A PowerShell module that sends HTTPS request to a Metasys device running Metasys REST API.
- Establishes a "session" with a Metasys device so you don't need to send credentials on each call or explicitly manage the access token
- Sets boiler plate like
header for you on each request - Securely stores credentials in secret vault after your first successful login to a Metasys device (requires SecretManagement module and a Secret Vault to be installed and registered)
- Provides helper functions to inspect all the results of the previous command
- Provides helper functions to deal with responses as PowerShell objects rather than JSON
- Provides helper functions to make calling common methods even easier (in progress)
Powershell Core for your OS: See the repository.
Note: Windows PowerShell is not supported
(Optional) Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement
(Optional) Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretStore (or other SecretVault implementation)
If you install and configure SecretManagement and a Secret Vault, your credentials will be securely saved between sessions. See Secret Management.
This guide assumes you have some familiarity with REST APIs in general and the Metasys REST API specifically.
See the Documentation for the Metasys REST API for more information on what endpoints are available and what their payloads look like.
To become really proficient with this tool you'll want to learn PowerShell. But this guide doesn't assume you know PowerShell and the documentation will be updated to help you do the most common actions.
Examples in this README are from v4
of the API. However, Metasys Rest Client
works with v2
, v3
and v5
as well.
From a powershell command prompt:
Install-Module MetasysRestClient -Repository PSGallery
You can discover the commands in the module by ensuring it has been loaded and then inspecting it's contents:
PS > Import-Module MetasysRestClient
PS > (Get-Module MetasysRestClient).ExportedCommands
Key Value
--- -----
Clear-MetasysEnvVariables Clear-MetasysEnvVariables
Connect-MetasysAccount Connect-MetasysAccount
Get-LastMetasysHeadersAsObject Get-LastMetasysHeadersAsObject
Get-LastMetasysResponseBodyAsObject Get-LastMetasysResponseBodyAsObject
Get-SavedMetasysPassword Get-SavedMetasysPassword
Get-SavedMetasysUsers Get-SavedMetasysUsers
Invoke-MetasysMethod Invoke-MetasysMethod
Remove-SavedMetasysPassword Remove-SavedMetasysPassword
Set-SavedMetasysPassword Set-SavedMetasysPassword
Show-LastMetasysAccessToken Show-LastMetasysAccessToken
Show-LastMetasysFullResponse Show-LastMetasysFullResponse
Show-LastMetasysHeaders Show-LastMetasysHeaders
Show-LastMetasysResponseBody Show-LastMetasysResponseBody
Show-LastMetasysStatus Show-LastMetasysStatus
cma cma
imm imm
You can find help on any of the commands using help
help Invoke-MetasysMethod
This section will show you the basics of using Invoke-MetasysMethod
. We will
- Starting a Session
- Discovering objects
- Reading an object and an attribute
- Sending a command
- Creating an object
To get started you need to get logged into a site.
To do this, call Connect-MetasysAccount
with no parameters. You'll be prompted
for your Metasys host
, UserName
and Password
PS > Connect-MetasysAccount
Metasys host: welchoas
UserName: api
Password: *********
If you wish to control which version of the REST API will be used, you can specify
it with the -Version
Connect-MetasysAccount -Version 3
If you don't specify a version, then Connect-MetasysAccount
will look for the
environment variable $env:METASYS_DEFAULT_API_VERSION
. If that variable is not
set, it will default to a version. At the time of writing, that version is 5.
Whatever version is used in the call to Connect-MetasysAccount
will be used
for all other calls in the current session (unless overridden with -Version
switch or by specifying a full URL).
If you want to start a session without being prompted for Metasys Host
, and Password
you can supply them all as parameters. You should
also specify the Version
on this first call to be explicit about which version
of the API you want. The default value of this parameter is 5
$password = Get-SavedMetasysPassword -MetasysHost welchoas -UserName api
Connect-MetasysAccount -MetasysHost welchoas -UserName api -Password $password -Version 3
This will start a session using version 3 of the API. You don't need to specify
the version for other calls made during this session. Invoke-MetasysMethod
remembers what version you requested and uses it for future calls. The
parameter takes as input a SecureString
. Typically you'd want to
retrieve it from some secret storage that returns a SecureString
. In this
example we looked it up using Get-SavedMetasysPassword
. See
SecretManagement for more details.
Starting with version 2.2.0-rc2 you can use a
Configuration File to define aliases and other parameters for
all of your hosts. Assuming I had a file in place for a host named
with an alias of r12
I could type just the
following to connect to that host.
cma -Alias r12
Or since Alias
is a positional parameter just type
cma r12
You'll still be prompted for a password if this is the first time you are connecting to the host or if you don't have a secret store configured.
When you want to read information from Metasys you'll normally be doing a GET
request. These are the easiest to work with because they only require a URL and
nothing else. You can use a relative or absolute url.
