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Document your react-native project's UI components, with browser preview.

This repository is a react-native optimized, predefined set of rules for Storybook allowing you to easliy create per-project UI documentation for your react-native components.

Example cover screenshot Example react-native-elements web & native rendering of same CheckBox component stories.


  • A set of tools for creating per-project-basis component libraries.
    • Example-based auto-generated documentation.
  • Extensible
    • Building on top of Storybook should allow to easily adjust the default rules to your project, avoiding lock-in.
  • Minimal setup time.
    • No need to set up webpack, loaders, or go into any of that fuss. Just install react-native-hybrid-storybook and run one command to start creating your documentation.
    • Popular Storybook plugins pre-installed.
  • Web-only documentation preview (as static page) out of the box.


You can run this in 2 basic modes:

  • native

  • web

    • a "production" build, where you can develop your application with support of well crafted documentation
    • special webpack bundler replaces react-native imports with react-native-web ones
    • used mainly for production - you can develop your application with support of (hopefully) well crafted documentation
    • does not block your application
    • separated build system, should not break anything (except some native-code dependent components, see react-native-web compatibility table)


Quick start

Minimal recipe to start documenting your react-native UI & components in the web.


  1. Install package:
yarn add react-native-hybrid-storybook
  1. Add this entry to package.json:
    "scripts": {
        "storybook-web": "node ./node_modules/@storybook/react/dist/server/index.js -c ./node_modules/react-native-hybrid-storybook/src/web/storybook",
  1. Create a documentation for your component as ExampleComponent.story.js somewhere in your project:
import React from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native-hybrid-storybook';
import ExampleComponent from './ExampleComponent';

storiesOf('ExampleComponent', module)
    .add('First example', () => (
        <ExampleComponent title="Test component" />


Run documentation (in web mode):

yarn run storybook-web -p 9001 # Now open http://localhost:9001 in the browser


Integration examples:

Stack Web rendering only ("minimal") Web & native rendering ("full")
Expo / CRNA Integration, Example Integration, Example
"Pure" react-native Integration, Example Integration, Example

Custom fonts / icons

In order to use your custom font or icon in the web mode, you need to bundle the file manually. For example, if using Font Awesome icons from react-native-vector-icons in your storybook.js file you need to add:

import { loadFont } from 'react-native-hybrid-storybook';
import fontAwesome from 'react-native-vector-icons/Fonts/FontAwesome.ttf';

loadFont(fontAwesome, 'FontAwesome');

The loadFont function takes font file as first argument, and font name as a second.

Configuration options

In your package.json there is a possibility to specify few options:

Option Allowed values Default Meaning
magic.autoResolveStories true, false true In web mode it can automatically resolve *.story.js files for you, without maintaing list in storybook.js
magic.overwritePlatform false, "ios", "android", "web" false Set custom Platform.OS value. Default is "web", that might be unrecognized by 3rd party libs.
excludedPaths array (below) Excluded paths from bundling with custom babel loader (for web mode).
includedFontPaths array (below) Paths with assets to be included in the bundle, in order to load them (for web mode). For custom fonts and react-naive-vector-icons compatibility.
addonOptions object (below) See addon-options documentation for reference.
getStorybookUI object (below) See storybook/react-native plugin documentation for reference. No effect in web mode.


    "magic": {
        "overwritePlatform": false,
        "autoResolveStories": true,
    "excludedPaths": [
    "includedFontPaths": [
    "addonOptions": {
        "addonPanelInRight": true,
    "getStorybookUI": {
        "port": 7007,
        "onDeviceUI": true,

Options under magic are likely to be changed in future releases.


This comes with predefined set of plugins, that're working in both web & native modes:

Some plugins & integrations are web only (will not render / be ignored on the device):


Many examples can be found in the examples repo.


This lib mainly uses Storybook's commands with some custom config assigned. Cheat sheet of those can be found here.


Run your components stories in the browser at localhost:9001:

node ./node_modules/@storybook/react/dist/server/index.js -p 9001 -c ./node_modules/react-native-hybrid-storybook/src/web/storybook

Build static version of the web documentation to output folder:

build-storybook -c ./node_modules/react-native-hybrid-storybook/src/web/storybook -o output


Run bundler for use on the device:

node ./node_modules/@storybook/react-native/dist/bin/storybook-start.js -p 7007 -c ./node_modules/react-native-hybrid-storybook/src/native/storybook


The current version is using latest react-native-web (of version ^0.9.0). It's compatible (with exsiting working examples) with Expo SDK 30 (using react-native of version 0.55.4) and "pure" react-native apps of latest 0.57.3.

Known issues

React version does not match React native prefered version for Expo installations

Expo (as of Expo 30.0.1) still uses React Native 0.55.4 version, that uses React 16.3.1 - which has very rough support from react-native-web. So I decided to go with latest React version (16.5.2), and just wait for Expo to upgrade theirs.