All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fixed a critical error, affecting last 2 releases, causing a crash in certain cases with cached old SDK configurations.
- Fixed empty value in
get params function when executed on Objc apps. ⚠️ This version has a critical issue: Please use a newer version of the SDK. Future releases will be cautiously checked to prevent these warnings.
- Added a fix for inline camera preview in
. - Added new client ID and endpoint support in On-Site Messaging (OSM).
- Optimized lifecycle for fullscreen webview instance.
- Internal fixes and improvements.
⚠️ This version has a critical issue: Please use a newer version of the SDK. Future releases will be cautiously checked to prevent these warnings.
- Added support for Single sign-on using ASWebAuthenticationSession.
- Updated UI for Sign in with Klarna button.
- Optimized remote asset loading.
- Added SIWK tokenization feature.
- Removed enforced consent prompt in Sign in with Klarna integration.
- Improved OSM text rendering process.
- Bug fixes and security improvements.
- Updated fullscreen logic to prevent unhandled errors.
- Fixed On-Site Messaging (OSM) background color not changing.
- Internal improvements.
- Added support for customizing the appearance of the On-Site Messaging (OSM) view.
- Fixed the "Learn more" text to not start from a new line in OSM view.
- Reverted enabling mergeable library due to cocoapods failures.
- Added missing key in xcprivacy manifest file.
- Mergeable library feature enabled.
- Minor internal improvements.
- Added support for Sign in with Klarna in NA and OC regions.
- Fixed memory leak in Sign in with Klarna integration.
- Fixed CheckoutView memory leak.
- Fixed build date/time format.
- Fixed SDK monitoring for SIWK when initializing.
- Privacy Manifest file included inside KlarnaMobileSDK framework.
- Environment and region values can be added through new constructor APIs.
- Internal improvements and optimizations.
- Set the default variant of the SDK to basic.
- Implemented minor internal security fixes and improvements.
- Fixed javascript code execution vulnerability.
- Added URL validations for SDK WebViews.
- Updated SDK User-Agents.
- Improved SDK monitoring.
- Fix duplicated mesage handler on webview.
- Added default value for auto finalize as null.
- Fixed navigation bar color when Internal Browser is presented.
- Added @objc flag in KlarnaResourceEndpoint.
- Xcode 15 build.
- Added progress indicator in Sign In With Klarna Button.
- Fixed style in Sign In With Klarna Button.
- Improved performance for Sign In With Klarna.
- Fix Logging level.
- Internal optimization and improvements for Sign In With Klarna.
- Fix
Pointer is missing a nullability type specifier
- Fix Umbrella header warning message.
- Fix Webview content inside Internal Browser.
- Added webview inspectable variable to
- Fix UIActivityViewController for iPad.
- Updated assets.
- Fix screen orientation in fullscreen per device size.
- Fix fullscreen dismiss on certain touch events.
- Fixed: Fullscreen being dismissed on OPF.
- Internal optimization and improvements for Sign In With Klarna.
- Fixed Sign In with Klarna POST Request.
- Added Sign in with Klarna integration.
- Added backgroundColor and isOpaque properties to
. - Fixed error while validating returnURL when there were multiple URLs on info.plist.
- Fixed delegate methods not being called on Post Purchase SDK Delegate.
- Xcode 14.2 build.
- Added Klarna Express Button integration.
- Post Purchase API updated to make it consistent with other SDK products.
- Updated Checkout keyboard handling behavior.
- Internal improvements for experiments decoding.
- Fixed: OSM View stacks elements when the render function is called multiple times.
- Updated SDK assets for Klarna Payments.
- Added support for Klarna Checkout in Standalone, Hybrid and WebView integrations.
- Added
- Fixed: Fullscreen did not dismiss when the app was in the background.
- Fixed: Klarna payment authorization with a non-alphanumeric app name.
- Internal improvements for fullscreens.
- Internal optimizations.
- Xcode 14 support.
