All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
If you bring up 2.0-rc1 version and then upgrade, as you will have the certs already created, they don't get the correct permissions. Fix permissions running the following command:
docker-compose run isard-hypervisor chown -R qemu /etc/pki/libvirt-spice
- OAuth2 Gitlab & Google authentications
- Auto enrollment codes
- Non persistent desktops
- Simplified web front end for non persistent desktops
- Multitenancy configuration
- New tenancy limits for users, desktops, concurrent, vcpus, memory, templates...
- Single 80 & 443 ports for everything (including viewers)
- New isardvdi.cfg and custom installation
- New QoS resource definitions for networking and storage
- New api with basic endpoints to control your users, desktops and viewers
- Deleting templates with fine grained detail of domains chain
- Lots of non critical web user interface bugs
- New grafana dashboards with more details
- Stats moved from engine to an independent isard-stats container
- Spice Web viewer (in favour of noVNC)
- Hypervisor autodetects VLANS or can be set by script.
- Adding remote hypervisor through CLI has all the UI options now. docker exec -e ENABLED=True -e ID=isard-hypervisor -e HYPERVISOR= -e PASSWORD=isard -e PORT=2022 -e POOL=default -e DISKOP=True -e VIRTUALOP=True -e VIEWERHOST=localhost -e -e VIEWERNATOFFSET=30000 isard-app sh -c '/'
- Added squid image that allows proxying spice viewers.
- Now .env file allows to configure main system parameters.
- Grafana container updated to latest version and uses .env file
- Rsync added to Hypervisor image so now can handle different mount points.
- Maintenance mode (on/off) in nginx. docker exec -ti isard-nginx /bin/sh -c " on"
- Fixed supervisord parameters in app to be more stable at restart.
- Hypervisor default network is forced to be active as failed in some systems.
- Mosquitto extras image rebuild and now automatically monitors Espurna IoT power devices.
- Removed rsync bwlimit when creating templates
- Grafana is now part of main docker-compose file.
- Database upgrade modified python3 rethinkdb connection
- Removed last access from the user profile page #67
- Hide the delete user button until it works #171
- Don't depend only on environment variables for the Docker Compose Isard version #175
- Create desktops automatically when a user from a specific category / group logs in #134
- Ephimeral desktops for a specific category / group #133
- New Docker and Docker Compose developing system #160
- Set predefined desktops when adding users in bulk #138
- Improved the XML definitions to boost the video performance #157
- Add minimum template name length #136
- Fix hypervisor port variable type when updating an hypervisor #137
- Fix VNC port variable type when updating it #139
- Remote hyper port 22 restriction #149
- In some cases, the SSH keys weren't copied to the hypervisor #155
- Bug with user password update from admin that updated all the user passwords at the same time.
- Bug when acessing IsardVDI from an https port different from 443.
- Support under VMWare #98
- Support on AMD cpu #98
- Permissions on templates and bases in admin mode #118
- Delete templates and bases with all the derived desktops and templates (admin mode) #114
- Complete domain chain in domain dictionary #78
- Delete media will delete the media in all domains #111
- Force host-passthrough cpu mode in domains for better compatibility #101
- Swapped wizard steps hypervisor and engine as makes more sense to check first the engine. #81
- Domain status engine detection now done using stats thread. Not relaying only in libvirt events. #120
- On physical host reboot the hypervisor docker gets online again. #119
- Media status correctly shown in web interface. #110
- Post installation updates register now works. #109
- Admin base and template modals not shown. #112
- Restart download when failed #91
- Delete process is now more atomic and will delete domain from database even if there are problems during disk delete. #117
- Windows install checkbox on creating domain. Not needed anymore. #115
- Global actions removed from templates and bases as are not needed there. #116
- Wait for the hypervisor before starting engine. Fixes some restart cases that may fail #20
This is the stable release of IsardVDI.
- Unique docker-compose version with alpine base images
- Updated websocket viewers with spice and vnc
- Secure spice and vnc connections with certificates.
- Self-signed and commercial certificates can be used.
- Wizard will generate self-signed certificates for websocket viewers if none found.
- New graphics definition that will allow better tuning of graphics parameters.
- Redefined modal for opening viewers that allow setting preferred one.
- User admin can change private template to base template
- All templates are private and can define permissions
- Wizard: More information about updates
- Improved the design of the Nginx 502 static page.
- Advanced users can upload and manage media
- The login form has a "required" indicator in the password field
- Cpu and graphics rewritten in domain XML previous to start.
- Improved bugs in configuration forms
- When edit xml, create more exceptions and logs if failed trying to start
- Create from virt-install y and virt-builder deactivated in this release.
- Launching too much hypervisor event threads
- Page errors and hardware populate modals
- Boot order error when modifying hardware and create xml
- Added logging folder in repository
- Bulk actions updated
- Wizard installation
- Media download from url to have isos in your domains
- Repository with qcow disks, isos and configuration that the admin can download from repo
- New policy balanced algorithm based on weights
- New internal stats with pandas
- New tests to try policy balanced algorithm and domains behaviours
- Fixing bugs
- First public release