- Fixed secrets exposure in example documentation.
- Fixed the issue that Azure.Core.AccessToken is used before assigned.
- Removed the out-of-date breaking change message for
- Upgraded Azure.Core to 1.37.0.
- Fixed validation issues in same-account collection/container/graph and database/table/Gremlin restores, affecting the following cmdlets:
- Restore-AzCosmosDBSqlDatabase
- Restore-AzCosmosDBSqlContainer
- Restore-AzCosmosDBMongoDBDatabase
- Restore-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollection
- Restore-AzCosmosDBGremlinDatabase
- Restore-AzCosmosDBGremlinGraph
- Restore-AzCosmosDBTable
- Upgraded SDK
TO 4.6.0-beta.1. - Added breaking change message for ListConnectionStrings changes
- Introduced Restore-AzCosmosDBSqlDatabase, Restore-AzCosmosDBSqlContainer to restore deleted database and containers in the same account for SQL.
- Introduced Restore-AzCosmosDBMongoDBDatabase, Restore-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollection to restore deleted database and collections in the same account for MongoDB.
- Introduced Restore-AzCosmosDBGremlinDatabase, Restore-AzCosmosDBGremlinGraph to restore deleted database and graph in the same account for Gremlin.
- Introduced Restore-AzCosmosDBTable to restore deleted table in the same account.
- Added new parameter
. - Added new paramater
. - Added new property
- Added PublicNetworkAccess parameter to
. - Upgraded Azure.Core to 1.35.0.
- Updated Azure.Core to 1.34.0.
- Updated Azure.Core to 1.33.0.
- Locations showed in response included status, isSubscriptionRegionAccessAllowedForRegular and isSubscriptionRegionAccessAllowedForAz properties
- Added support for Continuous 7 Days backup mode.
- Added new parameter
- Updated Azure.Core to 1.31.0.
- Introduced restorable apis support for Gremlin and Table, which includes:
- Added the apis for RestorableGremlinDatabases, RestorableGremlinGraphs, RestorableGremlinResources,RestorableTables, RestorableResources.
- Added RetrieveContinuousBackupInfo apis for Gremlin and Table which help in determining the restore point of time and the resources to restore.
- Added GremlinDatabasesToRestore and TablesToRestore field to provision and restore database account api.
- Added StartTime and EndTime support for listing restorable containers event feed.
- Updated Azure.Core to 1.28.0.
- Added support for Cosmos DB Service related cmdlets.
- Added support for partition key and id paths to be part of client encryption policy.
- Fixed bug related to Update-AzCosmosDBSqlContainer command on containers with Client Encryption Policy.
- Fixed bug related to Update-AzCosmosDBSqlContainer command on containers with Client Encryption Policy.
- Fixed the optional Location paramater of New-AzCosmosDBAccount cmdlet.
- Introduced support for creating containers with Client Encryption Policy. The current supported version of Client Encryption Policy is 1.
- Introduced support for client encryption key resource management required for CosmosDB Client-Side Encryption by adding support for creating, updating and retrieving client encryption keys with following cmdlets:
- Exposed BackupPolicyMigrationState as a part of Get-AzCosmosDBAccount response.
- This shew the status of a backup policy migration state when an account was being converted from peroidic backup mode to continuous.
- Fixed when a warning about the value of AnalyticalStorageSchemaType is displayed when no value was given.
- Added support for managed Cassandra.
- Introduced Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBBackupInformation to retrieve latest backup information for MongoDB.
- Updated New-AzCosmosDBAccount, Update-AzCosmosDBAccount to accept BackupStorageRedundancy
- Introduced Get-AzCosmosDBLocation to list Azure CosmosDB Account and its locations properties.
- Fixed a bug where the restore of deleted database accounts fail.
- This release introduces the cmdlets for the features of Continuous Backup(Point in time restore):
- Introduced support for creating accounts with continuous mode backup policy.
- Introduced support for Point in time restore for accounts with continuous mode backup policy.
