├── 📂 arm_config
│ ├── 🐚 default-onboardme-install.sh
│ ├── 🐚 devops-onboardme-install.sh
│ └── 🐚 music-onboardme-install.sh
├── ⚙️ config.conf
├── 🐳 Dockerfile
├── 🐳 Dockerfile.arm
├── 🐳 Dockerfile.rust-builder
└── 🐚 run_onboardme.sh
is for linux/amd64run_onboardme.sh
is for running onboardme with package groups based on docker env vars
# this builds the onboardme image with prereqs but doesn't run onboardme
docker build --platform=linux/amd64 -t onboardme:dev-prereqs .
# this builds the onboardme image with the DEFAULT install for onboardme
docker build --platform=linux/amd64 --build-arg='DEFAULT=True' -t onboardme:dev-prereqs .
Homebrew on Linux does not support ARM64 (aarch64), so we have special images for that.
is for linux/arm64 and linux/aarch64arm_config
is a directory of files just for arm builds to download binaries and compile from source if there's no package manager package.
To build this image run:
# this builds the DEFAULT onboardme image with onboardme and prereqs but doesn't run onboardme
docker build --platform=linux/arm64 -t onboardme:dev-prereqs-arm -f Dockerfile.arm .
# this builds the onboardme image with the DEFAULT install for onboardme
docker build --platform=linux/arm64 --build-arg='DEFAULT=True' -t onboardme:dev-arm -f Dockerfile.arm .
# this builds the onboardme image with the devops install for onboardme
docker build --platform=linux/arm64 --build-arg='DEFAULT=True' --build-arg='DEVOPS=True' -t onboardme:dev-devops-arm -f Dockerfile.arm .
# this builds the onboardme image with the full-tui install for onboardme
docker build --platform=linux/arm64 --build-arg='DEFAULT=True' --build-arg='DEVOPS=True' --build-arg='MUSIC=True' -t onboardme:dev-full-tui-arm -f Dockerfile.arm .
is a special fastfetch config used for both docker images
Several apps written in rust don't have Debian packages, so we create them using Dockerfile.rust-builder
# build the docker image, but you could also grab the code from this file and do a multistage build
docker buildx build --platform=linux/arm64 -t rustbuilder:spotifyd-dev -f Dockerfile.rust-builder .
# this creates the image and copies the deb to your current directory
docker cp $(docker create --name rustemp rustbuilder:spotifyd-dev):/spotifyd_0.3.5_arm64.deb . && docker rm rustemp