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How to use Apache Spark on DC/OS

Apache Spark is a general-purpose data processing engine. It supports batch and stream processing and comes with built-in APIs for SQL, machine learning and graph workloads. Spark is storage-layer agnostic, meaning it doesn't come with its own storage system but provides connectors to read data from and write data into, for example, the local filesystem, HDFS, Kafka, Cassandra, Elasticsearch, and HBase.

  • Estimated time for completion: 10 minutes
  • Target audience: Anyone interested in a data processing engine.
  • Scope: Learn how to install Spark on DC/OS and how to launch a Spark job.


  • Application ... A program built on Spark, consisting of a driver program and executors in the cluster.
  • Driver ... A process running the main() function of the application (and providing the SparkContext).
  • Executor ... A process launched for an application on a worker node.
  • Mesos run modes ... Spark can run in Mesos using two modes: coarse-grained (default) and fine-grained. The coarse-grained mode has a lower startup overhead and is good for interactive sessions; it launches one long-running Spark task on each worked node at the cost of reserving the resources for the complete duration of the application. The fine-grained mode shows better resource utilization and is good for batch and certain streaming jobs; it launches each Spark task as a separate Mesos task.

Table of Contents:


  • A running DC/OS 1.8 cluster with at least 3 nodes with each 2 CPUs and 2 GB of RAM available.
  • DC/OS CLI installed.

Install Spark

Assuming you have a DC/OS cluster up and running, the first step is to install Spark:

$ dcos package install spark
Installing Marathon app for package [spark] version [1.0.4-2.0.1]
Installing CLI subcommand for package [spark] version [1.0.4-2.0.1]
New command available: dcos spark
DC/OS Spark is being installed!


Note that while the DC/OS CLI subcommand spark is immediately available, it takes a few moments for Spark to start running in the cluster.

Let's first check the DC/OS CLI and its new subcommand spark:

$ dcos spark
    dcos spark --help
    dcos spark --info
    dcos spark --version
    dcos spark --config-schema
    dcos spark run --help
    dcos spark run --submit-args=<spark-args>
    dcos spark status <submissionId> [--verbose]
    dcos spark log <submissionId>
    dcos spark kill <submissionId> [--verbose]
    dcos spark webui

Now, we validate if Spark is running and healthy, in the cluster itself. For this, go to the DC/OS UI and you should see Spark there under the Services tab:


By clicking on the Open Service button, you can access the Spark drivers page where you will see the jobs listed in the next steps; alternatively you can get to this page by using the dcos spark webui command:

Spark Drivers page

Launch a Spark job

Now that you've set up Spark, it's time to launch your first Spark job. We will use one of the existing examples that comes with Spark.

Note that when you execute the dcos spark run command the first time, DC/OS downloads the necessary assets to your local machine and that can take (depending on your Internet connection) some 10 mins or more.

$ dcos spark run --submit-args='-Dspark.mesos.coarse=true --driver-cores 1 --driver-memory 1024M --class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi 30' 30'
Spark distribution spark-2.0.1 not found locally.
It looks like this is your first time running Spark!
Extracting spark distribution /Users/mhausenblas/.dcos/spark/dist/spark-2.0.1.tgz...
Successfully fetched spark distribution! - - [02/Nov/2016 15:26:34] "POST /v1/submissions/create HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [02/Nov/2016 15:26:34] "GET /v1/submissions/status/driver-20161102152628-0001 HTTP/1.1" 200 -
Run job succeeded. Submission id: driver-20161102152628-0001

Note the submission ID in the last line, above, in our example driver-20161102152628-0001: this allows to track the job via the CLI as we will see below. When you look at the Spark drivers page you should see the job as well:

Spark finished job

Alternatively, you can use the CLI to verify the job status:

$ dcos spark status driver-20160310064921-0001 - - [02/Nov/2016 15:32:23] "GET /v1/submissions/status/driver-20161102152628-0001 HTTP/1.1" 200 -
Submission ID: driver-20161102152628-0001
Driver state: FINISHED
Last status: task_id {
  value: "driver-20161102152628-0001"
message: "Container exited with status 0"
slave_id {
  value: "8491db7b-504f-44aa-95c2-c37f55167297-S2"
timestamp: 1.47810052590483E9
executor_id {
  value: "driver-20161102152628-0001"
uuid: "7\033P\317\242\035K?\230y\260\004K\306D\316"
container_status {
  network_infos {
    ip_addresses {
      ip_address: ""

Now let's run the same job again and use dcos spark log to watch the execution on the CLI. While this is probably not that useful for very short-running batch jobs, it's beneficial for long-running jobs as well as Spark Streaming jobs:

$ dcos spark run --submit-args='-Dspark.mesos.coarse=true --driver-cores 1 --driver-memory 1024M --class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi 30'
Run job succeeded. Submission id: driver-20161102153258-0002
$ dcos spark log driver-20161102153258-0002
--container="mesos-1854723e-1060-4b28-a0df-1d21f2d18fea-S2.7e81a48a-bbc1-489a-b499-34f7131b5a35" --docker="docker" --docker_socket="/var/run/docker.sock" --help="false" --initialize_driver_logging="true" --launcher_dir="/opt/mesosphere/packages/mesos--be838ff64133ce38545b7d06f43c6348e5963188/libexec/mesos" --logbufsecs="0" --logging_level="INFO" --mapped_directory="/mnt/mesos/sandbox" --quiet="false" --sandbox_directory="/var/lib/mesos/slave/slaves/1854723e-1060-4b28-a0df-1d21f2d18fea-S2/frameworks/1854723e-1060-4b28-a0df-1d21f2d18fea-0001/executors/driver-20160310070130-0002/runs/7e81a48a-bbc1-489a-b499-34f7131b5a35" --stop_timeout="0ns"
--container="mesos-1854723e-1060-4b28-a0df-1d21f2d18fea-S2.7e81a48a-bbc1-489a-b499-34f7131b5a35" --docker="docker" --docker_socket="/var/run/docker.sock" --help="false" --initialize_driver_logging="true" --launcher_dir="/opt/mesosphere/packages/mesos--be838ff64133ce38545b7d06f43c6348e5963188/libexec/mesos" --logbufsecs="0" --logging_level="INFO" --mapped_directory="/mnt/mesos/sandbox" --quiet="false" --sandbox_directory="/var/lib/mesos/slave/slaves/1854723e-1060-4b28-a0df-1d21f2d18fea-S2/frameworks/1854723e-1060-4b28-a0df-1d21f2d18fea-0001/executors/driver-20160310070130-0002/runs/7e81a48a-bbc1-489a-b499-34f7131b5a35" --stop_timeout="0ns"
Registered docker executor on
Starting task driver-20161102153258-0002
Pi is roughly 3.1412853333333333

So it turns out to be useful to use the dcos spark log command: we get the result of the computation, that is, an approximation for π, without having to dig into the logs.

Uninstall Spark

To uninstall Spark:

$ dcos package uninstall spark

Use the framework cleaner to remove your Spark instance from ZooKeeper and to destroy all data associated with it. The script requires several arguments, the values for which are derived from your service name:

  • framework-role is spark-role
  • framework-principal is spark-principal
  • zk_path is dcos-service-spark

Further resources