_0_M00_AXI.v, MyRiscv_v1_0_M01_AXI.v
and select remove file from project
Add RISC-V core verilog file: right click Design Sources
and select Add sources -> VexRiscvSignate.v
Replace MyRiscv_v1_0.v
with the file in this repository.
is a simple bridge script describing the connection between VexRiscvSignate.v
and the AXI interface of IP.
Process Packaging Steps
from Package IP
(Here ignore the following warning in Ports and Interfaces
[IP_Flow 19-5661] Bus Interface 'riscv_clk' does not have any bus interfaces associated with it.
Basically, you can press OK on each item to proceed with the process.
Press Re-Package IP
button at the bottom of the window, and finish packaging IP, close vivado project and back to the main project.
In the main project, place MyRiscv
IP packaged in the previous setp.
Place Constant
block and double click it, modify Constant Val
to 0.
Connect their interface as the following image.
Rename axi_bram_ctrl_0
, axi_bram_ctrl_1
: click the block and rename from Block Property
window at the left bottom of the screen.
The creation of the block design is now complete.
Move to the Address Editor
Note that the address set here will affect the program to be executed on RISC-V
Select all, and right click and select Assign
Perhaps auto assign result will not look like the following image, so set it up manually.
If you want to change the size of the BRAM of RISC-V, change the Range
value from the address editor.
Right click Sources ->
and select Create HDL Wrapper
From Diagram
tab, run Validate Design
, the following warning shows, but here can be ignored...
CRITICAL WARNING: [] design_1_smartconnect_0_0: RUSER_WIDTH (1) of S01_AXI must be integer number of bits per byte of RDATA (32).
CRITICAL WARNING: [] design_1_smartconnect_0_0: WUSER_WIDTH (1) of S01_AXI must be integer number of bits per byte of WDATA (32).
CRITICAL WARNING: [] design_1_smartconnect_0_0: RUSER_WIDTH (1) of S02_AXI must be integer number of bits per byte of RDATA (32).
CRITICAL WARNING: [] design_1_smartconnect_0_0: WUSER_WIDTH (1) of S02_AXI must be integer number of bits per byte of WDATA (32).
Run Generate Bitstream
from flow navigator, synthesis, implementation is executed and bitstream is generated.
If you want this block design as vitis platform, you need to export vivado project in XSA format.
From tcl console at the bottom of the screen, run the following tcl code.
set_property platform.design_intent.embedded true [current_project]
set_property platform.design_intent.server_managed false [current_project]
set_property platform.design_intent.external_host false [current_project]
set_property platform.design_intent.datacenter false [current_project]
set_property platform.default_output_type "sd_card" [current_project]
cd <VivadoProjectDir>
write_hw_platform -include_bit riscv_base_prj.xsa
validate_hw_platform ./riscv_base_prj.xsa