Invoke-MetasysMethod /objects
This will invoke the /objects
endpoint and display the response body. Notice
that we were not prompted for any information because we established a session
in the previous step. (If we had skipped that step then we would have been given
an error message.)
Click to see the response
"self": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/896f7c45-de4b-5a2c-9084-bceb0ec85962/objects?flatten=false&includeExtensions=true&includeInternal=false&depth=1",
"items": [
"self": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/896f7c45-de4b-5a2c-9084-bceb0ec85962",
"parentUrl": null,
"networkDeviceUrl": null,
"pointsUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/896f7c45-de4b-5a2c-9084-bceb0ec85962/points",
"objectsUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/896f7c45-de4b-5a2c-9084-bceb0ec85962/objects",
"alarmsUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/896f7c45-de4b-5a2c-9084-bceb0ec85962/alarms",
"auditsUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/896f7c45-de4b-5a2c-9084-bceb0ec85962/audits",
"trendedAttributesUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/896f7c45-de4b-5a2c-9084-bceb0ec85962/trendedAttributes",
"itemReference": "welchoas:welchoas/$site",
"hasChildrenMatchingQuery": true,
"name": "Site",
"id": "896f7c45-de4b-5a2c-9084-bceb0ec85962",
"objectType": "objectTypeEnumSet.siteClass",
"classification": "site",
"items": [
"self": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/c8dd833e-427b-55a1-9f7d-c4f09ea3524d",
"parentUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/896f7c45-de4b-5a2c-9084-bceb0ec85962",
"networkDeviceUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/networkDevices/896f7c45-de4b-5a2c-9084-bceb0ec85962",
"pointsUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/c8dd833e-427b-55a1-9f7d-c4f09ea3524d/points",
"objectsUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/c8dd833e-427b-55a1-9f7d-c4f09ea3524d/objects",
"alarmsUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/c8dd833e-427b-55a1-9f7d-c4f09ea3524d/alarms",
"auditsUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/c8dd833e-427b-55a1-9f7d-c4f09ea3524d/audits",
"trendedAttributesUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/c8dd833e-427b-55a1-9f7d-c4f09ea3524d/trendedAttributes",
"itemReference": "welchoas:welchoas/$site.UserTrees",
"hasChildrenMatchingQuery": false,
"name": "User Views",
"id": "c8dd833e-427b-55a1-9f7d-c4f09ea3524d",
"objectType": "objectTypeEnumSet.containerClass",
"classification": "folder",
"items": []
"self": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/7fd71bf8-c080-59c3-835f-e5c5f0ffabbb",
"parentUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/896f7c45-de4b-5a2c-9084-bceb0ec85962",
"networkDeviceUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/networkDevices/896f7c45-de4b-5a2c-9084-bceb0ec85962",
"pointsUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/7fd71bf8-c080-59c3-835f-e5c5f0ffabbb/points",
"objectsUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/7fd71bf8-c080-59c3-835f-e5c5f0ffabbb/objects",
"alarmsUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/7fd71bf8-c080-59c3-835f-e5c5f0ffabbb/alarms",
"auditsUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/7fd71bf8-c080-59c3-835f-e5c5f0ffabbb/audits",
"trendedAttributesUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/7fd71bf8-c080-59c3-835f-e5c5f0ffabbb/trendedAttributes",
"itemReference": "welchoas:welchoas/$site.SummaryDefs",
"hasChildrenMatchingQuery": false,
"name": "Summary Definitions",
"id": "7fd71bf8-c080-59c3-835f-e5c5f0ffabbb",
"objectType": "objectTypeEnumSet.containerClass",
"classification": "folder",
"items": []
"self": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/8f2c6bb1-6bfd-5643-b581-299c1fec6b1b",
"parentUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/896f7c45-de4b-5a2c-9084-bceb0ec85962",
"networkDeviceUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/networkDevices/896f7c45-de4b-5a2c-9084-bceb0ec85962",
"pointsUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/8f2c6bb1-6bfd-5643-b581-299c1fec6b1b/points",
"objectsUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/8f2c6bb1-6bfd-5643-b581-299c1fec6b1b/objects",
"alarmsUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/8f2c6bb1-6bfd-5643-b581-299c1fec6b1b/alarms",
"auditsUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/8f2c6bb1-6bfd-5643-b581-299c1fec6b1b/audits",
"trendedAttributesUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/8f2c6bb1-6bfd-5643-b581-299c1fec6b1b/trendedAttributes",
"itemReference": "welchoas:welchoas",
"hasChildrenMatchingQuery": true,
"name": "welchoas",
"id": "8f2c6bb1-6bfd-5643-b581-299c1fec6b1b",
"objectType": "objectTypeEnumSet.oasClass",
"classification": "server",
"items": []
"effectivePermissions": {
"canDelete": [
"canView": [
"canModify": [
An absolute url looks like https://{hostname}/api/v4/objects
. Many API
endpoints return absolute URLs in their response payloads. These are used to
provide information about other useful resources on the system. So it's
convenient to be able to copy and paste those to make another request.
