python_gis 🗺️ Collection of short geospatial scripts and more.... COVID Vaccinated vs Deaths Bivariate Map (EU-27) Climate No-Atmosphere Climate Model One-Layer Atmosphere Model One-Layer Atmosphere Model - CO2, H2O Zero dimensional EBM - Albedo Radiative-Convective Model Shoebox Model Energy Balance Climate Model Energy Balance Climate with Seasons Daily updated - Global CO2 Trend Data translation Translate data from a KML file (vi to en) GDAL Basic DEM processing Smooth contours Holoviz Bezier Curves Datashader - OSM data LP TSP Matplolib Add a watermark to a figure Mobility TomTom Traffic index GTFS-RT Networks Basic network analysis - OSMnx Basic network analysis - python-igraph Numba Slope, Aspect, Hillshade Random walk 2D Smooth raster Numpy Check if a series of points are inside a circle - Vectorized Create a fishnet of rectangular cells OSM Query Overpassturbo Plotnine Small multiple maps Python Check if a series of points are inside a circle Scikit-image Least cost path - WIP Shapely Basics geometric operations Nearest point on line/polygon Generate points along line Divide line in equal parts Rtree spatial indexing