- Introduced support to update the backup interval and backup retention for accounts with periodic mode backup policy.
- Introduced support to list the restorable resources in a live database account.
- Introduces support to specify analytical storage schema type on account creation/update.
- The following cmdlets are added:
- Restore-AzCosmosDBAccount, New-AzCosmosDBDatabaseToRestore, Get-AzCosmosDBRestorableDatabaseAccount,
- Get-AzCosmosDBSqlRestorableDatabase, Get-AzCosmosDBSqlRestorableContainer, Get-AzCosmosDBSqlRestorableResource,
- Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBRestorableDatabase, Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBRestorableCollection, Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBRestorableResource.
- Introduced support for Sql data plane RBAC, allowing the creation, updating, removal, and retrieval of Role Definitions and Role Assignments
- The following cmdlets are added:
- Get-AzCosmosDBSqlRoleDefinition, Get-AzCosmosDBSqlRoleAssignment,
- New-AzCosmosDBSqlRoleDefinition, New-AzCosmosDBSqlRoleAssignment,
- Remove-AzCosmosDBSqlRoleDefinition, Remove-AzCosmosDBSqlRoleAssignment,
- Update-AzCosmosDBSqlRoleDefinition, Update-AzCosmosDBSqlRoleAssignment,
- New-AzCosmosDBSqlPermission
- The following cmdlets are added:
- Introduced NetworkAclBypass and NetworkAclBypassResourceIds for Database Account cmdlets.
- Introduced ServerVersion parameter to Update-AzCosmosDBAccount.
- Introduced BackupInterval and BackupRetention for Database Account cmdlets
- General availability of 'Az.CosmosDB' module
- Restricting New-AzCosmosDBAccount cmdlet to make update calls to existing Database Accounts.
- Introducing AnalyticalStorageTTL in SqlContainer.
- Introduced support for throughput Migration, allowing custoers to migrate their resources from manually provisioned throughput to autoscaled throughput. Customers can use this feature using the following cmdlets:
- 'Invoke-AzCosmosDBSqlContainerThroughputMigration',
- 'Invoke-AzCosmosDBSqlDatabaseThroughputMigration',
- 'Invoke-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollectionThroughputMigration',
- 'Invoke-AzCosmosDBMongoDBDatabaseThroughputMigration',
- 'Invoke-AzCosmosDBGremlinGraphThroughputMigration',
- 'Invoke-AzCosmosDBGremlinDatabaseThroughputMigration',
- 'Invoke-AzCosmosDBCassandraTableThroughputMigration',
- 'Invoke-AzCosmosDBCassandraKeyspaceThroughputMigration',
- 'Invoke-AzCosmosDBTableThroughputMigration'
- Introduced support for Autoscale, as a result of which all cmdlets which create or modify resources with throughput have an additional parameter called AutoscaleMaxThroughput.
- New-AzCosmosDBAccount cmdlet was updated with new paramters: EnableFreeTier, EnableAnalyticalStorage, ServerVersion, IpRule.
- Update-AzCosmosDBAccount was updated with: EnableAnalyticalStorage and IpRule.
- IpRangeFilter is deprecated, IpRule should be used, for both New-AzCosmosDBAccount and Update-AzCosmosDBAccount.
- New-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollection, Update-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollection, New-AzCosmosDBCassandraTable and Update-AzCosmosDBCassandraTable cmdlets allow specifying AnalyticalStorageTTL.