In the example above, the self
property of the last object is
. Let's
use that absolute url to read the default view of that object.
Invoke-MetasysMethod https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/8f2c6bb1-6bfd-5643-b581-299c1fec6b1b
Click to See Response
"self": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/8f2c6bb1-6bfd-5643-b581-299c1fec6b1b?includeSchema=false&viewId=viewNameEnumSet.focusView",
"objectType": "objectTypeEnumSet.oasClass",
"parentUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/896f7c45-de4b-5a2c-9084-bceb0ec85962",
"objectsUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/8f2c6bb1-6bfd-5643-b581-299c1fec6b1b/objects",
"networkDeviceUrl": null,
"pointsUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/8f2c6bb1-6bfd-5643-b581-299c1fec6b1b/points",
"trendedAttributesUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/8f2c6bb1-6bfd-5643-b581-299c1fec6b1b/trendedAttributes",
"alarmsUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/8f2c6bb1-6bfd-5643-b581-299c1fec6b1b/alarms",
"auditsUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/8f2c6bb1-6bfd-5643-b581-299c1fec6b1b/audits",
"item": {
"id": "8f2c6bb1-6bfd-5643-b581-299c1fec6b1b",
"name": "welchoas",
"description": null,
"bacnetObjectType": "objectTypeEnumSet.bacdeviceClass",
"objectCategory": "objectCategoryEnumSet.generalCategory",
"modelName": "OAS",
"localTime": {
"hour": 16,
"minute": 58,
"second": 41,
"hundredth": 56
"localDate": {
"year": 2021,
"month": 7,
"dayOfMonth": 5,
"dayOfWeek": 1
"firmwareVersion": "",
"itemReference": "welchoas:welchoas",
"version": {
"major": 37,
"minor": 0
"archiveDate": {
"year": 2021,
"month": 7,
"dayOfMonth": 5,
"dayOfWeek": 1
"maxMessageBuffer": 994.0,
"maxApduLength": 1024.0,
"apduSegmentTimeout": 10000.0,
"apduTimeout": 10000.0,
"apduRetries": 4.0,
"internodeCommTimer": 120.0,
"unboundReferences": [],
"duplicateReferences": [],
"fipsComplianceStatus": "noOfComplianceStateEnumSet.nonCompliantUnlicensed",
"almSnoozeTime": 5.0,
"enableApplicationGenAudit": false,
"auditEnabledClasLev": 2.0,
"addAdsrepos": [],
"adsRepositoriesStatus": [],
"allowOffSiteRepositoryStorage": false,
"sampleRate": 0.0,
"serviceTime": 66.0,
"numberOfNxesReporting": 1.0,
"transferBufferFullWorstNxe": 0.0,
"hostName": "",
"jciExceptionSchedule": "weeklySchedPurgeEnumSet.wsAutoDelete31Days",
"isValidated": false,
"bacnetObjectCacheExposed": "bacnetObjectCacheExposedEnumSet.boceIncludeInList",
"jciSystemStatus": "jciSystemStatusEnumSet.jciOperational",
"status": "objectStatusEnumSet.osNormal",
"attrChangeCount": 201.0,
"defaultAttribute": "attributeEnumSet.jciSystemStatus"
"effectivePermissions": {
"canDelete": false,
"canModify": true
"views": [
"title": "Focus",
"views": [
"title": "Basic",
"views": [
"title": "Object",
"properties": [
"id": "viewGroupEnumSet.objectGrp"
"title": "Time",
"properties": ["localTime", "localDate"],
"id": "viewGroupEnumSet.timeGrp"
"id": "groupTypeEnumSet.basicGrpType"
"title": "Advanced",
"views": [
"title": "Engineering Values",
"properties": [
"id": "viewGroupEnumSet.engValuesGrp"
"title": "Alarms",
"properties": ["almSnoozeTime"],
"id": "viewGroupEnumSet.alarmsGrp"
"title": "Audit Trail",
"properties": [
"id": "viewGroupEnumSet.auditTrailGrp"
"title": "Repository Storage",
"properties": [
"id": "viewGroupEnumSet.repositoryStorageGrp"
"title": "Weekly Scheduling",
"properties": ["jciExceptionSchedule"],
"id": "viewGroupEnumSet.weeklySchedGrp"
"title": "Validated Environment",
"properties": ["isValidated"],
"id": "viewGroupEnumSet.validatedEnvironmentGrp"
"title": "BACnet Routing",
"properties": ["bacnetObjectCacheExposed"],
"id": "viewGroupEnumSet.routingGrp"
"id": "groupTypeEnumSet.advancedGrpType"
"title": "Key",
"views": [
"title": "None",
"properties": [
"id": "viewGroupEnumSet.noGrp"
"id": "groupTypeEnumSet.keyGrpType"
"id": "viewNameEnumSet.focusView"
"condition": {}
A relative url looks like /objects
. In other words, it's everything after
In this next example we'll read the presentValue
of an object. I happen to
know the id
for this object is ce820989-5617-50bd-90ea-2fd95d1402ba
PS > Invoke-MetasysMethod https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/ce820989-5617-50bd-90ea-2fd95d1402ba/attributes/presentValue
"item": {
"presentValue": 68.2
"condition": {
"presentValue": {}
This time we showed the use of an absolute url. We could have just used
Either type of url is fine.
