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Big data in little laptop: a streaming story (featuring toolz)

In my brief experience people rarely take this [streaming] route. They use single-threaded in-memory Python until it breaks, and then seek out Big Data Infrastructure like Hadoop/Spark at relatively high productivity overhead. — Matt Rocklin

Single point to take home today: consider whether you can solve your problem with iterators. If so, DO IT.

It's marginally harder initially but makes later scaling way easier.

And the toolz library reduces the difficulty even further.

(toolz because it's an amalgam of functoolz, itertoolz, and dicttoolz — two of which are in the standard library but are quite lacking in functionality.)

The "traditional" programming model

  • Load your dataset into a suitable format, e.g. pandas.DataFrame

  • Do various processing on it, often including some copies of the data

  • Output the result, usually a highly reduced process of the data

  • almost all major libraries work on this model (e.g. sklearn, pandas)


  • not necessarily web-based or "infinite" data stream
  • iterate through data on-disk, never loading full data in RAM

Toy example

Let's take the sum of all even numbers up to 10.

List approach:

input = list(range(6))
doubled = [x * 2 for x in input]
summed = sum(doubled)

Streaming approach:

input = range(6)
doubled = (x * 2 for x in input)
summed = sum(doubled)

verbose example

from toolz import pipe

def verbose_range(m):
    print("range start")
    for i in range(m):
        print("yielding %i" % i)
        yield i
    print("range done")

def verbose_times2(it):
    print("times2 start")
    for i in it:
        print("multiplying %i by 2" % i)
        yield i * 2
    print("times2 done")

def verbose_sum(it):
    print("sum start")
    acc = 0
    for i in it:
        print("adding %i to current total %i" % (i, acc))
        acc += i
    print("sum done")
    return acc

if __name__ == '__main__':
    s = pipe(5, verbose_range, verbose_times2, verbose_sum)
    print("the result is %i" % s)

toolz piping

tz.pipe is syntacting sugar for streaming.

import toolz as tz
from toolz import curried
def double(a):
    return a * 2
double_all =
summed = tz.pipe(range(6), double_all, sum)


  • (list -> return list) becomes (iterator/generator -> yield elem)
  • convert f(a -> return b) (single element function) to function operating on stream using

Bigger example: take PCA from a large dataset

sklearn has IncrementalPCA class. But you need to chunk your data yourself. Let's make a function that can take a stream of data samples and perform PCA. Be sure to look at the documentation for the class to understand some of the code below.

import toolz as tz
from toolz import curried
from sklearn import decomposition
from sklearn import datasets
import numpy as np

def streaming_pca(samples, n_components=2, batch_size=100):
    ipca = decomposition.IncrementalPCA(n_components=n_components,
    # we use `tz.last` to force evaluation of the full iterator
    _ = tz.last(tz.pipe(samples,  # iterator of 1D arrays
                        curried.partition(batch_size),  # iterator of tuples
              ,  # iterator of 2D arrays
                # partial_fit on each
    return ipca

If your data is in a csv file, it's simple to take the PCA of it, while using negligible memory!

def array_from_txt(line, sep=',', dtype=np.float):
    return np.array(line.rstrip().split(sep), dtype=dtype)

with open('iris.csv') as fin:
    pca_obj = tz.pipe(fin,, streaming_pca)

In a second pass, we can compute the PCA of the data:

with open('iris.csv') as fin:
    components = np.squeeze(tz.pipe(fin,

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

k-mer counting

In genomics, it's important to count the appearance of "k-mers", or bits of genetic sequence of length k. This is used heavily, for example, in error correction.

def fa_filter(sequence_iter):
    for seq in sequence_iter:
        if not seq.startswith('>'):
            yield seq.rstrip()

import glob
k = 6
counts = tz.pipe(glob.glob('*.fasta'),, tz.concat,  # lines
       ,  # discard names
       , apply sliding to each
                 tz.concat,  # k-mers as char tuples
       ''.join),  # k-mers

plt.hist(list(counts.values()), bins=25)


Genome assembly: we use a toy genetic sequence to demonstrate a De Bruijn graph assembler. See this link for more on this topic. The sequence is derived from Fig 3 of this paper, but in our case it is not circular.

