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#include "Diffract_INCs.h"#include "ST_StereoMacros.c"#include "UT_VectorMacros.c"#include "SF_MathLib.h"#include "DiffractometerObj.h"#include "GraphSpots.h"void DiffractometerObj::DoInit() { graph = 0L; spectralDataHdn = 0L; inherited::DoInit(); }void DiffractometerObj::SetObjectMenu(){ theMenuBar = GetNewMBar(320); SetMenuBar(theMenuBar); } void DiffractometerObj::SetObjectWindowTitle(void){ short k; SetRect(&graphBox,80,80,516,350); graph = (GraphSpots*)D_new(GraphSpots); graph->DoInit(graphBox); /* graphBox = thePictRect; SetRect(&graphBox,80,80,516,350); maxPlottedX = maxX = 100; minPlottedX = minX = 0; maxPlottedY = maxY = 1.0; minPlottedY = minY = 0; tickIntervalY = .1; tickIntervalX = 10; centerX = graphBox.left; centerY = graphBox.bottom; SetPlotScales(); sprintf(gTheText,"2 Theta in Degrees"); k = strlen(gTheText); xAxisTitle = D_NewPtr((long)(k + 1) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(xAxisTitle,gTheText); sprintf(gTheText,"Intensity as Percentage"); k = strlen(gTheText); yAxisTitle = D_NewPtr((long)(k + 1) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(yAxisTitle,gTheText); xAxisTStart.h = (graphBox.right - graphBox.left) / 2 ; xAxisTStart.v = centerY + 40; yAxisTStart.v = (graphBox.bottom - graphBox.top) / 2 ; yAxisTStart.h = centerX - 60; */ sprintf(gTheText,"2 Theta in Degrees"); graph->SetTitleX(gTheText); sprintf(gTheText,"Intensity as Percentage"); graph->SetTitleY(gTheText); sprintf(gTheText,"Diffractometer"); graph->SetTitleGraph(gTheText); SetRect(&theCourserRect,graphBox.left,graphBox.top,graphBox.left + 2,graphBox.bottom); theBeamFlag = 2; energy = theXRay->energy; wavelength = theXRay->wavelength; maxEnergy = energy; theRuler->SetBeamButton(theBeamFlag); if(gTheFile->file_is_Open){ SetWTitle(theWindow,fileInfo.sfFile.name); return; } sprintf(gTheText,"Diffractometer %d",g_Window_Number); SetWTitle(theWindow,c2pstr(gTheText)); g_Window_Number++;}void DiffractometerObj::DoClose (void){ /*KillPtr((Ptr)yAxisTitle); KillPtr((Ptr)xAxisTitle);*/ graph->DoClose(); inherited::DoClose();}void DiffractometerObj::SetPlotScales(void){ /* scaleFactor = (graphBox.right - graphBox.left) / (maxPlottedX - minPlottedX); scaleFactorY = (graphBox.bottom - graphBox.top) / (maxPlottedY - minPlottedY); sFChannels = scaleFactor * delXperChannel; sFPhotons = (graphBox.bottom - graphBox.top) / ((double)maxPhotons); */}void DiffractometerObj::SetDLogNames(DialogPtr theDialog){ HideDItem(theDialog,9); HideDItem(theDialog,10);}void DiffractometerObj::DoDefine(void){ DialogPtr theDialog; short theSelect,i; Boolean quit,calculateFlag; GrafPtr theOldPort; Boolean oldPlotFlag; GetPort(&theOldPort); SetDialogMenuBar(); /*July 1992 */ theDialog = GetNewDialog(DIFMET_DEFINE_OBJ,NUL,IN_FRONT); SetPort(theDialog); HiliteOK(theDialog); calculateFlag = quit = false; for(i = 3; i <= 6;i++){ GetDItem(theDialog,i,&gType,&gTheHandle,&gTheRect); SetCtlValue((ControlHandle)gTheHandle,plotFlags[i - 