is an online tuition centre application for iwavez. It will allow users to be able to
- Add accounts - parent/student
- View performance of students
- Be notified on changes
Install all required gems:
bundle install
Update the database configuration file 'database.yml'.
Create database:
rake db:create
Run all migrations:
rake db:migrate
Seed the database:
rake db:seed
Update the cron jobs:
whenever --update-crontab
Run application server:
rails s
iwavez uses a PostgreSQL database to build the application. Ensure you have it running on your machine (please refer to: http://www.gotealeaf.com/blog/how-to-install-postgresql-on-a-mac)
There is one background process (cron job) running in the application:
- Reminding admins to nullify rewards every 2 weeks
- Tania Jacob (https://github.com/jacobtani)