Another good tip is to save identifiers in variables so you don't have to type them multiple times or copy/paste them:
$Id = "ce820989-5617-50bd-90ea-2fd95d1402ba"
Invoke-MetasysMethod https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/$Id/attributes/presentValue
Examples of other urls that support GET
- Get first page of alarms/audits
- Get first page of audits/activities
- Get first page of the collection of all activities (the activities collection is a union of the alarms and audits collections)/objects/$id/objects
- Get the child objects of the specified object where$id
contains a valid object identifier.
In this example we'll change the value of an object attribute. This requires us
to use two new parameters. First we'll use the Method
parameter to specify we
are sending a PATCH
request, and we'll use the Body
parameter to specify the
content we want to send.
Let's change the description
attribute of the AV from the previous section.
Let's first read it to confirm it's currently null
. Recall that we've saved
the identifier in the variable $Id
PS > Invoke-MetasysMethod /objects/$Id/attributes/description
"item": {
"description": null
"condition": {}
We'll change the value to be Zone 3 Temperature Set Point
. We are going to
send this body to do that:
"item": {
"description": "Zone 3 Temperature Set Point"
It can be a little tricky dealing with large JSON strings. There are many ways to construct them. See Tips for Working With PowerShell for examples of working with JSON strings.
When the JSON string is relatively short like in this example you can just type it all on one line:
Invoke-MetasysMethod -Method Patch /objects/$Id -Body "{ 'item': { 'description': 'Zone 3 Temperature Set Point' } }"
We'll read it back to ensure it changed:
PS > Invoke-MetasysMethod /objects/$Id/attributes/description
"item": {
"description": "Zone 3 Temperature Set Point"
"condition": {
"description": {}
Many of the built-in PowerShell commands have long names just like
. Many of those also have aliases that are much shorter (eg.
for Invoke-WebRequest
). The command Invoke-MetasysMethod
also has an
alias, imm
, which you can use instead of the full name. For the remainder of
this README we'll use imm
instead of Invoke-MetasysMethod
. The alias for
is cma
In this example we'll send an adjustCommand
command to an AV.
We can discover that the object supports adjustCommand
by requesting the list
of commands:
imm /objects/$Id/commands
Click to see response
"self": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/ce820989-5617-50bd-90ea-2fd95d1402ba/commands",
"items": [
"id": "commandIdEnumSet.adjustCommand",
"invokeUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/ce820989-5617-50bd-90ea-2fd95d1402ba/commands/commandIdEnumSet.adjustCommand",
"title": "Adjust",
"commandBodySchema": {
"type": "object",
"metasysType": "struct",
"properties": {
"priority": {
"oneOf": [
"$ref": "#writePriorityEnumSet"
"type": "null"
"parameters": {
"type": "array",
"metasysType": "list",
"items": [
"id": "commandParmsEnumSet.valueCmdparm",
"title": "Value",
"displayPrecisionSource": "displayPrecision",
"maxPresValueSource": "maxPresValue",
"minPresValueSource": "minPresValue",
"unitsSource": "units",
"metasysType": "float",
"type": "number",
"minimum": -1.69999997607218e38,
"maximum": 1.69999997607218e38,
"displayPrecision": {
"id": "displayPrecisionEnumSet.displayPrecisionPt1",
"displayMultipleOf": 0.1
"default": 0
"minItems": 1,
"maxItems": 1
"annotation": {
"title": "Annotation",
"type": "string",
"metasysType": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"maxLength": 255
"required": [],
"additionalProperties": false
"definitions": {
"writePriorityEnumSet": {
"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
"title": "Write Priority",
"$id": "#writePriorityEnumSet",
"allOf": [
"oneOf": [
"const": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityNone",
"title": "0 (No Priority)",
"memberId": 0
"const": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityManualEmergency",
"title": "1 (Manual Life Safety)",
"memberId": 1
"const": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityFireApplications",
"title": "2 (Auto Life Safety)",
"memberId": 2
"const": "writePriorityEnumSet.priority3",
"title": "3 (Application)",
"memberId": 3
"const": "writePriorityEnumSet.priority4",
"title": "4 (Application)",
"memberId": 4
"const": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityCriticalEquipment",
"title": "5 (Critical Equipment)",
"memberId": 5
"const": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityMinimumOnOff",
"title": "6 (Minimum On Off)",
"memberId": 6
"const": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityHeavyEquipDelay",
"title": "7 (Heavy Equip Delay)",
"memberId": 7
"const": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityOperatorOverride",
"title": "8 (Operator Override)",