3]); } SetDLogNames(theDialog); GetDItem(theDialog,7,&gType,&gTheHandle,&gTheRect); sprintf(gTheText,"%6.2f",minX); SetIText(gTheHandle,c2pstr(gTheText)); GetDItem(theDialog,8,&gType,&gTheHandle,&gTheRect); sprintf(gTheText,"%6.2f",maxX); SetIText(gTheHandle,c2pstr(gTheText)); while(!quit){ ModalDialog(TheFilterUPP,&theSelect); switch(theSelect){ case -1: case 2: quit = true; break; case DLOG_ENTER_OR_CR: calculateFlag = true; quit = true; break; case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 9: case 10: GetDItem(theDialog,theSelect,&gType,&gTheHandle,&gTheRect); if(GetCtlValue((ControlHandle)gTheHandle) == 0){ SetCtlValue((ControlHandle)gTheHandle,1); } else { SetCtlValue((ControlHandle)gTheHandle,0); } break; default: break; } } if(calculateFlag){ calculateFlag = false; oldPlotFlag = plotFlags[4]; calculateFlag = DialogRead(theDialog); for(i = 3; i <= 6;i++){ GetDItem(theDialog,i,&gType,&gTheHandle,&gTheRect); if(GetCtlValue((ControlHandle)gTheHandle) == 0){ plotFlags[i - 3] = false; } else { if(i <= 6 && !calculateFlags[i - 3]) calculateFlag = true; plotFlags[i - 3] = true; } } baseCrystal = 0; while(!plotFlags[baseCrystal] && baseCrystal < 4){ baseCrystal++; } if(baseCrystal == 4){ calculateFlag = false; baseCrystal = 1; }else{ if(screenPict == NUL) calculateFlag = true; } DisposDialog(theDialog); SetPort(theOldPort); KillDialogMenuBar(); /*July 1992 */ if(calculateFlag) DoCalculate(); ResizeGraphBox(); newPictEnable = true; newPictReq = true; } else if(screenPict == NUL){ DisposDialog(theDialog); SetPort(theOldPort); KillDialogMenuBar(); /*July 1992 */ CloseTheObject(theWindow); }else{ DisposDialog(theDialog); SetPort(theOldPort); KillDialogMenuBar(); /*July 1992 */ newPictEnable = true; newPictReq = true; } return;}Boolean DiffractometerObj::DialogRead(DialogPtr theDialog){ double oldValue; GetDItem(theDialog,7,&gType,&gTheHandle,&gTheRect); GetIText(gTheHandle,pTheText); minPlottedX = atof((p2cstr(pTheText))); minX = minPlottedX; GetDItem(theDialog,8,&gType,&gTheHandle,&gTheRect); GetIText(gTheHandle,pTheText); oldValue = maxX; maxPlottedX = atof((p2cstr(pTheText))); maxX = maxPlottedX; if(oldValue < maxX) return true; return false;}double DiffractometerObj::SetRecpSize(void){ return 2. * sin(.5 * maxX * PI / 180) / wavelength;}void DiffractometerObj::MyCalculate(void){ long thehMax,thekMax,thelMax,i; long hmax,kmax,lmax; double theDist,reciprocalLatticeSize,intens; SpotInfoPtr theSpots,thisSpot; short double maxIntensity[4]; short plotCrystal,h,k,l,atom_Count; Crystal *thisCrystal; Atom *theAtoms; double *theUs,*theVs,*theWs, *theZs, inverseVol,inverseVolSqr; double dH,dK,dL; double sh2 , sk2 , sl2 , skl , shl , shk,theta; D_MFTempHLock(theDataHandle); theSpots = (SpotInfoPtr)*theDataHandle; data_Count = 0; for(i = 0; i <= 3;i++)calculateFlags[i] = false; thisSpot = (SpotInfoPtr)*theDataHandle; data_Count++; thisSpot->intensity = (short double)0.0; thisSpot->x = 0.0; thisSpot->y = 0.0; thisSpot->z = 0.0; thisSpot->angle = 0.0; thisSpot->h = 0; thisSpot->k = 0; thisSpot->l = 0; thisSpot->direction = true; thisSpot->theCrystal = theCrystal[baseCrystal]; thisSpot->flags = baseCrystal; for(plotCrystal = baseCrystal; plotCrystal <= 3 && gNoBreak ; plotCrystal++){ double sV0,sV1,sV2,sV3,sV4,sV5; if(!plotFlags[plotCrystal] ) continue; thisCrystal = theCrystal[plotCrystal]; D_HLock ((Handle)thisCrystal->theAtoms); theAtoms = *thisCrystal->theAtoms; atom_Count = thisCrystal->atom_Count + 1; theUs = (double*)D_NewPtr(4L * atom_Count * sizeof(double)); if(!theUs) return; sV0 = thisCrystal->sVals[0]; sV1 = thisCrystal->sVals[1]; sV2 = thisCrystal->sVals[2]; sV3 = thisCrystal->sVals[3]; sV4 = thisCrystal->sVals[4]; sV5 = thisCrystal->sVals[5]; theVs = &theUs[atom_Count]; theWs = &theVs[atom_Count]; theZs = &theWs[atom_Count]; for(i = 0; i < atom_Count; i++,theAtoms++) { theUs[i] = (double)theAtoms->x; theVs[i] = (double)theAtoms->y; theWs[i] = (double)theAtoms->z; theZs[i] = 10; } D_HUnlock ((Handle)thisCrystal->theAtoms); calculateFlags[plotCrystal] = true; reciprocalLatticeSize = SetRecpSize(); hmax = SizeofReciprocalLattice(1.,0.,0.,reciprocalLatticeSize,thisCrystal); kmax = SizeofReciprocalLattice(0.,1.,0.,reciprocalLatticeSize,thisCrystal); lmax = SizeofReciprocalLattice(0.,0.,1.,reciprocalLatticeSize,thisCrystal); hmax++; kmax++; lmax++; if(lmax > 12){ hmax = 12; kmax = 12; lmax = 12; } thehMax = -hmax; thekMax = -kmax; thelMax = -lmax; /************** Removed a switch statement from here ***************/ inverseVol = 1. / thisCrystal->volume; inverseVolSqr = inverseVol * inverseVol; for(h = thehMax ; h <= hmax && gNoBreak ; h++) { sh2 = h * h * sV0; for(k = thekMax; k <= kmax && gNoBreak ; k++) { sk2 = k * k * sV1; shk = 2 * k * h * sV3; for(l = thelMax; l <= lmax && gNoBreak ; l++) { if(h == 0 && k == 0 && l == 0) continue; skl = 2 * k * l * sV4; shl = 2 * h * l * sV5; sl2 = l * l * sV2; theDist = sqrt((sh2 + sk2 + sl2 + skl + shl + shk) * inverseVolSqr); if(theDist > reciprocalLatticeSize) continue; theta = asin(wavelength * theDist * .5); dH = (double)h; dK = (double)k; dL = (double)l; AllowBackground(); thisCrystal->AtomicScatteringByD(theBeamFlag,theDist,theZs); intens = (double)StructureFactorOld(dH,dK,dL,theUs,theVs,theWs,atom_Count,theZs); if(intens < 0.0015) continue; intens = intens * (1 + cos( 2 * theta) * cos(2 * theta)) / (sin(theta) * sin(theta) * cos(theta)); if(OverlapSpotExists(theDist,intens,h,k,l,thisCrystal)) continue; if(data_Count >= data_Length){ ExpandMemory(); theSpots = (SpotInfoPtr)*theDataHandle; } thisSpot = &(theSpots[data_Count++]); thisSpot->intensity = (short double)intens; thisSpot->x = (short double)theDist; thisSpot->y = (short double)(theta * 360./PI); thisSpot->z = (short double)0; thisSpot->h = (short)h; thisSpot->k = (short)k; thisSpot->l = (short)l; thisSpot->direction = false; thisSpot->theCrystal = thisCrystal; thisSpot->angle = 0.0; thisSpot->flags = (long)(plotCrystal); } } } KillPtr((Ptr)theUs); } CreateCompositeSpots(); D_MFTempHUnlock ((Handle)theDataHandle); if(data_Length > data_Count){ D_RecoverMemory (theDataHandle,data_Size,data_Count); } data_Length = data_Count; thisSpot = (SpotInfoPtr)*theDataHandle; thisSpot++; for(i = 0 ; i <= 3; i++) maxIntensity[i] = 0; for(i = 1; i < data_Count;i++,thisSpot++){ if(thisSpot->intensity > maxIntensity[thisSpot->flags]) maxIntensity[thisSpot->flags] = thisSpot->intensity; } thisSpot = (SpotInfoPtr)*theDataHandle; thisSpot++; for(i = 1;i < data_Count;thisSpot++,i++){ if(thisSpot->flags != baseCrystal) thisSpot->intensity /= (maxIntensity[thisSpot->flags] / the_PPT_Info[thisSpot->flags - 1]->intensity); else thisSpot->intensity /= maxIntensity[thisSpot->flags]; }}Boolean DiffractometerObj::OverlapSpotExists(double theDist,double intens,short h,short k,short l,Crystal *aCrystal){ short i; SpotInfoPtr thisSpot; if(data_Count <= 1) return false; thisSpot = (SpotInfoPtr)*theDataHandle; thisSpot++; for(i = 1; i < data_Count; i++,thisSpot++){ if(fabs((double)theDist - (double)thisSpot->x) < 0.00001){ if(thisSpot->theCrystal != aCrystal) continue; theIndex->CopyPtrToIndex((Ptr)thisSpot); if(!theIndex->CompareTo(h,k,l))continue; thisSpot->intensity += intens; if(thisSpot->h + thisSpot->k + thisSpot->l < (short)h + (short)k + (short)l){ thisSpot->h = h; thisSpot->k = k; thisSpot->l = l; } return true; } } return false;}void DiffractometerObj::CreateCompositeSpots(void){ SpotInfoPtr theSpots,thisSpot,aSpot; short i; double x; thisSpot = (SpotInfoPtr)*theDataHandle; thisSpot->x = .00001; qsort(*theDataHandle,(short)(data_Count),sizeof(SpotInfo),(_Cmpfun *)InverseDSpaceCompare); thisSpot = (SpotInfoPtr)*theDataHandle; thisSpot->x = .01; thisSpot++; theSpots = (SpotInfoPtr)*theDataHandle; for(i = 1; i < data_Count;i++,thisSpot++){ x = thisSpot->x; if(fabs(thisSpot->x - thisSpot[1].x) < .0001){ if(data_Count >= data_Length){ ExpandMemory(); theSpots = (SpotInfoPtr)*theDataHandle; thisSpot = &(theSpots[i]); } aSpot = &(theSpots[data_Count++]); aSpot->intensity = thisSpot->intensity; aSpot->x = thisSpot->x; aSpot->y = thisSpot->y; aSpot->z = thisSpot->z; aSpot->h = thisSpot->h; aSpot->k = thisSpot->k; aSpot->l = thisSpot->l; aSpot->direction = thisSpot->direction; aSpot->theCrystal = thisSpot->theCrystal; aSpot->angle = thisSpot->angle; aSpot->flags = thisSpot->flags; thisSpot++; i++; while(fabs(thisSpot->x - x) < .0001 && i < data_Count - 1){ aSpot->intensity += thisSpot->intensity; thisSpot++; i++; } thisSpot--; i--; } }}void DiffractometerObj::DoPrint(void){ inherited::DoPrint(); ResizeGraphBox();}void DiffractometerObj::DoPictDraw(void){ Rect oldOval; long theX,theY; SpotInfoPtr thisSpot; short theIdent,i; Handle theValue;// if(printing) /*august 1993*/// ResizeGraphBox(); SetDrawEnviron(); theValue = D_NewHandle(sizeof(long) * 2); **theValue = (long)data_Count; if(graph == 0L || theDataHandle == 0L) return; graph->SetValues(theDataHandle,(Handle)theValue); graph->PlotGraph(); KillHandle((Handle*)&theValue);/* SetPlotScales(); theIndex->DoInit(false,theCrystal[0]); DrawGraphBox(); thisSpot = (SpotInfoPtr)*theDataHandle; thisSpot++; for(i = 1; i < data_Count; i++,thisSpot++){ theIdent = thisSpot->flags & CRYSTAL_MASK; if(!plotFlags[theIdent]){ if(thisSpot->flags & TEXT_MASK) thisSpot->flags -= TEXT_MASK; continue; } if( minPlottedX <= thisSpot->y && maxPlottedX >= thisSpot->y){ theIdent = thisSpot->flags & CRYSTAL_MASK; theX = centerX + (short)(scaleFactor * (thisSpot->y - minPlottedX)); theY = centerY - (short)(scaleFactorY * thisSpot->intensity); if(g_Monitor){ DMForeColor(theIdent + 10); }else{ PenPat(&qd.black); PenNormal(); DMForeColor(BLACK); } SetRect(&oldOval,theX,theY,theX + 1,centerY); thisSpot->spotRect = oldOval; PaintRect(&oldOval); } } if(channels > 0){ double theLeft; double *spectralData; MoveTo(graphBox.left,graphBox.bottom); theLeft = graphBox.left; spectralData = (double*)*spectralDataHdn; i = startChannel; theLeft = startSpectra - minPlottedX + delXperChannel; while(i < channels && theLeft < maxPlottedX ) { double theValue; short pointLoc; theValue = spectralData[i] - minPlottedY; theValue *= sFPhotons; pointLoc = (theLeft * sFChannels) + graphBox.left; if(theLeft >= 0) LineTo((short)(pointLoc),graphBox.bottom - (short)theValue); theLeft += delXperChannel; i++; } } */ theSearchObj->PlotRings(scaleFactor,scaleFactorY,centerX,centerY,minPlottedX, maxPlottedX); ClearDrawEnviron();}void DiffractometerObj::DrawGraphBox(void){ DMForeColor(COMPLEMENT_COLOR); FrameRect(&graphBox); DrawTicks(); DrawLabels();}void DiffractometerObj::DrawTicks(void){ short tickLocation; double tickValue; short stringWidth,charHeight; FontInfo theFont; TextFont(courier); /* courier */ TextSize(9); tickValue = minPlottedX; tickIntervalX = (maxPlottedX - minPlottedX) / 10; GetFontInfo(&theFont); charHeight = theFont.ascent + theFont.descent + theFont.leading; while(tickValue <= maxPlottedX){ tickLocation = centerX + (short)(scaleFactor * (tickValue - minPlottedX)); MoveTo(tickLocation,centerY); LineTo(tickLocation,centerY + 5); sprintf(gTheText,"%5.2f",tickValue); GetFontInfo(&theFont); stringWidth = StringWidth(c2pstr(gTheText)); MoveTo(tickLocation - (stringWidth * .5),centerY + 8 + charHeight); DrawDiffractString((unsigned char*)gTheText); tickValue += tickIntervalX; } tickValue = minPlottedY; tickIntervalY = (maxPlottedY - minPlottedY) / 10; while(tickValue <= maxPlottedY + .0005){ double n; if(maxPlottedY == 1) n = 100; else n = 1; tickLocation = centerY - (short)(scaleFactorY * tickValue); MoveTo(centerX,tickLocation); LineTo(centerX - 5,tickLocation); sprintf(gTheText,"%5.2f",tickValue * n); GetFontInfo(&theFont); stringWidth = StringWidth(c2pstr(gTheText)); MoveTo(centerX - 8 - stringWidth,tickLocation); DrawDiffractString((unsigned char*)gTheText); tickValue += tickIntervalY; } TextFont(0); /* courier */ TextSize(12);}void DiffractometerObj::DrawLabels(void){ short theWidth; strcpy(gTheText,xAxisTitle); theWidth = StringWidth(c2pstr(gTheText)) / 2; MoveTo(xAxisTStart.h - theWidth,xAxisTStart.v); DrawDiffractString((unsigned char*)gTheText); }void DiffractometerObj::ResizeGraphBox(void){ thePictRect = theWindow->portRect; objectSize.h = thePictRect.right; objectSize.v = thePictRect.bottom; thePictRect.right -= 15; thePictRect.left += 15; thePictRect.bottom -= 15; thePictRect.top += rulerHeight; hScroll->ReInit(); vScroll->ReInit(); graphBox = thePictRect; graphBox.top += 10; graphBox.left += 60; graphBox.bottom -= 60; graphBox.right -= 15; centerX = graphBox.left; centerY = graphBox.bottom; xAxisTStart.h = centerX + (graphBox.right - graphBox.left) / 2 ; xAxisTStart.v = centerY + 40; yAxisTStart.v = centerY + (graphBox.bottom - graphBox.top) / 2 ; yAxisTStart.h = centerX - 