First, we are going to write a function to generate random reads from the sequence:

def generate_reads(seq, nreads=60, readlen=5):  # 30x coverage
    for i in range(nreads):
        start = np.random.randint(0, len(seq) - readlen + 1)
        yield seq[start : start+readlen]

Next, we generate some reads and feed them into a De Bruijn graph implemented in networkx.

g = nx.DiGraph()

We can draw the graph:

import nxeuler as eu  # local module

draw_circular = tz.partial(nx.draw_circular, with_labels=True,
reads = generate_reads(seq)
draw = tz.pipe(reads,,  # k-mers
                      tz.concat,  # join k-mer streams from all reads
            ''.join),  # make strings from tup of char
            ,  # get k-1-mer tuples
                      eu.add_edges(g),  # add them as edges to the graph
                      draw_circular)  # draw the graph

(Note that the graph is much smaller than the original dataset of the reads!)

Or, we can feed the graph directly into an Eulerian path algorithm, and reconstruct the original genome from that:

def assemble(euler_path):
    start = tz.first(euler_path)[0]
    rest = tz.pipe(euler_path, curried.pluck(0),  # 1st k-1-mer
                               curried.pluck(1),  # 2nd letter
    return start + rest

reads = generate_reads(seq)
g = nx.DiGraph()
inferred = tz.pipe(reads,,  # k-mers
                          tz.concat,  # join k-mer streams from all reads
                ''.join),  # make string from tup of char
                ,  # get k-1-mer tups
                          eu.add_edges(g),  # add edges to g
                          eu.eulerian_path,  # iterate over euler path edges
                          assemble)  # get assembled string from path

Note that real assembly requires lots of sophisticated error correction. But I hope this gives you an idea of the potential to stream over reads to generate a more compact view for assembly.


  • (list of list -> list) with tz.concat

  • don't get caught out:

    • iterators get consumed. So if you make a generator, do some processing, and then a later step fails, you need to re-create the generator. The original is already gone.
    • iterators are lazy; need to force evaluation sometimes.
  • when you have lots of functions in a pipe, it's sometimes hard to figure out where things go wrong. Take a small stream and add functions to your pipe one by one from the first/leftmost until you find the broken one.

other examples

As I mentioned, I've been using streaming patterns more and more in my own work. Here's some streaming image analysis examples:

If you take 1s/image, for 1M images you take about 12h. Totally doable. No need for cloud/compute clusters.

in conclusion

  • streaming in Python is easy when you use a few abstractions
  • streaming can make you more productive:
    • big data takes linearly longer than small data (no nasty memory swapping)
    • don't need a bigger machine
    • if your tests pass on small data, they'll pass on big data
  • streaming code is concise and readable using toolz (cytoolz for speed)

Read more on Matt Rocklin's blog!

notes for follow-up email based on in-person questions

  • CyToolz is a version of Toolz written in Cython. It's much faster than Toolz, but it is much worse for debugging. My advice is to use Toolz for development, then switch to CyToolz for production.
  • tz.pipe(a, f1, f2, f3) is shorthand for f3(f2(f1(a))). imho pipe makes these calls much more readable.
  • to force evaluation of an iterator when you don't care about the result, only the side effects, use tz.last. For example, in my streaming PCA example, I used list() to force the evaluation of the call to pipe, but then you end up with a (potentially big) list. tz.last gives you the last element of an iterator, so it necessarily evaluates every element of the iterator. I've changed the example in these notes to reflect this.
  • I also mentioned that you can iterate over more things than you think in Python. For example, you can use the requests library to iterate over a remote file, never storing the full dataset on your computer. Similarly, you can stream over a gzip-encoded text file.
  • Time to reiterate my take-home: think about whether you can stream over a dataset, and if you can, do it. Your future self will thank you. Doing it later is harder. ;)

more reading

  • As mentioned, Matt Rocklin's blog. Start around early 2013 and work your way to the present day.
  • This post is the one that really started me on this road.
  • I've tried to make the point that streaming saves you coding time by letting you process data on your laptop, without spinning up a compute cluster. Often, you'd get there a bit faster with a cluster. But don't overestimate the computational overhead of a cluster. Frank McSherry has a couple of posts doing the rounds, in which he shows graph analysis is faster streaming on his laptop than on common specialised compute cluster frameworks.