Releases: kacos2000/Jumplist-Browser
LNK & Jumplist Browser
- Small correction in the 'Get-ObjectIdFromHex' function
MD5: A87E617AB57A79ABE5664A80F1C160BD
SHA256: 85FA8B73B057AB009630521E7C96132FE18F698E5542A1B3EE78BEB0D61D9E1E
LNK & Jumplist Browser
Corrected the GUID/Droid Labels as per [MS-DLTW] and [MS-SHLLINK] to VolumeID & File ObjectID
(for both LNK TrackerDataBlock & automaticDestinations-ms DestList stream entries):Example MFT record - LNK:
*`MAC address Manufacturer info is sourced from ''
MD5: 440AEABF6D67FFD34342565A4037F1A7
SHA256: AD894B4073636381E8E58F47227AF03251073B3C7C44B62786C491363B2D7731
LNK & Jumplist Browser
LNK & Jumplist Browser
- small correction in 1SPS entries with FormatID: UserDefinedProperties [D5CDD505-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE]
(mostly seen in 5a2098e080cf7ac4.automaticDestinations-ms)
MD5: 46DE749C7648EB49624EEF301B6A1119
SHA256: D16F11D0C7277AA6BF100DC8D1784CFCD8DEED4DAEED14CCA652A9481C0E8B40
LNK & Jumplist Browser
- small corrections
MD5: 3C47E527EDE85BA0720023FDD5450B90
SHA256: 814B8EF4C8C3E7DFFCC413DD425780E86E834BB7F46940E6AE089479981757C6
LNK & Jumplist Browser
- Updated Serialized Property (1SPS) parsing
- Added more HKCU keys to process:
- 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Streams'
- 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\WordWheelQuery'
- other small changes and corrections
MD5: CA47171D089AEC5A07956965503C13BE
SHA256: C22D640A6A65F9214CDE267F239DC2A6E1C2366B03EE055DB4286E11C378C4A7
LNK & Jumplist Browser
Updated Serialized Property (1SPS) parsing, including :
New WYSIWYG approach to save the tree to a JSON file:
(Now working with LNK, & Custom & AutomatcDestinations-ms files as well as MRU stuff) -
Quite a few other small changes and corrections
MD5: 299303359B4DC6CE224A5FE21911D12C
SHA256: 4CAFDCF1B0883B9C86C12800E456458FA64E72B5ECFACEDC00483C98D78C7E4F
LNK & Jumplist Browser
Added support for some old Item ID Types: 23, 31, 32 & B1 (from Windows 98 ?) :
Added an easier way to find Jumplists (if their AppId is already known):
Added Registry subkey LastWriteTime (UTC) Timestamps:
(thanks to @shaunhess's function, retrieved from @MattiasC85 .ps1), slightly modified.
Files are now sorted by LastWriteTimeUtc (descending)
Plus a few other small changes/corrections (like the High-DPI support)
MD5: 6A3173B2C74D4E6F663844DCD6A12623
SHA256: AD0BBB43373480FA0E12066AE9C82AFD03239DF674F6CA3450C41AD6583849E0
LNK & Jumplist Browser
The year :)
Happy 2024! -
Corrected the 'DosDateTime-FromHex' function:
("By default the en-US culture is used by .NET according to which the Date is in Month/Day/Year format" )
By specifying the CultureInfo, timestamps now display correctly: -
Fixed an annoying bug (at last) occurring when searching for some specific CLSID
A few other small changes ..
Another 64bit ShellLNK File Size verification example:
MD5: C2D0EC0DD35AB7273D234B29C3DC9686
SHA256: 134A832E10D67B9FE2A99D4559E3E5157404F5EF8A136E03C49FD67FFD32B9E8
LNK & Jumplist Browser
Added more HKCU keys to process:
- 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\BagMRU'
- 'Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\BagMRU'
- 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RecentDocs'
- 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\StreamMRU'
- 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ComDlg32\OpenSavePidlMRU'
- 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ComDlg32\LastVisitedPidlMRU'
- 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ComDlg32\LastVisitedPidlMRULegacy'
HKCU key value entries are listed according to the their respective 'MRUListEx' entries
Added support for LNK AlternateDataStreams, including the ability to export them or view them with Notepad (Zone.Identifier only):
Other minor changes
To Do reminder:
- Find a way to read Registry key/value LastWrite timestamps ( v.0..0.51.0)
Another 64bit ShellLNK File Size verification example:
$MFT Record vs OpenSavePidlMRU entry:
MD5: 88A5470E55A3BDF713D2E9E931D95A65
SHA256: B282ED59673D96B032FFAA7ABAE82BAC9C6D978B4D0922DEEF705B2A0EF7B3C2