60; SetRect(&theCourserRect,graphBox.left,graphBox.top,graphBox.left + 2,graphBox.bottom); SetPlotScales();}PicHandle DiffractometerObj::SetPrintPicture(void){ PicHandle megaPicture; megaPicture = OpenPicture(&thePictRect); if((long)picObjList != NUL){ PenMode(transparent+addPin); picObjList->DrawThePicts(); } DrawPicture(screenPict,&thePictRect); ClosePicture(); return megaPicture;}void DiffractometerObj::SetTicks(void){}void DiffractometerObj::ZoomPlot(Boolean zoomInFlag,Point thePoint){ short midPoint; double xValue; LocalToObj(&thePoint); if(zoomInFlag){ if(thePoint.h < graphBox.left || thePoint.h > graphBox.right) return; midPoint = thePoint.h - centerX; xValue = (double)midPoint / (double)scaleFactor; minPlottedX = minPlottedX + xValue - ((maxPlottedX - minPlottedX) / 4); if(minX > minPlottedX){ minPlottedX = minX; maxPlottedX = ((maxPlottedX + minPlottedX) / 2) + minX; SetPlotScales(); SetPict(true); return; } maxPlottedX = minPlottedX + xValue + ((maxPlottedX - minPlottedX) / 4); if(maxX < maxPlottedX){ maxPlottedX = maxX; minPlottedX = maxX - ((maxPlottedX - minPlottedX) / 2); } SetPlotScales(); SetPict(true); return; } minPlottedX = minX; maxPlottedX = maxX; SetPlotScales(); SetPict(true);}void DiffractometerObj::DoDblClick(Point thePoint){ GetMouse(&thePoint); switch(functionID){ case ZOOM_PLOT: theRuler->SetPrompt("Zoom Plot:"); ZoomPlot(false,thePoint); break; } DoCourser(thePoint); inherited::DoDblClick(thePoint);}Boolean DiffractometerObj::DoContent(Point thePoint){ GetMouse(&thePoint); switch(functionID){ case ZOOM_PLOT: theRuler->SetPrompt("Zoom Plot:"); ZoomPlot(true,thePoint); DoCourser(thePoint); return(true); break; default: return (inherited::DoContent(thePoint)); break; } return false;}void DiffractometerObj::DoIdle(void){ Point thePoint; GetMouse(&thePoint); DoCourser(thePoint); inherited::DoIdle(); }void DiffractometerObj::DoCourser(Point thePoint){ double theValue,thetaSine,dspace; static Point oldPoint; GetMouse(&thePoint); if(!PtInRect(thePoint,&graphBox)) return; if(oldPoint.h == thePoint.h) return; theRuler->SetPrompt("Cursor Info:"); theValue = ((double)(thePoint.h - centerX)/scaleFactor) + minPlottedX; thetaSine = 2 * sin(theValue * PI / 360); if(thetaSine <= .005)dspace = 0.0; else dspace = wavelength / thetaSine; sprintf(gTheText,"2 Theta = %6.2f ¡,D-Spacing = %7.3f ",theValue,dspace); theRuler ->SetInfo(gTheText); oldPoint = thePoint; }void DiffractometerObj::DoMenu(long theResult){ short theMenu,theItem; static Boolean searchFlag = true; theMenu = HiWord(theResult); theItem = LoWord(theResult); switch(theMenu){ case DIFDEFINE: switch(theItem){ case 1: DoDefine(); break; case 2: DoCalculate(); ResizeGraphBox(); newPictEnable = true; break; } break; case DIFINFO: switch(theItem){ case ZOOM_FUNCTION: functionID = ZOOM_PLOT; theRuler->SetPrompt("Zoom In"); theRuler->SetHelp("Zoom-In (x2) each click, Around click point. Dbl-Click to Zoom Out to original graph."); SetTheCursor(TARGET_CURSOR); break; case RESIZE_GRAPH: ResizeGraphBox(); SetPict(true); break; default: theResult = INFO_MENU * 65536 + theItem; inherited::DoMenu(theResult); break; } break; case DIFEXPINFO: