One-shot audio playback and MP3 player device
- Arduino Uno
- DFPlayer mini ()
- LEDs (I use a 8 LED Neopixel strip)
- 4x4 Keypad
- One 3-way toggle switch
- 2 10K Potentiometers
Organize and convert samples to mp3 (Linux).
One-shot has two modes:
- Sample player
- MP3 player
The modes can be selected using the switch.
- Buttons 1-12 play samples
- Buttons 13-16 select sample sets
- Pot B is a low pas filter
- Button 1 -> Play
- Button 2 -> Pause
- Button 3 -> Next song
- Button 4 -> Previous song
- Button 5 -> Random song
- Button 6 -> First song
- Button 13 & Pot A -> Set volume
- Button 14 & Pot A -> LED brightness
- Button 15 & Pot A -> Wait time
- Button 16 & Pot A-> LED color