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Initial file structure

.									-> CipherName_BlockSizeInBits_KeySizeInBits_v01
├── build							-> Cipher build directory
└── source							-> Cipher source directory
    ├── constants.c					-> Cipher constants definition
    ├── constants.h					-> Cipher constants declaration
    ├── data_types.h				-> Cipher data types
    ├── decrypt.c					-> Cipher decryption
    ├── decryption_key_schedule.c	-> Cipher decryption key schedule
    ├── encrypt.c					-> Cipher encryption
    ├── encryption_key_schedule.c	-> Cipher encryption key schedule
    ├──			-> Cipher implementation information
    ├── Makefile					-> Makefile
    ├── README						-> README file - this file
    └── test_vectors.c				-> Cipher test vectors

Add cipher implementation

	1. Make a copy of "CipherName_BlockSizeInBits_KeySizeInBits_v01" directory 
in "ciphers" directory.

	2. Rename the copy of the directory to follow the pattern 
			Example: "LBlock_64_80_v01"
		Note: If you add several implementation for the same cipher (for example
 one optimized for RAM and one optimized for speed) you can increase the 
cipher directory name suffix "_v02", "_v03", etc.
			Example: LBlock_64_80_v02

	3. Add cipher implementation:
		a. Add cipher block size, key size and round keys size in "constants.h".
		b. Declare cipher S-boxes and other constants in "constants.h" and 
define them in "constants.c" or in any other "*.c" file, excepting "*.c" files 
from Section 3.c.
			Note: You can use any data type based on "RAM_DATA_*" 
("ROM_DATA_BYTE", "ROM_DATA_WORD", "ROM_DATA_DOUBLE_WORD") depending where you 
want to store them. 
					If you want to define your custom data types in different 
scenarios for different architectures use "data_types.h" file.
				in "data_types.h"


				in "constants.h"
					extern SBOX1_BYTE SBox1[4];
					extern SBOX2_WORD SBox2[2];
					extern RAM_DATA_DOUBLE_WORD SBox[1];

				in "constants.c"
					SBOX1_BYTE SBox1[4] = { 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04 };
					SBOX2_WORD SBox2[2] = { 0x0201, 0x0403 };
					RAM_DATA_DOUBLE_WORD SBox[1] = { 0x04030201 };

		c. If you have constants used by one or more of the following operations
 (encryption key schedule, decryption key schedule, encrypt, decrypt), you can 
define them in separate "*.c" files and declare them in "constants.h" file 
according with the following rules:

			* Do not use the following names for the added "*.c" files:

			* Do not add constant definition in "*.h" files, except for macros. 
Declare the constants in "constants.h" file and define them in "*.c" files.

			* Add the "*.c" name withouth the "." separator and extension in
 "" file, in the corresponding section(s) 
("EncryptionKeyScheduleConstants:", "EncryptConstants:", 
"DecryptionKeyScheduleConstants:", "DecryptConstants:"). If a section contains 
more than one file, use ", " as separator.
				- if you add the following "*.c" constant files:
					+ "f.c" that contains common constants for encryption and 
					+ "g.c" that contains common constants for encryption key 
schedule and encryption
					+ "h.c" that contains constants for encryption

				- the "" file should contain:
					EncryptionKeyScheduleConstants: g
					EncryptConstants: f, g, h
					DecryptConstants: f
			Note: Do not add constants definitions in files that contain cipher 
implementation ("encryption_key_schedule.c", "encrypt.c", 
"decryption_key_schedule.c", "decrypt.c" and so on).

		d. Declare & define the cipher test vectors in "test_vectors.c".

		e. Implement the encryption key schedule in "encryption_key_schedule.c" 
using the following function signature:
				void RunEncryptionKeySchedule(uint8_t *key, uint8_t *roundKeys);
			Note: After running the encryption key schedule the key "key" should
 not be modified.
			Note: To read data types based on "RAM_DATA_*" 
associated macros.
				uint8_t SBox1Value = READ_SBOX1_DATA_BYTE(SBox1[0]);
				uint16_t SBox2Value = READ_SBOX2_DATA_WORD(SBox2[0]);
				uint32_t SBoxValue = READ_RAM_DATA_WORD(SBox[0]);
			Note: Do not use "READ_ROUND_KEY_*" ("READ_ROUND_KEY_BYTE", 
"READ_ROUND_KEY_WORD", "READ_ROUND_KEY_DOUBLE_WORD") macro in encryption key 
schedule implementation.
			Note: Do not add constants definitions in files that contain cipher 
implementation ("encryption_key_schedule.c", "encrypt.c", 
"decryption_key_schedule.c", "decrypt.c" and so on).