- Added
. General class that envelops any Klarna Component, regardless of integration. - Added
. Components conforming to this interface protocol may render multiple products at once. - Added
. For components that host and own their content. - Added
. Components conforming to this protocol render a single Klarna product at a time. - Added
interface. Provides methods that will notify events happening to a product in a Klarna component. - Added
interface. Provides a size delegate that will notify of sizing changes. - Added
class. - Added
class. - Added
class. - Added
class. - Added
class. - Renamed
. - Renamed
. - Renamed
is deprecated as a type. UseWKWebView
is deprecated. UseKlarnaEventHandler
is deprecated. UseKlarnaProductEvent
through eventHandler instead.KlarnaMobileSDKError
is deprecated. UseKlarnaError
is deprecated. Should not be used.registerEventListener
is deprecated. Replaced byKlarnaEventHandler
is deprecated. UseKlarnaEventHandler
was deleted. Was already deprecated since v1.3.0.
is deprecated. UseKlarnaSizingDelegate
onrender(callback: @escaping RenderResult)
is no longed needed. Usefunc klarnaComponent(_ klarnaComponent: KlarnaComponent, dispatchedEvent event: KlarnaProductEvent)
on the protocolKlarnaEventHandler
is deprecated. UseKlarnaEnvironment
is deprecated. UseKlarnaRegion
is deprecated. UseKlarnaTheme
is deprecated. UseKlarnaEnvironment
is deprecated. UseKlarnaRegion
- Fixed: OSM hostViewController presentation behavior
- Removed all references for Card Scan (Camera Usage) in Basic framework.
- Fix typo on API.
- Fix crash on OSM for iOS 16 beta2. (rdar://FB10893183)
- Added support for Post Purchase
- Internal optimizations.
- Added support for opening SFSafariViewController.
- Improved fullscreen performance for One Klarna.
- Internal browser now support universal links.
- Fixed margins when the keyboard appears in Separate Fullscreen.
- Fixed some memory leaks.
- Fixed keyboard crash introduced in 2.1.2.
- Added support for opening PDF files.
- Fix margin error when the keyboard appears in fullscreen.
- Added listener to open BankID on internal Webview.
- Fix Fullscreen timeout animation for iOS 15.
- Improved support for 3DSecure flows in new markets.
- Added "returnUrl" to the
constructor parameters. - Deprecated
and added separate callbacks for events and fullscreen transitions. - Internal optimization and improvements.
- Fixed: OSM delegate available in Objective-c.
- Fixed: Space between lines in OSM.
- Version control for Carthage integration.
- Fixed: OSM will create a temp folder where it will store the resources.
- Fixed: WKWebView with contet offscreen when keyboard appears in iOS 13.3 or lower versions (
- Resources are stored in cache, improving the load times.
- Added Objective-C initializers with default value for alternative endpoint.
- Fix bug for OSM with alternative resource endpoint .alternative2.
- Full framework version is selected as default
- Support for alternative resources endpoint
- Support M1 chips in XCFramework.
- Update analytics events.
- Fix bug on card scanning due to ITP restriction introduced on iOS 14.
- WebRTC support.
- Log warning if methods are being called a second time before the call returned.
- Performance improvements: Removed a race condition that happens when the user has a slow network connection.
- Fix registerEventListener in hybrid integration.
- On site marketing available to Objective-C.
- Overall performance improvements.
- Overall performance improvements.
- Fix error: virtual filesystem overlay
- Support for Xcode 11.3.1.
- Fix redirections in the internal browser.
- Framework available using Swift Package Manager.
- Carthage support.
- Remove the word "basic" in subspecs for Cocoapods.
- ABI Stability.
- UIWindow for Fullscreens are hidden when it's closed.
- Fixed issue that freeze the authorize flow when KPView was being dismissed.
- Fixed issue when the fullscreen was dismissed.
- Adds support for Xcode 12 and Swift 5.3.
- Fix issue with showing fullscreen.
- Basic support for static On site marketing - beta version
- Overall performance improvements.
- Fixed an issue with keyboard for OTP input field.
- Fixed an issue related to navigation between two fullscreen views.
- Overall performance improvements.
- Full framework with card scan.
- Default/basic framework without card scan.
- Fix crash related to universal framework.
- Overall performance improvements.
- Support Xcode 11.4.1
- Overall performance improvements.
- Support Swift 5.2.
- Fix crash related to the framework when exporting the app.
- Support for dark mode.
- Remove all references and any support for UIWebView from the SDK.
- Enhanced 3DSecure card flows.
- Fixed some modal dialog presentation in iOS 13 and for iPads.