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This is my (James Gilles)'s class notes and projects for MIT 6.338 in Fall 2019.

ABCNets implementation

This repository contains a Flux.jl implementation of the algorithm described in "Towards Accurate Binary Convolutional Networks" ( To use it, simply copy ABCNets.jl to your project; make sure you have Flux.jl, Zygote.jl, and CuArrays.jl.

ABCNets.jl provides a Flux.jl layer: ABCCrossCor. This mimics the CrossCor layer, and implements a standard cross-correlation operation (what is usually termed "convolution" in the deep learning literature). In addition, once enabled with binarize, its weights and input activations are quantized, such that they're represented by linear combinations of +1/-1 valued bases. The full algorithm is described in the paper, and also in my writeup.

ABCCrossCor has two constructors:

function ABCCrossCor(k::NTuple{D,Integer}, ch::Pair{<:Integer,<:Integer}, N::Integer, M::Integer;
    weight_init = Flux.glorot_uniform, bias_init=k -> zeros(Float32, k), 
    us_init=even_us, vs_init=even_us, βs_init=k -> ones(Float32, k), 
    stride = 1, pad = 0, dilation = 1,
    bin_active=false) where D

function ABCCrossCor(weight::AbstractArray{T,K}, bias::AbstractVector{T},
            us::AbstractVector{T}, vs::AbstractVector{T}, βs::AbstractVector{T})
            stride = 1, pad = 0, dilation = 1, bin_active=false) where {T, K}

The first generates a randomly-initialized layer using the provided dimensions and initializers. The second allows construction directly via the given parameters.

After construction, ABCCrossCor will behave like a standard CrossCor layer. You can train it as usual and move it to the GPU. In addition, you can call the binarize function:

binarize(c :: ABCCrossCor; active=true)

This activates the quantization operators. This should probably be done after some pre-training without quantization. For the quantization to work well you should make sure there's a BatchNorm followed by a ReLU before the ABCCrossCor. CrossCor has no fused activation; you should apply batchnorm first.

Quantization can be disabled by calling binarize(c, active=false)

Additional development is present in the notebooks FinalProject.ipynb and Eval.ipynb, including in-progress CUDA kernels that compute convolution using bitwise operations instead of floating point. Unfortunately they're not any faster than floating point right now, so they're not integrated into ABCNets.jl yet.