"memberId": 8
"const": "writePriorityEnumSet.priority9",
"title": "9 (Application)",
"memberId": 9
"const": "writePriorityEnumSet.priority10",
"title": "10 (Application)",
"memberId": 10
"const": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityDemandLimiting",
"title": "11 (Demand Limiting)",
"memberId": 11
"const": "writePriorityEnumSet.priority12",
"title": "12 (Application)",
"memberId": 12
"const": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityLoadRolling",
"title": "13 (Load Rolling)",
"memberId": 13
"const": "writePriorityEnumSet.priority14",
"title": "14 (Application)",
"memberId": 14
"const": "writePriorityEnumSet.prioritySchedulingOst",
"title": "15 (Scheduling)",
"memberId": 15
"const": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityDefault",
"title": "16 (Default)",
"memberId": 16
"$ref": "https://welchoas/api/v3/schemas/enums/writePriorityEnumSet"
"setId": 1
"id": "commandIdEnumSet.overrideCommand",
"invokeUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/ce820989-5617-50bd-90ea-2fd95d1402ba/commands/commandIdEnumSet.overrideCommand",
"title": "Operator Override",
"commandBodySchema": {
"type": "object",
"metasysType": "struct",
"properties": {
"parameters": {
"type": "array",
"metasysType": "list",
"items": [
"id": "commandParmsEnumSet.valueCmdparm",
"title": "Value",
"displayPrecisionSource": "displayPrecision",
"maxPresValueSource": "maxPresValue",
"minPresValueSource": "minPresValue",
"unitsSource": "units",
"metasysType": "float",
"type": "number",
"minimum": -1.69999997607218e38,
"maximum": 1.69999997607218e38,
"displayPrecision": {
"id": "displayPrecisionEnumSet.displayPrecisionPt1",
"displayMultipleOf": 0.1
"default": 0
"minItems": 1,
"maxItems": 1
"annotation": {
"title": "Annotation",
"type": "string",
"metasysType": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"maxLength": 255
"required": [],
"additionalProperties": false
"definitions": null
"id": "commandIdEnumSet.temporaryOverrideCommand",
"invokeUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/ce820989-5617-50bd-90ea-2fd95d1402ba/commands/commandIdEnumSet.temporaryOverrideCommand",
"title": "Temporary Override",
"commandBodySchema": {
"type": "object",
"metasysType": "struct",
"properties": {
"parameters": {
"type": "array",
"metasysType": "list",
"items": [
"id": "commandParmsEnumSet.valueCmdparm",
"title": "Value",
"displayPrecisionSource": "displayPrecision",
"maxPresValueSource": "maxPresValue",
"minPresValueSource": "minPresValue",
"unitsSource": "units",
"metasysType": "float",
"type": "number",
"minimum": -1.69999997607218e38,
"maximum": 1.69999997607218e38,
"displayPrecision": {
"id": "displayPrecisionEnumSet.displayPrecisionPt1",
"displayMultipleOf": 0.1
"default": 0
"id": "commandParmsEnumSet.hoursCmdparm",
"title": "Hours",
"metasysType": "ulong",
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0,
"maximum": 100,
"default": 0
"id": "commandParmsEnumSet.minutesCmdparm",
"title": "Minutes",
"metasysType": "ulong",
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0,
"maximum": 59,
"default": 0
"minItems": 3,
"maxItems": 3
"annotation": {
"title": "Annotation",
"type": "string",
"metasysType": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"maxLength": 255
"required": [],
"additionalProperties": false
"definitions": null
"id": "commandIdEnumSet.overrideReleaseCommand",
"invokeUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/ce820989-5617-50bd-90ea-2fd95d1402ba/commands/commandIdEnumSet.overrideReleaseCommand",
"title": "Release Operator Override",
"commandBodySchema": {
"type": "object",
"metasysType": "struct",
"properties": {
"annotation": {
"title": "Annotation",
"type": "string",
"metasysType": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"maxLength": 255
"required": [],
"additionalProperties": false
"definitions": null
"id": "commandIdEnumSet.releaseCommand",
"invokeUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/ce820989-5617-50bd-90ea-2fd95d1402ba/commands/commandIdEnumSet.releaseCommand",
"title": "Release",
"commandBodySchema": {
"type": "object",
"metasysType": "struct",
"properties": {
"parameters": {
"type": "array",
"metasysType": "list",
"items": [
"id": "commandParmsEnumSet.attributeCmdparm",
"title": "Attribute",
"type": "string",
"metasysType": "enum",
"oneOf": [
"$ref": "#attributeEnumSet"
"default": "attributeEnumSet.presentValue"
"id": "commandParmsEnumSet.priorityCmdparm",
"title": "Priority",
"numberOfStates": 17,
"type": "string",
"metasysType": "enum",
"oneOf": [
"$ref": "#writePriorityEnumSet_endAt_17"
"default": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityDefault"
"minItems": 2,
"maxItems": 2
"annotation": {
"title": "Annotation",
"type": "string",
"metasysType": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"maxLength": 255
"required": [],
"additionalProperties": false
"definitions": {
"attributeEnumSet": {