break; case 52: CheckItem(base_Crystal_Menu,referenceCrystal + 1,false); referenceCrystal = theItem - 1; CheckItem(base_Crystal_Menu,theItem,true); break; case SADSEARCH: if(theItem > 5){ theSearchObj->wavelength = wavelength; theSearchObj->requiredFOM = TWO_THETA_SEARCH; theSearchObj->DoMenu(theResult); }else inherited::DoMenu(theResult); break; default: inherited::DoMenu(theResult); break; } HiliteMenu(0); return;}void DiffractometerObj::OpenGeneral(void){ SFTypeList myFileTypes; short numFileTypes; OSErr theErr; StandardFileReply theFileInfo; short refNum; long sizeOfBlock; long posOff; short i,k,j; short sizeOfString = 64; short *spectralData; numFileTypes = -1; StandardGetFile((FileFilterUPP)NUL,numFileTypes,myFileTypes,&theFileInfo); if(spectralDataHdn != 0L) KillTempHandle((Handle*)&spectralDataHdn); spectralDataHdn = D_TempNewHandle(16000 * sizeof(short),&gTheOSError); D_MFTempHLock ((Handle)spectralDataHdn); k = 0; if(theFileInfo.sfGood) { theErr = FSpOpenDF(&theFileInfo.sfFile,fsRdWrPerm,&refNum); sizeOfBlock = sizeof(short) * sizeOfString; posOff = 1024; spectralData = (short*)*spectralDataHdn; SetFPos(refNum,fsFromStart,posOff); theErr = FSRead(refNum,&sizeOfBlock,(Ptr)(spectralData)); j = 0; while(spectralData[j] == 0 && j < sizeOfString) { j++; } posOff += sizeof(short) * (j - 1); channels = 0; while(!theErr){ SetFPos(refNum,fsFromStart,posOff); theErr = FSRead(refNum,&sizeOfBlock,(Ptr)(&spectralData[channels])); channels += sizeOfString; posOff += (sizeOfBlock); } } channels -= sizeOfString; posOff -= (sizeOfBlock); sizeOfBlock = sizeof(short); while(!theErr){ SetFPos(refNum,fsFromStart,posOff); theErr = FSRead(refNum,&sizeOfBlock,(Ptr)(&spectralData[channels])); channels++; posOff += (sizeOfBlock); } channels--; maxPhotons = 0; for(i = 0; i < channels;i++) { if(spectralData[i] > maxPhotons){ maxPhotons = spectralData[i]; } } D_MFTempHUnlock ((Handle)spectralDataHdn); if(16000 > channels){ D_RecoverMemory (spectralDataHdn,sizeof(short),channels); } ConvertDataToStandard(); startChannel = 0; startSpectra = minX; delXperChannel = (maxX - minX) / (double)(channels); theErr = FSClose(refNum); TextFont(0); TextSize(0); newPictReq = true; newPictEnable = true;}void DiffractometerObj::DoAuxRead(void){ yAxisTitle = (char*)gTheFile->ReadPtr((Ptr)yAxisTitle); xAxisTitle = (char*)gTheFile->ReadPtr((Ptr)xAxisTitle); gTheFile->ReadDataBlock((Ptr)&absissaFont,sizeof(FontInfo)); gTheFile->ReadDataBlock((Ptr)&ordinateFont,sizeof(FontInfo)); gTheFile->ReadDataBlock((Ptr)&titleFont,sizeof(FontInfo)); gTheFile->ReadDataBlock((Ptr)&xAxisTStart,sizeof(Point)); gTheFile->ReadDataBlock((Ptr)&yAxisTStart,sizeof(Point)); tickIntervalX = gTheFile->ReadFloat(); tickIntervalY = gTheFile->ReadFloat(); gTheFile->ReadDataBlock((Ptr)&graphBox,sizeof(Rect)); gTheFile->ReadDataBlock((Ptr)&theCourserRect,sizeof(Rect)); minPlottedX = gTheFile->ReadFloat(); minPlottedY = gTheFile->ReadFloat(); maxPlottedX = gTheFile->ReadFloat(); maxPlottedY = gTheFile->ReadFloat(); maxX = gTheFile->ReadFloat(); maxY = gTheFile->ReadFloat(); minX = gTheFile->ReadFloat(); minY = gTheFile->ReadFloat(); scaleFactorY = gTheFile->ReadFloat(); channels = gTheFile->ReadShort(); if(channels > 0) gTheFile ->ReadHandle((Handle)spectralDataHdn); maxPhotons = gTheFile->ReadShort(); sFChannels = gTheFile->ReadFloat(); sFPhotons = gTheFile->ReadFloat(); delXperChannel = gTheFile->ReadFloat(); startSpectra = gTheFile->ReadFloat(); startChannel = gTheFile->ReadShort(); inherited::DoAuxRead();}void DiffractometerObj::DoAuxWrite(void){ gTheFile->WritePtr((Ptr)yAxisTitle); gTheFile->WritePtr((Ptr)xAxisTitle); gTheFile->WriteDataBlock((Ptr)&absissaFont,sizeof(FontInfo)); gTheFile->WriteDataBlock((Ptr)&ordinateFont,sizeof(FontInfo)); gTheFile->WriteDataBlock((Ptr)&titleFont,sizeof(FontInfo)); gTheFile->WriteDataBlock((Ptr)&xAxisTStart,sizeof(Point)); gTheFile->WriteDataBlock((Ptr)&yAxisTStart,sizeof(Point)); gTheFile->WriteFloat(tickIntervalX); gTheFile->WriteFloat(tickIntervalY); gTheFile->WriteDataBlock((Ptr)&graphBox,sizeof(Rect)); gTheFile->WriteDataBlock((Ptr)&theCourserRect,sizeof(Rect)); gTheFile->WriteFloat(minPlottedX); gTheFile->WriteFloat(minPlottedY); gTheFile->WriteFloat(maxPlottedX); gTheFile->WriteFloat(maxPlottedY); gTheFile->WriteFloat(maxX); gTheFile->WriteFloat(maxY); gTheFile->WriteFloat(minX); gTheFile->WriteFloat(minY); gTheFile->WriteFloat(scaleFactorY); gTheFile->WriteShort(channels); if(channels > 0) gTheFile ->WriteHandle((Handle)spectralDataHdn); gTheFile->WriteShort(maxPhotons); gTheFile->WriteFloat(sFChannels); gTheFile->WriteFloat(sFPhotons); gTheFile->WriteFloat(delXperChannel); gTheFile->WriteFloat(startSpectra); gTheFile->WriteShort(startChannel); inherited::DoAuxWrite();}void DiffractometerObj::SetMinMax(double Xlow,double XHigh){ switch(dataType){ case 0: case 1: maxPlottedX = maxX = XHigh; minPlottedX = minX = Xlow; startSpectra = minX; delXperChannel = (maxX - minX) / (double)channels; GetMinMax(); maxPlottedY = maxY; minPlottedY = minY ; break; } }void DiffractometerObj::ConvertDataToStandard(void){ double **convertData,*dataPtr; short i; short *shortPtr; if(spectralDataHdn == 0L || dataType == 1)return; convertData = (double**)D_NewHandle(sizeof(double) * channels); switch(dataType){ case 0: HLock((Handle)convertData); HLock((Handle)spectralDataHdn); shortPtr = (short*)*spectralDataHdn; dataPtr = *convertData; for(i = 0; i < channels;i++,shortPtr++,dataPtr++){ *dataPtr = (double)*shortPtr; } break; } HUnlock((Handle)convertData); HUnlock((Handle)spectralDataHdn); KillHandle((Handle*)&spectralDataHdn); spectralDataHdn = (Handle)convertData;}void DiffractometerObj::GetMinMax(){ double *convertData; short i; if(spectralDataHdn == 0L){ minY = maxY = 0; return; } D_HLock(spectralDataHdn); convertData = (double*)*spectralDataHdn; switch(dataType){ case 0: case 1: minY = maxY = *convertData; for(i = 0; i < channels;i++,convertData++){ if(*convertData < minY)minY = *convertData; else if(*convertData > maxY)maxY = *convertData; } break; } D_HUnlock(spectralDataHdn); }void DiffractometerObj::SetXY(long *theX,long *theY,SpotInfoPtr theSpot){ *theX = centerX + (short)(scaleFactor * (theSpot->y - minPlottedX)); *theY = centerY - (short)(scaleFactorY * ((theSpot->intensity * maxPlottedY) - minPlottedY));}