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Variables and Expressions


.. py:module:: shc.variables

Variables are the most important Connectable objects in an SHC application. They allow to keep track of the current state of some dynamic value (allowing to read it at any time), receive updates for that state and re-publish state changes to other connected objects. Thus, they are typically used as a "central connection point" for a certain value, to which all other Connectable objects for that value are connected, as in the following example:

ceiling_lights = shc.Variable(bool, "ceiling lights")
ceiling_lights.connect(, 2, 3), dpt="1", init=True))

web_switch = shc.web.widgets.Switch("Ceiling Lights")\


However, Variables are not absolutely necessary to interconnect datapoints of different interfaces with SHC. Especially, when dealing with stateless events (i.e. values which are used to trigger some action instead of representing a change in state), it is more appropriate to connect the relevant objects directly:

some_button = shc.web.widgets.StatelessButton(shc.interfaces.knx.KNXUpDown.DOWN, "down")
some_button.connect(, 2, 1), dpt="1.008"))

In such cases, it is even harmful to use a variable as a middle link, since it only publishes changes in value and suppresses updates of an unchanged value. You may want to take a look at :class:`shc.misc.UpdateExchange`, which can be used as a central exchange for value updates between multiple connectable objects without suppressing unchanged values.

Variables are :class:`shc.base.Readable` (providing their current value), :class:`shc.base.Writable` (to update the value) and :class:`shc.base.Subscribable` (to publish changes of the value). In addition, they are optionally :class:`shc.base.Reading` for initialization purposes: When a default provider is set, they will read its value once, immediately after startup of SHC, to initialize their value.

The value type of a variable must be given when it is instantiated. Optionally, a name and and initial value can be provided:

.. autoclass:: shc.variables.Variable

Tuple Field Access

When Variables are used with a value type based on :class:`typing.NamedTuple`, they provide a special feature to access the individual fields of the tuple value: For each (type hinted) field of the named tuple type, a :class:`VariableField` is created and can be accessed via the :meth:`Variable.field` method. These objects are Connectable (taking their type attribute from the NamedTuple field's type hint), which allows to subscribe other objects to that field's value or let the field be updated from another Subscribable object:

from typing import NamedTuple

class Coordinate(NamedTuple):
    x: float
    y: float

var1 = shc.Variable(Coordinate, initial_value=Coordinate(0.0, 0.0))
# `var1` includes two VariableField objects to access the value's 'x' and 'y' fields.
# They are Connectables of `float` type, so we can connect them to a KNX GroupVariable with DPT 9:
var1.field('x').connect(, 2, 0), dpt="9"))
var1.field('y').connect(, 2, 1), dpt="9"))

async def my_handler(value, _origin):
    # This handler is triggered on any change of the var1 value, even if it originates from one of
    # the VariableFields. We could check the `origin` list here to find out about the source of the
    # update.
    if value.x > value.y:
        print("Value is in lower right half of the coordinate plane")

If the Variable's type consists of nested NamedTuples types, the VariableField objects may include VariableFields of the respective sub-field's type recursively. Equally, they can be retrieved via the :meth:`VariableField.field` method.


If you use Python MyPy to statically typecheck your SHC-based application, MyPy will by default not be able to figure out the value type of the VariableField objects retrieved via :meth:`.field <VariableField.field>` (i.e. it defaults to Any). Thus, it can only warn you about general issues with the usage of the VariableField, but it can not warn you about a type mismatch with a Connectable object connected to it. To add this missing value type inference (which cannot be expressed with Python type hints – as far as I know), SHC comes with a little MyPy plugin.

To enable the MyPy plugin, create a MyPy config file (see and set plugins = shc.util.mypy_variable_plugin in the [mypy] section. The plugin will only work if the tuple field name is passed to .field() as a string literal, like in the example above.


Use :class:`shc.misc.UpdateExchange` to split up NamedTuple-based value updates in a stateless way: It provides an equal way for subscribing to fields of the NamedTuple via the :meth:`shc.misc.UpdateExchange.field` method but does not store the latest value and does not suppress value updates with unchanged values.


.. autoclass:: shc.variables.DelayedVariable


.. py:module:: shc.expressions

Wouldn't it be cool, if we could define logical-arithmetical relations between Variables (or other Connectables) as simple Python expressions, which would be evaluated for every value update? Example:

fan_state = shc.Variable(bool)
fan_switch = shc.Variable(bool)
temperature = shc.Variable(float)

# WARNING: This will not work! Read on before copy&pasting …
fan_state = fan_switch and temperature > 25

However, there are two caveats with this approach:

  • Using the = assignment operator does not work like this, as it would simply override the Variable object in the fan_state variable. But, we can make the result of that expression a Connectable object, so it can be connected with the result variable.
  • Overloading the operators like this may have unwanted side effects in the Python code, especially for the comparison operators like ==. Thus, we use a wrapper (:class:`ExpressionWrapper`) for the Connectable objects which provides the overloaded operators to use them in expressions. For convenience, Variables provide this wrapper as a property .EX.

With those two fixes, the expression from above looks as follows:

fan_state = shc.Variable(bool)
fan_switch = shc.Variable(bool)
temperature = shc.Variable(float)

fan_state.connect(fan_switch.EX.and_(temperature.EX > 25))

There are still limitations to this expression syntax:

  • Python does not allow to override the and, or, and not operators. As a workaround, Expressions and ExpressionWrappers provide methods .and_(other) .or_(other) .not_(other) . Additionally, there are :func:`and_`, :func:`or_`, :func:`not_` functions, which apply the boolean operators in a functional style.
  • To ensure the :ref:`static type checking mechanism <base.typing>` for Connectable objects, we need to infer the type of an expression based on the operands' value types. Since there is no generic type inference mechanism in Python at runtime, the :mod:`shc.expression` module contains a dict of type mapping rules for each supported operator. Only Connectables with value types covered by these rules can be used in expressions. Currently, such rules are only available for some basic builtin Python types and don't even support subclasses of these types.


To use custom functions in SHC expressions, you can use the :func:`@expression <expression>` decorator to turn any function into an :class:`ExpressionHandler` evaluating that function with the latest values.

Classes for Building Expressions

The following classes are useful for building SHC Expressions. They are Readable and Subscribable objects, some of them already inheriting from :class:`ExpressionBuilder` for operator support. In addition, if they subscribe to other objects to evaluate their value, these objects are given as constructor arguments, allowing to construct the SHC Expression in a single-line Python expression.

shc.expressions Module Reference

.. autoclass:: ExpressionBuilder

    .. automethod:: and_
    .. automethod:: or_
    .. automethod:: not_
    .. automethod:: convert

.. autoclass:: ExpressionWrapper
.. autoclass:: ExpressionHandler
.. autoclass:: IfThenElse
.. autoclass:: Multiplexer
.. autofunction:: and_
.. autofunction:: or_
.. autofunction:: not_
.. autodecorator:: expression