"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
"title": "Attribute",
"$id": "#attributeEnumSet",
"allOf": [
"oneOf": [
"const": "attributeEnumSet.presentValue",
"title": "Present Value",
"memberId": 85
"$ref": "https://welchoas/api/v3/schemas/enums/attributeEnumSet"
"setId": 509
"writePriorityEnumSet_endAt_17": {
"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
"title": "Write Priority",
"$id": "#writePriorityEnumSet_endAt_17",
"allOf": [
"oneOf": [
"const": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityNone",
"title": "0 (No Priority)",
"memberId": 0
"const": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityManualEmergency",
"title": "1 (Manual Life Safety)",
"memberId": 1
"const": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityFireApplications",
"title": "2 (Auto Life Safety)",
"memberId": 2
"const": "writePriorityEnumSet.priority3",
"title": "3 (Application)",
"memberId": 3
"const": "writePriorityEnumSet.priority4",
"title": "4 (Application)",
"memberId": 4
"const": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityCriticalEquipment",
"title": "5 (Critical Equipment)",
"memberId": 5
"const": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityMinimumOnOff",
"title": "6 (Minimum On Off)",
"memberId": 6
"const": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityHeavyEquipDelay",
"title": "7 (Heavy Equip Delay)",
"memberId": 7
"const": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityOperatorOverride",
"title": "8 (Operator Override)",
"memberId": 8
"const": "writePriorityEnumSet.priority9",
"title": "9 (Application)",
"memberId": 9
"const": "writePriorityEnumSet.priority10",
"title": "10 (Application)",
"memberId": 10
"const": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityDemandLimiting",
"title": "11 (Demand Limiting)",
"memberId": 11
"const": "writePriorityEnumSet.priority12",
"title": "12 (Application)",
"memberId": 12
"const": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityLoadRolling",
"title": "13 (Load Rolling)",
"memberId": 13
"const": "writePriorityEnumSet.priority14",
"title": "14 (Application)",
"memberId": 14
"const": "writePriorityEnumSet.prioritySchedulingOst",
"title": "15 (Scheduling)",
"memberId": 15
"const": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityDefault",
"title": "16 (Default)",
"memberId": 16
"$ref": "https://welchoas/api/v3/schemas/enums/writePriorityEnumSet"
"setId": 1
"id": "commandIdEnumSet.releaseAllCommand",
"invokeUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/ce820989-5617-50bd-90ea-2fd95d1402ba/commands/commandIdEnumSet.releaseAllCommand",
"title": "Release All",
"commandBodySchema": {
"type": "object",
"metasysType": "struct",
"properties": {
"parameters": {
"type": "array",
"metasysType": "list",
"items": [
"id": "commandParmsEnumSet.attributeCmdparm",
"title": "Attribute",
"type": "string",
"metasysType": "enum",
"oneOf": [
"$ref": "#attributeEnumSet"
"default": "attributeEnumSet.presentValue"
"minItems": 1,
"maxItems": 1
"annotation": {
"title": "Annotation",
"type": "string",
"metasysType": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"maxLength": 255
"required": [],
"additionalProperties": false
"definitions": {
"attributeEnumSet": {
"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
"title": "Attribute",
"$id": "#attributeEnumSet",
"allOf": [
"oneOf": [
"const": "attributeEnumSet.presentValue",
"title": "Present Value",
"memberId": 85
"$ref": "https://welchoas/api/v3/schemas/enums/attributeEnumSet"
"setId": 509
"id": "commandIdEnumSet.enableAlarmsCommand",
"invokeUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/ce820989-5617-50bd-90ea-2fd95d1402ba/commands/commandIdEnumSet.enableAlarmsCommand",
"title": "Enable Alarms",
"commandBodySchema": {
"type": "object",
"metasysType": "struct",
"properties": {
"annotation": {
"title": "Annotation",
"type": "string",
"metasysType": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"maxLength": 255
"required": [],
"additionalProperties": false
"definitions": null
"id": "commandIdEnumSet.disableAlarmsCommand",
"invokeUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/ce820989-5617-50bd-90ea-2fd95d1402ba/commands/commandIdEnumSet.disableAlarmsCommand",
"title": "Disable Alarms",
"commandBodySchema": {
"type": "object",
"metasysType": "struct",
"properties": {
"annotation": {
"title": "Annotation",
"type": "string",
"metasysType": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"maxLength": 255
"required": [],
"additionalProperties": false
"definitions": null
"effectivePermissions": {
"canInvoke": [
The details of the response are outside of the scope of this tutorial, but we do
see the adjustCommand
in the response and we see that it's body is expected to
be an object with a parameters
property. The definition of parameters
us it needs to be an array with one numeric value. So we can do the following.
