NOTE: This is archived here for tracing back development history. You will find recent developments here.
These are shared classes for SRPlugins, either DSP classes without third party dependencies or specific classes for IPlug2.
Besides others: SRConstants which holds specific variables and classes used in all (future) SR plugins.
DSP classes mostly without dependencies.
Simple multichannel buffer, depends on WDL (Ptrlist and Typedbuf)
Gain and pan classes with gain smoother
Mainly biquad filters and some others, based on Earlevel biquad classes and some other resources.
Dynamics classes including compressors, limiters, gate, deesser and so on. More or less based on chunkware simple classes.
Some waveshapers.
Specific IPlug2 controls inherited from IControl
Some helpers for unit conversion and so on. Without dependencies.