- PSDatabaseAccount is renamed to PSDatabaseAccountGetResults
- Detailed parameter is deprecated in the following cmdlets: Get-AzCosmosDBSqlContainer, Get-AzCosmosDBSqlDatabase, Get-AzCosmosDBGremlinDatabase, Get-AzCosmosDBGremlinGraph, Get-AzCosmosDBTable, Get-AzCosmosDBCassandraKeyspace, Get-AzCosmosDBCassandraTable, Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollection, Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBDatabase
- Introduces KeyVaultKeyUri as a paramter in PSCosmosDBAccount, enabling BYOK feature
- Updates the Azure.Management.CosmosDB Sdk Version to 1.1.1
- Replaces Set-AzCosmosDB* cmdlets with New-AzCosmosDB* and Update-AzComsosDB* cmdlets. The following cmdlets are added: New-AzCosmosDBSqlStoredProcedure, New-AzCosmosDBSqlTrigger, New-AzCosmosDBSqlUserDefinedFunction, Update-AzCosmosDBSqlStoredProcedure, Update-AzCosmosDBSqlTrigger, Update-AzCosmosDBSqlUserDefinedFunction, New-AzCosmosDBSqlContainer, New-AzCosmosDBSqlDatabase, Update-AzCosmosDBSqlContainer, Update-AzCosmosDBSqlDatabase, New-AzCosmosDBGremlinDatabase, New-AzCosmosDBGremlinGraph, Update-AzCosmosDBGremlinDatabase, Update-AzCosmosDBGremlinGraph, New-AzCosmosDBTable, Update-AzCosmosDBTable, Update-AzCosmosDBCassandraKeyspace, Update-AzCosmosDBCassandraTable, New-AzCosmosDBCassandraKeyspace, New-AzCosmosDBCassandraTable, Update-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollection, Update-AzCosmosDBMongoDBDatabase, New-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollection, New-AzCosmosDBMongoDBDatabase The following cmdlets are deprecated and would no longer be maintained: Set-AzCosmosDBSqlStoredProcedure, Set-AzCosmosDBSqlTrigger, Set-AzCosmosDBSqlUserDefinedFunction, Set-AzCosmosDBSqlContainer, Set-AzCosmosDBSqlDatabase, Set-AzCosmosDBGremlinDatabase, Set-AzCosmosDBGremlinGraph, Set-AzCosmosDBTable, Set-AzCosmosDBCassandraKeyspace, Set-AzCosmosDBCassandraTable, Set-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollection, Set-AzCosmosDBMongoDBDatabase
- Changes in New-AzCosmosDBAccount and Update-AzCosmosDBAccount
- Allows empty string as a value for IpRangeFilter
- Renamed ApiKind value GlobalDocumentDB to Sql.
- Added parameter DisableKeyBasedMetadataWriteAccess, PublicNetworkAccess
- Introduces cmdlets to update throughput for Sql Database and Container, Cassandra Keyspace and Table, MongoDB Database and Collection, Gremlin Database and Graph and Table.
- Update-AzCosmosDBSqlContainerThroughput, Update-AzCosmosDBSqlDatabaseThroughput, Update-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollectionThroughput, Update-AzCosmosDBMongoDBDatabaseThroughput, Update-AzCosmosDBGremlinGraphThroughput, Update-AzCosmosDBGremlinDatabaseThroughput, Update-AzCosmosDBCassandraTableThroughput, Update-AzCosmosDBCassandraKeyspaceThroughput, Update-AzCosmosDBTableThroughput
- Allowing Account Creation for API Types: Gremlin, Cassandra and Table.
- Bug Fixes
- Updated the Azure.Management.CosmosDB Sdk Version to 1.0.2 -Fix bugs related to Azure/azure-sdk-for-net#10639
- Updated the Azure.Management.CosmosDB Sdk Version to 1.0.2
- Fix bugs related to Azure/azure-sdk-for-net#10639
- Added cmdlets for Gremlin, MongoDB, Cassandra and Table APIs.
- Updated .NET SDK Version to 1.0.1
- .NET SDK Version used in the CosmosDB-Account and SQL cmdlets is updated to 1.0.1
- Added parameters ConflictResolutionPolicyMode, ConflictResolutionPolicyPath and ConflictResolutionPolicyPath in Set-AzCosmosDBSqlContainer.
- Added new cmdlets for Sql API : New-CosmosDBSqlSpatialSpec, New-CosmosDBSqlCompositePath, New-CosmosDBSqlIncludedPathIndex, New-CosmosDBSqlIncludedPath
- Preview release of