PS > imm /objects/$Id/commands/adjustCommand -Method Put -Body "{ 'parameters': [ 72.5 ] }"
We could also add an annotation to the command:
$json = '{ "parameters": [72.5], "annotation": "Adjust Set Point for the afternoon" }'
imm /objects/$Id/commands/adjustCommand -Method Put -Body $json
For this example we'll create a new AV. A typical payload to create an AV might look something like this:
"localUniqueIdentifier": "Set Point",
"parentId": "8f2c6bb1-6bfd-5643-b581-299c1fec6b1b",
"objectType": "objectTypeEnumSet.avClass",
"item": {
"name": "Set Point",
"objectCategory": "objectCategoryEnumSet.hvacCategory",
"minPresValue": -50,
"maxPresValue": 150,
"units": "unitEnumSet.degF"
We'll assume that JSON is stored in a file call new-av.json
which is in the
same directory that we are running our commands from. (We'll use the
command to read that file and provide it as the body. Be sure to
use the Raw
switch so that Get-Content
returns the whole file as one string,
rather than an array of strings -- one string per line).
imm /objects -Method Post -Body (Get-Content -Path new-av.json -Raw)
Notice that currently the creation of a new object doesn't return anything. So
how do we know if it was successful? There are some helper functions that allow
us to inspect the last response. I'll demonstrate three of them
, Show-LastMetasysHeaders
# Show the status of last call
PS > Show-LastMetasysStatus
200 (OK)
# Show the headers of the last call
# Notice the Location header tells us the URL of the new object
PS > Show-LastMetasysHeaders
Content-Length: 0
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000
Date: Mon, 05 Jul 2021 23:07:21 GMT
Location: https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/3fdb754b-4f6e-592e-9c1e-8b72ad51cb84
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Pragma: no-cache,no-cache
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Expires: -1
Cache-Control: private
Set-Cookie: Secure; HttpOnly
# Show the entire last response: status, headers, body
PS > Show-LastMetasysFullResponse
200 (OK)
Content-Length: 0
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000
Date: Mon, 05 Jul 2021 23:07:21 GMT
Location: https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/3fdb754b-4f6e-592e-9c1e-8b72ad51cb84
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Pragma: no-cache,no-cache
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Expires: -1
Cache-Control: private
Set-Cookie: Secure; HttpOnly
The status of 200
tells us everything was good and the Location
header from
above gives the url we can use to read the object back.
imm https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/3fdb754b-4f6e-592e-9c1e-8b72ad51cb84
Click to see response
"self": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/3fdb754b-4f6e-592e-9c1e-8b72ad51cb84?includeSchema=false&viewId=viewNameEnumSet.focusView",
"objectType": "objectTypeEnumSet.avClass",
"parentUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/8f2c6bb1-6bfd-5643-b581-299c1fec6b1b",
"objectsUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/3fdb754b-4f6e-592e-9c1e-8b72ad51cb84/objects",
"networkDeviceUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/networkDevices/8f2c6bb1-6bfd-5643-b581-299c1fec6b1b",
"pointsUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/3fdb754b-4f6e-592e-9c1e-8b72ad51cb84/points",
"trendedAttributesUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/3fdb754b-4f6e-592e-9c1e-8b72ad51cb84/trendedAttributes",
"alarmsUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/3fdb754b-4f6e-592e-9c1e-8b72ad51cb84/alarms",
"auditsUrl": "https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/3fdb754b-4f6e-592e-9c1e-8b72ad51cb84/audits",
"item": {
"id": "3fdb754b-4f6e-592e-9c1e-8b72ad51cb84",
"name": "Set Point",
"description": null,
"bacnetObjectType": "objectTypeEnumSet.bacAvClass",
"objectCategory": "objectCategoryEnumSet.hvacCategory",
"outOfService": false,
"reliability": "reliabilityEnumSet.reliable",
"currentCommandPriority": null,
"alarmState": "objectStatusEnumSet.osNormal",
"overrideExpirationTime": {
"date": null,
"time": null
"presentValueWritable": "objectModeEnumSet.presentValueWritableWithPriority",
"itemReference": "welchoas:welchoas/Set Point",
"version": {
"major": 1,
"minor": 0
"prioritySupported": true,
"minPresValue": -50.0,
"maxPresValue": 150.0,
"units": "unitEnumSet.degF",
"displayPrecision": "displayPrecisionEnumSet.displayPrecisionPt1",
"covIncrement": 0.01,
"connectedToInternalApplication": "noYesEnumSet.fanNo",
"presentValue": 0.0,
"status": "objectStatusEnumSet.osNormal",
"attrChangeCount": 50.0,
"defaultAttribute": "attributeEnumSet.presentValue"
"effectivePermissions": {
"canDelete": true,
"canModify": true
"views": [
"title": "Focus",
"views": [
"title": "Basic",
"views": [
"title": "Object",
"properties": [
