Autonomous System Numbers (ASN)
AS Numbers belonging to an organization the below search engines can be used. I do this manually as automated tools often throw false positive results.
CIDR/IP Ranges associated with ASN's.
- Returns IPv4 and IPv6 prefixes
curl -s "" | jq '.data.prefixes[].prefix'
- Returns only IPv4 prefixes
curl -s "" | jq -r '.data.prefixes[] | select(.prefix | contains(":") | not) | .prefix'
Expand the CIDR/IP Ranges to IP addresses.
cat cidrs.txt | xargs -n 1 prips > expanded_ips.txt
Do reverse DNS loopups to find domains and subdomains belonging to a company from their IP addresses.
cat expanded_ips.txt | hakrevdns -R trusted_resolvers.txt -d | reverse_dns.txt