Enkapsulate your date!
enka is a tool to encrypt strings to a format, which can be decrypted by other tools and programs too.
Encrypting data requires knowledge of certain parameters like the encryption algorithm etc. OpenSSL does not include such information in its output. So a solution is needed.
enka steps in and provides a solution.
$ ./enka encrypt --algo aes256cbc --kdf pbkdf2:650000:sha256 --text kasnudelisbesseralswienerschnitzel --key obaehrlich
This can be dissected into following parts:
program enka
version v1
algorithm aes256cbc
key derivation function pbkdf2:650000:sha256 (function : iteration count : hash function)
salt DH3Z4u0DeLk=
intialization vector RoTCnO59r8pe2PeJDJoh1Q==
encrypted text sWyo2KkRVk4PfgWAx/OeYb46SeDXwn/pUhOn2/6rAKXBr/w233cfavspr0GThMXP
With that information the text can be decrypted by other programs:
$ echo $(echo -n "sWyo2KkRVk4PfgWAx/OeYb46SeDXwn/pUhOn2/6rAKXBr/w233cfavspr0GThMXP" | openssl enc -d -base64 -A -aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2 -iter 650000 -md sha256 -S 0c7dd9e2ed0378b9 -iv 4684c29cee7dafca5ed8f7890c9a21d5 -pass pass:obaehrlich)
But using the enka tool you can get your result more quickly:
$ echo $(./enka decrypt --string %enka%v1%aes256cbc%pbkdf2:650000:sha256%DH3Z4u0DeLk=%RoTCnO59r8pe2PeJDJoh1Q==%sWyo2KkRVk4PfgWAx/OeYb46SeDXwn/pUhOn2/6rAKXBr/w233cfavspr0GThMXP --key obaehrlich)