"id": "viewGroupEnumSet.objectGrp"
"title": "Status",
"properties": [
"id": "viewGroupEnumSet.statusGrp"
"id": "groupTypeEnumSet.basicGrpType"
"title": "Advanced",
"views": [
"title": "Engineering Values",
"properties": [
"id": "viewGroupEnumSet.engValuesGrp"
"title": "Display",
"properties": ["units", "displayPrecision", "covIncrement"],
"id": "viewGroupEnumSet.displayGrp"
"title": "Internal Logic Interface",
"properties": ["connectedToInternalApplication"],
"id": "viewGroupEnumSet.internalLogicIfGrp"
"id": "groupTypeEnumSet.advancedGrpType"
"title": "Key",
"views": [
"title": "None",
"properties": [
"id": "viewGroupEnumSet.noGrp"
"id": "groupTypeEnumSet.keyGrpType"
"id": "viewNameEnumSet.focusView"
"condition": {}
Rather than rely on the Show-
methods, we can use the
switch at the time we invoke the method and all of the
response headers will be shown when the request finishes.
PS > imm /objects -Method Post -Body (Get-Content -Path new-av.json -Raw) -IncludeResponseHeaders
200 (OK)
Location: https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/3fdb754b-4f6e-592e-9c1e-8b72ad51cb84
Expires: -1
Cache-Control: private
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2022 20:03:56 GMT
Pragma: no-cache,no-cache
Content-Length: 0
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Set-Cookie: Secure; HttpOnly
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Let's delete the previous object
# There is no response body to this payload, use -IncludeResponseHeaders to see the results
PS > imm -Method Delete https://welchoas/api/v4/objects/3fdb754b-4f6e-592e-9c1e-8b72ad51cb84 -IncludeResponseHeaders
204 (NoContent)
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Date: Mon, 05 Jul 2021 23:26:28 GMT
Pragma: no-cache,no-cache
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000
Expires: -1
Cache-Control: no-store, must-revalidate, no-cache, max-age=0, s-maxage=0, pre-check=0, post-check=0
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Set-Cookie: Secure; HttpOnly
The Metasys Rest Client supports a limited amount of configuration. To configure
the app create a .metasysrestclient
file in your home directory.
The configuration allows you to specify the default values to use when invoking
for a specific host.
The following properties are supported:
- An array of entries that describe a host you want to connect to. Each entry must contain analias
and ahostname
. Optionally, you can specify other properties for a host as well. You can have multiple entries for the samehostname
as long as they have different aliases.
A host entry has the following properties:
- The resolvable hostname or ip address of a host.alias
- An alias to assign to that host. This alias can then be used as theAlias
parameter in an invocation ofConnect-MetasysAccount
- The user account to use to log intohostname
. If specified, this will be used as theUserName
parameter in an invocation ofConnect-MetasysAccount
- The version of the API to use for this host.skip-certificate-check
- Set this to any value to specify that you want certificate checking skipped. Typically you would usetrue
but any value (includingfalse
) means the same thing. You must delete this key to restore certificate checking. (The same warnings apply as to those given for-SkipCertificateCheck
Assume you had the following content in $HOME/.metasysrestclient
Then the following two commands are equivalent as they both would attempt to
connect to myhost.domain
cma myhost
cma -MetasysHost myhost.domain
Note The
parameter is positional so you don't need to explicitly state it. (Recall thatcma
is the alias forConnect-MetasysAccount
Likewise the following two commands are equivalent. Both attempt to login to
with a UserName
of john_smith
, using version 4
skipping any certificate checks.
cma -MetasysHost myhost.domain -UserName john_smith -Version 4 -SkipCertificateCheck
cma myhost2
If you supply a value for -UserName
it will override any username
value in
. Likewise, if you supply a value for -Version
it will override
any version
value in .metasysrestclient
For example
cma myhost2 -Version 3 -UserName bob
Will use a version 3
and user bob
instead of the values in
This command will fail to execute if the server you are executing against
doesn't have a valid certificate. A parameter is provided,
, which causes all validation checks to be skipped. This
includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority,
Using this parameter is not secure and is not recommended. This switch is intended to be used against known hosts using a self-signed certificate for testing purposes. Use at your own risk.
The tests are alongside the modules in /src/MetasysRestClient
. To run the
tests change into that directory and invoke pester:
PS > cd src/MetasysRestClient
PS > Invoke-Pester
Or simply use the script runtests.ps1
in the root
PS > ./runtests.ps1