		f. Implement the decryption key schedule (only if is different from the 
encryption key schedule) in "decryption_key_schedule.c" using the following 
function signature:
				void RunDecryptionKeySchedule(uint8_t *key, uint8_t *roundKeys);
			Note: After running the decryption key schedule the key "key" should
 not be modified.
			Note: To read data types based on "RAM_DATA_*" 
associated macros.
				uint8_t SBox1Value = READ_SBOX1_DATA_BYTE(SBox1[0]);
				uint16_t SBox2Value = READ_SBOX2_DATA_WORD(SBox2[0]);
				uint32_t SBoxValue = READ_RAM_DATA_WORD(SBox[0]);
			Note: Do not use "READ_ROUND_KEY_*" ("READ_ROUND_KEY_BYTE", 
"READ_ROUND_KEY_WORD", "READ_ROUND_KEY_DOUBLE_WORD") macro in decryption key 
schedule implementation.
			Note: Do not add constants definitions in files that contain cipher 
implementation ("encryption_key_schedule.c", "encrypt.c", 
"decryption_key_schedule.c", "decrypt.c" and so on).

		g. Implement the encryption in "encrypt.c" using the following function 
				void Encrypt(uint8_t *block, uint8_t *roundKeys);
			Note: To read the value of the round  key use the "READ_ROUND_KEY_*"
macro. It allows to read the round keys from RAM or Flash/ROM depending on the
				uint8_t ramRK[0] = READ_ROUND_KEY_BYTE(roundKey[0]);
				uint16_t ramRK[0] = READ_ROUND_KEY_WORD(roundKey[0]);
				uint32_t ramRK[0] = READ_ROUND_KEY_DOUBLE_WORD(roundKey[0]);
			Note: To read data types based on "RAM_DATA_*" 
associated macros.
				uint8_t SBox1Value = READ_SBOX1_DATA_BYTE(SBox1[0]);
				uint16_t SBox2Value = READ_SBOX2_DATA_WORD(SBox2[0]);
				uint32_t SBoxValue = READ_RAM_DATA_WORD(SBox[0]);
			Note: Do not add constants definitions in files that contain cipher 
implementation ("encryption_key_schedule.c", "encrypt.c", 
"decryption_key_schedule.c", "decrypt.c" and so on).

		h. Implement the decryption in "decrypt.c" using the following function 
				void Decrypt(uint8_t *block, uint8_t *roundKeys);
			Note: To read the value of the round key use the "READ_ROUND_KEY_*"
macro. It allows to read the round keys from RAM or Flash/ROM depending on the 
				uint8_t ramRK[0] = READ_ROUND_KEY_BYTE(roundKey[0]);
				uint16_t ramRK[0] = READ_ROUND_KEY_WORD(roundKey[0]);
				uint32_t ramRK[0] = READ_ROUND_KEY_DOUBLE_WORD(roundKey[0]);
			Note: To read data types based on "RAM_DATA_*" 
associated macros.
				uint8_t SBox1Value = READ_SBOX1_DATA_BYTE(SBox1[0]);
				uint16_t SBox2Value = READ_SBOX2_DATA_WORD(SBox2[0]);
				uint32_t SBoxValue = READ_RAM_DATA_WORD(SBox[0]);
			Note: Do not add constants definitions in files that contain cipher 
implementation ("encryption_key_schedule.c", "encrypt.c", 
"decryption_key_schedule.c", "decrypt.c" and so on).

		i. Add a description of your implementation in "" 
file, in the "ImplementationDescription:" section.
				ImplementationDescription: LBlock small code size

		k. If you have common functions used by two or more of the following 
operations (encryption key schedule, decryption key schedule, encrypt, decrypt), 
you can add them in separate "*.c" and "*.h" files according with the following 
rules. The same rules apply when you just want to make the code cleaner by 
implementing some functions in separate files.

			* Do not use the following names for the added "*.c" and/or "*.h" 

			* Do not add constant definition in "*.h" files, except for macros. 
For constants either use "constants.c" and "constants.h" (See 3.b.), either use 
your own "*.c" and "*.h" files, but declare the constants in "*.h" files and 
define them in "*.c" files.

			* Add the "*.c" name withouth the "." separator and extension in
 "" file, in the corresponding section(s) 
("EncryptionKeyScheduleCode:", "EncryptCode:", "DecryptionKeyScheduleCode:", 
"DecryptCode:"). If a section contains more than one file, use ", " as 
				- if you add the following files:
					+ "f.c" that contains common code parts for encryption and 
					+ "g.c" that contains common code parts for encryption key 
schedule and encryption
					+ "h.c" that contains a part of the encryption code

				- the "" file should contain:
					EncryptionKeyScheduleCode: g
					EncryptCode: f, g, h
					DecryptCode: f

		l. If your cipher does not have an encryption key schedule, in the 
encryption key schedule just copy your key into the round keys and indicate this
 in the "" file:
				UseEncryptionKeySchedule: no
			Note: You don't have to set "UseEncryptionKeySchedule: yes" when 
using an encryption key schedule, since the default value is "yes".

		m. Indicate the implementation language for all supported platforms in 
"" file.
				ImplementationAVR: ASM
				ImplementationMSP: C
				ImplementationARM: ASM
			Note: You don't have to set the implementation language to "C" 
because this is the default value.

