- Manual version push for apm publish issues
... things should just work
- Further gitflow updates
- Allow opening files from the diff
- Push to upstream button
- Fix last remailing deprecations, #57 and #66
- Release to ensure that package doesn't break on June 1
... Atom 1.0
- Added git-flow support
- Prevented error message if git-control is opened in project that is not a repository
- Fixed deprecation warnings
... working on new features
- Fixing defineProperty.get deprecation #16
- Fixing Stylesheet Path deprecation warning #53
- Minor style changes introduced by #39
- Creating a Gitter room and some small updates in Readme and TODO #50
... fixing deprecations and getting things running again
- Actually test if a remote origin exists (getOrigin()) as opposed to remove branches
- jacogr#8
... getting things ticking on anything where a fetch or clone hasn't been done
- When a new folder is created, explicitly show all the files in it
- jacogr#9
... show untracked files
- Don't do a fetch when there are no remotes
- Don't make the push/pull/fetch items active without remotes
- jacogr#6
... working with local-only repos
- Toggle closes when open, opens when closed
- jacogr#5
- not an official release, 0.1.6 fix combines (no rapid-fire releases)
... last nigglies for issue #5
- Address 'toggle' not actually 'toggling' the control tab
- jacogr#5
- Toggle currently doesn't toggle to the 'off' state, rather only controls switching
... yeap, more usability
- Fetch also prunes branches now
- Commit dialog is also available when in merge mode
- Updated README to go through functionality
... cleanups for edgy cases
- Always do an add for modified files before doing a commit without specifying files
... helps a lot with other packages that stages (or does not)
- Updated description in package.json
... alignment with README
- Initial version
- Shows information of local vs remote branches (current active)
- Actions allowed
- Allows reset of files to previous state
- Fetch fetches on tab activation, menu item always available
- Push activated when there are actual local changes available
- Pull activated when there are remote changes detected via fetch
- Branching and merging works
... casting it out there, not perfect but workable