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# Hooks for videos
**1. Start With a Fascinating Fact**
### ,like,**Create a Curiosity Gap**
To **create a curiosity gap**, you need to tease your viewers by hinting that something interesting is coming, but they need to watch your content and see what that is. The curiosity gap compels your viewers to click on your videos and watch them, thus appeasing their curiosity.
You are basically banking on people's natural curiosity. You can hint at something in your YouTube channel trailer, and people will be enticed to click through your videos to see more about it.
Example : **Did you know that the woolly mammoth was still living and breathing while the pyramids were being built? Or how about the fact that there are more possible iterations of a game of chess than atoms in the known universe? Would you be interested in learning more? We sure would!**
### **Form a human connection :**
To hook your viewers, give them something to relate to on a personal level. You can put something in the opening of your video, showing your viewers that you are an actual person and you have feelings that you'd like to share with them. It can be something personal that happened to you, like "Hey guys, I visited the ____, here I'll share the experience with you." Depending on the topics of your video, the human connection can be something else entirely. The main thing to remember is that you should work towards **building a human connection with your viewers**.
### **2. What If…**
**This hook is as old as time, but that doesn’t make it any less effective! Quite the contrary — bringing up a hypothetical situation is one of the easiest ways to engage your audience. Once again, this video hook sparks intrigue in the viewers’, making them want to keep watching. After that, you can take the video in any direction you want!**
### **3. Surprise Them**
**Don’t we all love surprises? Well… at least if they’re of the pleasant kind. Nonetheless, seeing something unexpected will incite a reaction! Regardless of whether it is positive or negative, you will be better off than not producing any.**
### **4. In Medias Res**
**We’re not trying to sound presumptuous here, but everyone should know what this principle of “into the midst of things” means. In layman terms, cut to the chase! Nobody wants to listen to you go off on a tangent in a dragged out introduction. If what you have to say is worth your viewers’ attention, there’s no need to fluff it up. You should get to your point immediately. Trust us — your audience will thank you for it.**
### **5. Start With a Problem & Offer a Solution**
**Nobody cares about your cleaning product’s chemical compositions or if it’s more environmentally friendly (well, most people don’t) than your competitors’. People care about how what you’re offering can help them! Can it clean deep stains? Good. Can it deal with those pesky spills? Even better!**
**Here’s an excellent tip for making an awe-inspiring surprise hook — start with a cliché, then hit them hard in the gut (metaphorically). You’ll be getting more viewers to stick around in no time!**
BUT DO NOT MAKE THE HOOK LONGER THAN 10 -15 SECONDS We’re not trying to sound presumptuous here, but everyone should know what this principle of “into the midst of things” means. In layman terms, cut to the chase! Nobody wants to listen to you go off on a tangent in a dragged out introduction. If what you have to say is worth your viewers’ attention, there’s no need to fluff it up. You should get to your point immediately. Trust us — your audience will thank you for it.