	4. Fill the cipher implementation authors in ""
			ImplementationAuthors: John Doe

Coding rules

1. Do not use the following data types: int, char, short, long and the 
combinations of them. Instead use: int8_t, uint8_t, int16_t, uint16_t, int32_t, 
uint32_t, int64_t and uint64_t data types which are declared in "<stdint.h>".

2. Try to keep the code clean and easy to read.

3. Use the "/* ... */" comment style, unless you comment a set of test vectors, 
in which case is indicated to use "// ...".

4. The framework is designed with several debug and test cases, so you should 
not add "printf" or other function calls in your code, at least not in the final 

Using the makefile

The makefile can build the cipher in different scenarios and test cases, 
either in debug or in release mode. To see a list of the makefile options, just 
type "make" or "make help" in the cipher "source" directory. You can also type 
"make -f ./../source/Makefile" or "make -f ./../source/Makefile help" from 
either cipher "source" directory or cipher "build" directory. For simplicity we 
assume that you call the makefile from the cipher "source" directory.

Debug mode
	Build  & test cipher in debug mode for PC
		make clean
		make cipher
		make test-cipher

	Build & test scenario 1 in debug mode for PC
		make clean
		make scenario1
		make test-scenario1

	Build & test scenario 2 in debug mode for PC
		make clean
		make scenario2
		make test-scenario2

Release mode
	Build cipher in release mode for PC
		make clean
		make pc

	Build cipher in release mode for AVR
		make clean
		make avr

	Build cipher in release mode for MSP
		make clean
		make msp

	Build cipher in release mode for ARM
		make clean
		make arm

	Build scenario 1 in release mode for PC
		make clean
		make pc-scenario1

	Build scenario 1 in release mode for AVR
		make clean
		make avr-scenario1

	Build scenario 1 in release mode for MSP
		make clean
		make msp-scenario1

	Build scenario 1 in release mode for ARM
		make clean
		make arm-scenario1

	Build scenario 2 in release mode for PC
		make clean
		make pc-scenario2

	Build scenario 2 in release mode for AVR
		make clean
		make avr-scenario2

	Build scenario 2 in release mode for MSP
		make clean
		make msp-scenario2

	Build scenario 2 in release mode for ARM
		make clean
		make arm-scenario2

If your cipher builds without errors or warnings and the three tests 
(test-cipher, test-scenario1 and test-scenario2) run as expected the cipher 
implementation is correctly integrated into the framework.

Note: If you encounter warnings during the build, you should fix the code such 
that they do not appear.


1. The implemented cipher should have a block size "BLOCK_SIZE" that divides 
the "DATA_SIZE" or is equal with the "DATA_SIZE" which is set to 128 bytes in 
scenario 1 and 128 bits in scenario 2.

2. The values defined in "constants.h" for "BLOCK_SIZE", "KEY_SIZE" and 
"ROUND_KEY_SIZE" must be in bytes.

Getting the cipher metrics

1. Code Size
From the cipher build directory type one of the following commands to see how to 
use the cipher code size script:
	./../../../../scripts/cipher/ -h
	./../../../../scripts/cipher/ --help

To get the code size in table format for a cipher for AVR in scenario 2 type:
	./../../../../scripts/cipher/ -a=AVR -s=2

To get the code size in raw format for a cipher for AVR in scenario 2 type:
	./../../../../scripts/cipher/ -a=AVR -s=2 -m=1

2. RAM
From the cipher build directory type one of the following commands to see how to 
use the cipher RAM script:
	./../../../../scripts/cipher/ -h 
	./../../../../scripts/cipher/ --help

To get the RAM in table format for a cipher for AVR in scenario 2 type:
	./../../../../scripts/cipher/ -a=AVR -s=2

To get the RAM in raw format for a cipher for AVR in scenario 2 type:
	./../../../../scripts/cipher/ -a=AVR -s=2 -m=1

3. Execution Time
From the cipher build directory type one of the following commands to see how to 
use the cipher execution time script:
	./../../../../scripts/cipher/ -h 
	./../../../../scripts/cipher/ --help

To get the execution time in table format for a cipher for AVR in scenario 2 
	./../../../../scripts/cipher/ -a=AVR -s=2

To get the execution time in raw format for a cipher for AVR in scenario 2 type:
	./../../../../scripts/cipher/ -a=AVR -s=2 -m=1

4. Collect all metrics
To get help about how to collect all metrics for a list of ciphers on a list of 
architectures in a list of scenarios use:
	./../../../../scripts/ -h
	./../../../../scripts/ -help

To get all metrics for "LBlock_64_80_v01" and "LBlock_64_80_v03" on "PC" and 
"ARM" in scenarios "1" and "2" in raw format use:
	./../../../../scripts/ -a='PC ARM' -s='1 2' 
-c='LBlock_64_80_v01 LBlock_64_80_v02' -f=1