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OmniBinder Module API



The obBinder factory provides the main public API for the OmniBinder module.

obBinder is a factory whose instances can be used in any scope to bind any of the scope's models to a protocol.

Each obBinder instance is associated with one model in one scope. The obBinder should generally be treated as a static object, as far as the Change Pipeline is concerned. But it's useful to occasionally store temporary metadata or temporary data on a binder. For example, when model updates are being throttled, it would be appropriate to store a temporary queue of changes on the binder to be batched in a later call to a protocol.

The binder is accessible in every part of the Change Pipeline.

Using the obBinder factory creates a new binding instance. The factory takes the following arguments:

  • Scope scope:required The scope in which to watch the model.
  • String model: required Name of the model to watch on the provided scope.
  • Protocol protocol: required The protocol to which model changes should be persisted.
  • BinderOptions options: optional
    • * query: optional A query, if necessary. This is available as binder.query in any Change Pipeline functions, but is otherwise only used by some protocols.
    • String type: optional Should be one of constants available in binderTypes service. This is useful to help protocols know how to analyze changes, but should be used as a best practice to take advantage of future enhancements to the OmniBinder module.
    • String key: optional If the model is a collection of objects, the key helps methods in the Change Pipeline by confirming which property in the collection should be unique.

Returns: Binder


A convenience factory to generate a well-formed ArrayChange object.

The factory takes the following arguments:

  • Integer addedCount: required
  • Array removed: required
  • Integer index: required

Returns: ArrayChange change


Re-constructs the previous version of an object, based on information from an ObjectChange.

The factory takes the following arguments:

  • ObjectChange change: required

Returns: Object oldObject


Not Yet Implemented




  • observeObjectInCollection Observe a single object in a collection.

    When Object.observe notifies that this object has changed, the callback will be called with the proper context, and will prepare an Array.observe-like changeset instead of the Object.observe style of changes.

    The assumption is that when observing a collection, the preferred format of changes will operations that can be applied to a collection to easily keep multiple copies of a collection in sync.

    A member outside the scope of this service would need to compare the new item with the removed item to determine if the change was actually an update to an object, rather than a removal/addition that is typically represented by an Array.observe change set. For example, the collection has a unique key constraint, the values of that key could be compared in the removed and added objects.


    • Binder context: required
    • Array collection: required
    • Object object: required
    • Function callback: required
  • observeCollection Observe an array and its child objects, then notify callback on any change.


    • Binder context The context with which to call the callback.
    • Array collection The collection to be observed.
    • Function callback The callback to call on an array change.


A static dictionary of model types which can be optionally be added to the options object passed into obBinder in order to provide an opportunity to reduce ambiguity in Change Pipeline methods, and potentially the protocol. This value can help OmniBinder know how to create or update models in ambiguous circumstances. The service currently contains the following constants:

  • String COLLECTION = "collection" For lists of any type of data.
  • String OBJECT = "object" For plain old objects.
  • String BOOLEAN = "boolean"
  • String STRING = "string"
  • String NUMBER = "number"
  • String BINARY = "binary" For binary data such as an image, video, audio clip.
  • String BINARY_STREAM = "binaryStream" For streaming binary data such as video chat or audio call.
var binder = obBinder($scope, 'myModel', {
  type: binderTypes.COLLECTION



A protocol is the guts of the OmniBinder module, and manages the low-level synchronization of a local model to a remote data store.

A protocol only needs to expose these methods to be used by obBinder instances.

  • processChanges (Binder binder, Delta delta) Takes a delta with an array of Object.observe or Array.observe type changes, and applies them to the protocol's version of the model.
  • subscribe (Binder binder) This method is called as soon as a binder object is created from obBinder, in order to get an initial value for the model and to automatically update the model upon further changes in the persistence layer. The protocol should call binder.onProtocolChange(Delta delta) containing an array of properly-formatted changes to be applied to the model.
  • unsubscribe(Binder binder) Called when a bound scope is destroyed or when binder.unbind() is called.

Protocols must implement this interface when passed into the obBinder factory. Protocols may require a configuration step prior to being passed in, but obBinder is not concerned with how a protocol prepares itself.

For example, both of the following examples are okay.

Example 1: Generate protocol from a factory

myApp.factory('myProtocolFactory', function () {
  return function (url) {
    return {
      processChanges: function (binder, delta) {
        // Evaluate changes and sync at the provided URL
      subscribe: function (binder, callback) {
        // Subscribe to protocol at the provided URL

myApp.controller('UserCtrl', function ($scope, obBinder, myProtocolFactory) {
  $scope.users = [];
  var protocol = myProtocolFactory('');
  var binder = obBinder($scope, 'users', protocol);

Example 2: Protocol is a ready-to-go service

myApp.service('myProtocolService', function () {
  this.subscribe = function (binder, callback) {
    if (!binder.query.url) throw new Error('Binder query must contain a url');
    // Subscribe to provided url

myApp.controller('UserCtrl', function ($scope, obBinder, myProtocolService) {
  $scope.users = [];
  var binder = obBinder($scope, 'users', myProtocolService, {
    query: {
      url: ''

Protocols may make use of the query object attached to a binder to ensure that the data is being persisted properly. Queries may contain a URL path to a resource on a server, an id of a particular object, or filters to restrict changes to certain items. obBinder has no policy on what type of object a query is, or what properties it contains. The extent of the policy is that if different models should be treated differently by a protocol, the place to store the instructions is on binder.query.

The protocol interface is still being actively developed, and will change.



Created by the obBinder factory.


  • onProtocolChange
  • onModelChange
  • val
  • unBind


  • Scope scope
  • String model
  • * query
  • BinderType type
  • Protocol protocol


A new delta object is created each time a change is registered from a local model or protocol. The delta is passed to every method in the Change Pipeline. The only required property of a delta is changes, which is an array of Object.observe or Array.observe changes to be processed by a model or protocol.


  • Array<ArrayChange, ObjectChange> changes


Based on changes generated by observe-js, which is based on natively-implemented Array.observe API. These change objects are used to syndicate changes on models between different sources in as simple a format as possible.


  • Integer index
  • Array removed
  • Integer addedCount


Similar to ArrayChange, but focused on applying changes to plain old JavaScript objects.

  • String name
  • Object object
  • * oldValue
  • String type


An options object that can be passed as the final argument to the obBinder factory to help facilitate model synchronization.


  • BinderType type
  • String key
  • * query