All notable changes to the project (including API and Baksida) will be documented in this file.
- Added 6715 translations generated from Wikipedia page links. Only proper nouns and nouns with no homographs were used to increase the quality. Wikipedia-translated definitions are marked like seen below.
- Baksida: Now possible to filter by wikipedia-translations on the search page
- Baksida: Functionality to add new word suggestions (oppslag) for users from the search page.
- Baksida: All suggestions can be seen on a new page and admins can approve/reject these.
- Major update to the front page
- Example sentences from Tatoeba
- Request button to request a translation of a word
- Feedback function to comment if the user finds mistakes etc.
- Choose interface language (Norwegian/Japanese)
- Design overhaul
- Baksida: You can now add comments while adding new suggestions
- Baksida: Only 3 votes (previously 5) are now required for a suggestion to be added to the dictionary or to be rejected.
- Baksida: Posts on the wall are now sorted with the thread with the newest post/reply first
- Baksida: It's now possible to create a new suggestion by clicking an existing word in the suggestion list
- Baksida: Daily/weekly/biweekly digest email feature
- Baksida: Email notifications when someone comments on your suggestion/comment/wall post.
- Baksida: Possibility to choose email settings from the profile page:
- Baksida: Profile page design